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GW2 Newbie, LFGuild - PVE Mostly but I hear PvP is fun here too


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Been playing MMO's since before WoW.. Shadowbane was my first and spoiled me for RvR and PvP.


Looking for a guild that is willing to put up with a newbie constantly asking questions in comms... like... so how do i get a mount?  and should I be scraping everything I can for mats... oh ya what's the best profession for my lvl 25 warrior and 42 necro?  You get the idea...


I'm currently on darkhaven soooo... does that mean I have to reroll characters to move to your server?  See.... the questions don't stop because I'm a 7 day old newb.


Oh ya... my characters names are roughtickler and Amburterd... for some reason I feel that may be an issue with some... So... if that offends you... it's just a name in a game... but you should be ok with that type of humor 😛

Edited by BadBird.2609
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