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[EU] Returning Commander LF Guild


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Hi i am a Greek/US player and i returned to the game sometime before EoD launched, i am a veteran player (9 year old account) and i am looking for a guild. 
Size is not important for me as long as ppl are active and social,i ve been a commander for 5 years leading in various content
Discord is not needed unless ur guild is actively doing Raids and Strikes, i am fine with or without it.
My usual playtime varies depending on my workload (work from home) but i am active 3+hours on average a day (timezone UTC+3)


What i require


A Guild that has High lvl Guild hall (Tavern/Workshop) and is willing to give role with Use Placeables,Resonance,Assembly access to a returning Commander. 
                    (That is actually important for me since i always make sure to provide for my squads)


What i can offer
I can provide Scribe Services so i will be replacing all banners i use and making sure there are enough in Guild Storage for the rest of the Guild. 
I have experience in  PvE/WvW content, and i primarly lead Open W Metas,Infusiontrains,DS,RIBAs,DE etc etc (Proof of Succefull DE metas can be posted if required) 
I am willing to help new or old players with their content and encouraging organisation of Guild Events to promote guild morale and growth.
If there is anything else required and i can help with, i am willing to contribute.


Thanks in advance for your replies.

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