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Griffon before Skyscale?

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Griffon basically is the speedier flying mount - but less convenient. (Can't really maintain the height.) More like the beetle on land - harder to control/learn if you want to master it. And from what I have heard the skyscale can be unlocked without having the griffon. (Only a bit more convenience in certain parts.)

Personally I got the griffon first cause I had a lot of gold and no problems in making money - and I wanted to do stuff in order of release. I'd say decide it for yourself - based on how much gold you are willing to spend. Eventually in the long term you probably want both - even if it is only for the masteries (and to max everything). But if you are tight on money that you could use for other stuff as well ... keep in mind that the griffon costs 250 (if I remember corretly) gold. 5 items or so ... for 50 gold each.

The quests needed for griffon though ... are a lot faster than the skyscale stuff (in my opinion). I think a lot of soloable stuff and a few group events where you easily can call for help in map (and people regularly still doing them - at least 1-2 years ago when I did it.)

Skyscale also is needed for certain content starting with season 4 (the legendary associated with it) + making stuff a lot easier that got released later. (While still not being mandatory for most stuff. But for some meta events the zerg is just too fast and you might have trouble keeping up with the others without skyscale.)

You could also try working at both at the same time - using the money related stuff (I think the skycale has some payments as well but not that much) for the skyscale first - then later ending up with skyscale completed + griffon only the money farming left. (Unless you already have lots of money and/or love farming or have stuff to sell in the storage that you are willing to sell.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I doubt griffon makes it much easier to get Skyscale, considering most of Skyscale is waiting on charged crystal quartz (unless you buy them from TP).

For the mounts, Skyscale can do more than Griffon and is much easier to use. Griffon on the other hand is a lot faster (if you can drop from big heights) and way more fun to use. There are also Griffon timed adventures that are a lot of fun.

My suggestion is to get Skyscale first, and later on Griffon. You will be using Skyscale a lot more either way.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Nowadays i would do Skyscale first, then Griffon:

* i find the Skyscale more useful

* some things that you need to collect for Griffon are much easier with a Skyscale

* getting a Skycale can be soloed (as far as i can remember).

* to get Griffon you must do some group content, which is a bit harder nowadays (harder to find a group)

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I got Skyscale before Griffon. I only remember collection after collection after collection, then got tired of all the jumping puzzles and bought treats to skip them. There is only 1 group content required for Skyscale, iirc. Other group content had a way to skip it.


Griffon takes far less time, far more money, and requires more group content. Skyscale definitely helped with getting the Griffon.

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4 hours ago, Xelqypla.6817 said:

I got Skyscale before Griffon. I only remember collection after collection after collection, then got tired of all the jumping puzzles and bought treats to skip them.



I have to do lots of jumping puzzles to get the Skyscale? I only want the Skyscale because I hate jumping puzzles so much.

This might actually be enough for me to quit GW2 and go find another game.

But you say there's a way to skip the jumping puzzles?

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3 hours ago, Bronze Centipede.5230 said:


I have to do lots of jumping puzzles to get the Skyscale? I only want the Skyscale because I hate jumping puzzles so much.

This might actually be enough for me to quit GW2 and go find another game.

But you say there's a way to skip the jumping puzzles?

All but one jumping puzzle can be cheesed, but you would need the griffen to do one of them. Essentially you can fly your griffen or bunny leap  with the discount into the jumping puzzle. 

I think you can skip all the jumping puzzles with a special food(can be bought with gold). 

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   I got the Griffon, is easy and fast to get, and only requires 300 gold coins as a entry barrier.

   Then started to make the Skyscales quest...  last summer. Halted it in december...  is just too boring to do and I find out that is a worse mount which I also don't need at nay content in the game. I don'ta have a clue about if I'll finish the task in the future.

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3 hours ago, Bronze Centipede.5230 said:

This might actually be enough for me to quit GW2 and go find another game.


I would honestly suggest you consider doing that. Yes you can cheese most of the JP requirements in this instance, but recycling JPs in various ways as part of various collections is a constant thing in GW2, and if that rather fundamental aspect of the game's progression is something you dislike that much, it does kind of seem to me like an, only a matter of time, sort of thing before you quit anyway.


Not hoping you do quit, as I love this game and hate seeing people turn away from it, but it sounds like there are quite fundamental and mainline aspects to repeated gameplay loops that you really hate, so this genuinely may not be the game for you.

Edited by RegnieRiku.4102
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I got griphon first. And Im not sorry I did it.

Running around maps is much, much easier with "wings". Its faster and easier to get Griphon then Skyscale. Griphon is 1-2 days if you have 250 gold. Skyscale is weeks(even month because of grind burnout).

Gold? 250 for Griphon. No workaround. Skyscale: if you hate JPs its not much cheaper then Griphon.

JPs? There is some jumping around in both cases. Griphon has none, Skyscales JPs can be skiped with gold and/or Mesmer.

It'd say get Griphon. Today is friday, so on Sunday you can get youself you first wings. It also makes getting Skyscale easier. Lots and lots of "traveling" to get Skyscale.

On the long run you want both.

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