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[EU] [PvX] Chaos Control [CC] | Semi-Hardcore | Former TT Guild | Starting from Scratch


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Hey there,
this used to be a guild around the Triple Trouble Worldboss (non-blocked runs/hellwurms), I have been burned out from organizing it and the guild has been on ice since then. Some members are still playing but not in the guild space, so it is essentially gotten dead.  We were organizing it on both EU and NA and I have full respect for the ones that helped me on that journey. So consider this starting from zero again and looking for players of shared interest. 

I still want to maintain the same spirit in which I organized TT and apply it throughout the entire game:
 Core Ideas

  1.  Challenge - Either create hard content through some custom rules or play existing ones that are hard
  2. Learning -  Have a focus and enjoy learning while going through a lot of failure
  3. Working together -  Having everyone be engaged and help each other, that means no such things as being a 'carry' or 'lead' by imperative/commands
  4. Accessibility - With the above in mind, try to be as accessible as possible, being open to let everyone play whatever and not gating people on experience 

 - keep the content hard and rebalance it to be hard if needed
 - focus on playing the mechanics of the encounter rather then just general game mechanics which tend to solve anything (so not much thought about optimal boon roles or builds)
WvW (I'm on Miller's Sound unfortunately)
 - focus on Scouting, Roaming and defending Objectives even when outnumbered
 - not really raiding or having leads, but rather being scattered and working as clouds when together
 - focus on just learning rather then winning/rewards
 - no leads, everyone can chime in to what can be done

Don't be reward driven and play for the experience
Since we will be very inefficiently clearing content, it would be very frustrating for you if you'd mainly be worried about the rewards from completion or achievements.

The old Discord (I'm still thinking about whether to make a new one or restructuring the current one):

When it comes to guild activity or repping I'm very loose, there is no activity requirement and I encourage to take breaks to stay healthy.
I often times have issues on communicating what the goal is, so I'd assume this not being as clear either. I'll to give some examples on challenges to make it clear:
 Dungeons: Lowman (not playing with maximum amount of players on purpose), No Healers
 Fractals: Lowman, No Healers
 Raids: Minimal Healing, Forced to play Boss Mechanics, Shared responsibilites
 Openworld - Serpents Ire: Lowman
 '' - TT: Nonblocked Lowman
 HoT Heropoint Minibosses: Lowman, No or minimal healing

 PoF Bounties: Lowman, No or minimal healing
 ... (can be extended to any content)

Patterns are that if there is too much damage even in a random PuG group, it would become a lowman challenge, if mechanics can be skipped via healing then that would be restricted and if mechanics can be funneled into single/few players then this will be forced via shared responsibilities to everyone instead. This doesn't have to mean to be very strict on those challenge rules, but essentially going towards it if the experience ends up becoming dull or too easy.

Feel free to contact me however you want, my ingame is Gaudeon.5849 and you can also join the discord and DM me. And feel free to ask anything or tell me anything you dislike aswell, I'm very openminded :D

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  • 1 month later...

I have moved away from designing challenges as lowman to encourage playing with more people and rather attempting to adjust other factors such as gear. Hear are examples of challenges/activities I have crafted as an entry to each type of the main instanced contents & PvP:

Common PvE Challenge Rules:
- Naked Run: No armor & no trinkets
- Basic Weapons: Weapons need to be 'Basic' rarity
- Basic Gear: Weapons & Armor need to be 'Basic rarity
- No Trinkets
- No Heal: Dedicated Healers/Barrier providers for the team are not allowed

[PvP] 1v1s | King of the Hill Lobby
 - if there are more then 2 players, the loser rotates to be on 'bank'
 - after 5 wins the winner rotates
 - if there are 4 players we can even have a side 1v1 with the ones on 'bank' at the same time

[Dungeons] Ascalonian Catacombs - Story Mode
- Naked Run
- Basic Weapons
- No Heal

[Fractals] Tier 1 Volcanic
- Basic Gear
- No Trinkets
- No Heal
- No Fractal Potions (put reusable potions in bank, since they auto activate on mistlocks)

[DRMs] Dragon Response Mission: Metrica Province with all 3 ingame Challenges active
- Basic Gear
- No Trinkets
- No Heal

[Strikes] Shiverpeaks Pass
- Basic Weapon
- No Trinkets
- No Heal

[Raids] Spirit Vale - Vale Guardian (VG)
{+ added Failurestates, everyone /ggs (dies) if...}
- Distributed Magic (greens) resolve
- VG leaves the inner small circle

These are example challenges, what is challenging is subjective, if the content is already hard/engaging/fit by itself for you then there is no reason to adjust the content with additional challenge rules.

We are still a small guild and getting runs of these challenges going (finding people to do it) has been a struggle itself, but I'll keep on searching in hopes to find likeminded people who stand behind the same goals.

If you have any feedback, criticism or other thing to say, I'm always open to hear you, if you are interested into either the guild or the challenges then contact me in whichever way you want. Discord is preferred though:. Join the guild discord (link is above)

Edited by Gaudeon.5849
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  • 3 weeks later...

We are still quite small and attraction on custom made challenges is pretty slim. The search is still ongoing though.
When it comes to activities, from what I see am I the only one so far to do something.

Based on that the next populated places of activities which I aim for is where its mostly likely to wipe & where the lowest chance of carry potential is, which are specific Raid encounter & T4 Fractals (no heal/no frac potions). (I don't own EoD, but Strike CMs would likely be next else)
Even though T4s are populated its still very hard to find groups that happen to be without Healers by chance (and won't get them) and ones that don't use Fractal Potions (its a big difference), which prevents wipes by a very high %. There is also a small portion of the Fractal community I've encountered that are just going to solo T4s and join us as a 'show off', which amplifies the lack of interaction between each other. Which all together makes the whole search for T4s pretty impossible with the setting I want to play at.

So the next thing I do which is leftover is organized chaotic Raids, that means that they aim to be with the least amount of preparation possible, getting as much new players or beginners in willing to play in such a setting - the issue I can't prevent which is the reason I disliked raids is the carry potential of encounter mechanics.. Thats why I try to find & go for encounters that essentially have the most complexity as 'dps roles', since that proves that mechanics in that encounter can't be soaked into others. I'd never play in emboldend mode since that lower the % to wipes. In my opinion its still pretty sub-optimal to find people with our mindset, since anyone that joins to these runs will likely hop into an experienced run next and there is not much growth since if the same people join, it will turn easier and easier by getting organized itself. (too easy rather quick)

So if those kind of Raids appeal to you, feel free to check us out, the guild discord link is still above or you can send me an ingame mail. Maybe we'll get people interested into the custom challenge runs of dungeons, fractals or DRMs, I'd always prefer doing them, since I like the older encounter design, the balance is just off which is the reason for those rules.

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