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[RA] Rélentless Assault - Open field WvW/GvG guild (ET) is recruiting !!


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[RA] Rélentless Assault is an open field WvW/GvG guild based on Eredon Terrace. We are a smaller fight guild looking to expand our roster and help us take bigger fights !! Whether you're new to WvW or are a veteran looking for a more organized group, [RA] might be the guild for you !! 


As of now, we have around ~10  dedicated members each raid. We're aiming to expand that to 20-30 to keep things close-knit while still taking on larger-scale fights.

We are recruiting all classes and skill levels; our leadership team is willing to teach all players and run training sessions to help us more effectively play together as a team.



- Willingness to learn and improve

- Rep [RA] during raids

- Join our discord (no mic OK)


Raid Schedule (all times in EST)

-Sun/Tues/Thurs; 7:30pm-9:00pm

-Sat; 7:30pm - 10:00pm


We also run some PvE events on Mondays and Tuesdays @ 7:30pm


If interested, please message me on Discord at howl#7907 or in-game to howl.7590. Thank you !!!

Edited by Howl.7590
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