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[Feedback] Extremely Frustrating Events

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Hello all,


I am usually quite an active player in the MMORPG genre, but I have to say here that it is incredibly frustrating when you start completing events on your own. Like freeing a camp, killing champions content should be solo-able, especially when there aren't that many active players on the map or the event. For the past few hours, in the zone Harathi Hinterlands, I've seen next to a minimum, very minimum (2-3 players maximum) joining an event, and that is only if they pass nearby. The possibilities are pretty much active during the rest of the time, but there are no players to play with to complete them. 


I highly recommend making those events solo-able, especially when there aren't enough players on the map or near you. I recommend having Elite Guards that accompany Champions NOT to RESPAWN once you kill them. Especially if you are soloing a boss. I was so close to killing a champion when suddenly his guards spawned and completely wiped me out, and I was handling the Champion exceptionally well. THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING, especially for a player wearing high-end Exotic gear and is 80 level. I do get the idea behind lowering the level so you can gain exp and rewards, but honestly, it shouldn't be THAT HARD to complete such content. Imagine playing with the boss around for 10-20 minutes and getting him near death and then suddenly two elite guards spawn and kill you almost instantly. Yeah, not COOL AT ALL. QoL is terrible, and it shouldn't be like that.


It is highly frustrating, and I repeat myself for N-time, and when I say incredibly disappointing, I mean getting angry to such a point that you wish to smash your laptop or your computer and throw it out. And here I thought games were supposed to be relaxing and entertaining. I am not getting that vibe with GW2 when challenging events. Especially when they nullify my HP for no time and give me no chance to fight back, even if you manage to dodge, you still get stomped, which is a terrible QoL experience. I highly hope you will fix that as soon as possible, and when I say as quickly as possible, I Do not mean a few years or a few months; I mean REALLY SOON, like within the next month or two. 


You can't expect players who use booster to level their character to 80 and have exotic gear and not that many Mastery points to handle that content when it should be possible. I get it if it is in a new zone or area, like Heart of Magnus or other expansion locations, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with the same being applied on the base game maps. I am incredibly disappointed by GW2 and its Events. Here I bought two expansions to explore your game when in reality, it has such a terrible QoL for solo players like myself that prefer doing most of the low-level content on their own without help from other players. 


I want to add here that all the other MMORPGs that I've played, and they aren't small, take this under consideration. This one, however, doesn't, and that kills the enjoyment because not all players enjoy playing in groups, especially during low-level content when they are rushing or trying to complete it as soon as possible so they can gather as many resources and move to the end-game content and the new maps. And let me not start on the new maps and how terrible the experience is with booster character because I went through that a year or two ago when you released HoM expansion. You DO NOT CONSIDER the boosted players as players and if it is someone who just joined the game and used his booster token to get to 80, has his entire gameplay wholly ruined because you didn't consider that they WILL NOT BE AS POWERFUL AS THE OTHER PLAYERS who play the game since the beginning or levelled up their characters the natural way.


I hope you start thinking about those players who boost themselves instead of pushing them in the back on a shell or something. You have a fantastic game. Too bad that it is poorly optimised for newly boosted 80 level players. You should think of a system that can follow the player's strength either through how much of his Masteries are unlocked or if they used a boost or not, and then make the content they are facing appropriate for their strength. 

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Game is working as intended.  Player doesn't get that some events are indeed group events.  No clue what mmo's they've been playing, but most have group events that require....groups.  Go figure.  

Edited by Farohna.6247
Thanks autocorrect for moms instead of mmos
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1 hour ago, standardFoe.2983 said:

At this point events in core Tyria only get filled when the map is part of the daily achievements, so check that and go to those zones.

...And then enjoy as max level people zoom in and murder everything on their mounts, so you'll be lucky if you get to participate. Then you'll be sad you can't solo all group events. Forget melee, just get a max range ranged weapons your class can have (1200 most likely) and hope your snail crawl walk is fast enough.


6 hours ago, The Ghost.3087 said:

And here I thought games were supposed to be relaxing and entertaining.

Also, this hasn't been true in years with the ever more egregious obsession with one upping the latest "difficult" game.

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My only pet peeve with group events is basically HoT's HPs. Because their masteries take too long to farm up that I had to make multiple characters for different reasons, it would be nice to be able to just get through the HPs whenever I want to max out a specialization for any of them, without having to shoot the proverbial flare gun that is the map chat for help every time.


I am happy the community is nice to help, but let's be real, making almost everything a group event discourages map exploration at all. I was able to manage better in PoF alone in more than half the existing content that wasn't bounties.

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3 minutes ago, JayHog.3280 said:

My only pet peeve with group events is basically HoT's HPs. Because their masteries take too long to farm up that I had to make multiple characters for different reasons, it would be nice to be able to just get through the HPs whenever I want to max out a specialization for any of them, without having to shoot the proverbial flare gun that is the map chat for help every time.


I am happy the community is nice to help, but let's be real, making almost everything a group event discourages map exploration at all. I was able to manage better in PoF alone in more than half the existing content that wasn't bounties.

You can play WvW and exchange Testimonies for HoT Hero Points. 

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8 hours ago, The Ghost.3087 said:

Hello all,


I am usually quite an active player in the MMORPG genre, but I have to say here that it is incredibly frustrating when you start completing events on your own. Like freeing a camp, killing champions content should be solo-able, especially when there aren't that many active players on the map or the event. For the past few hours, in the zone Harathi Hinterlands, I've seen next to a minimum, very minimum (2-3 players maximum) joining an event, and that is only if they pass nearby. The possibilities are pretty much active during the rest of the time, but there are no players to play with to complete them. 


I highly recommend making those events solo-able, especially when there aren't enough players on the map or near you. I recommend having Elite Guards that accompany Champions NOT to RESPAWN once you kill them. Especially if you are soloing a boss. I was so close to killing a champion when suddenly his guards spawned and completely wiped me out, and I was handling the Champion exceptionally well. THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING, especially for a player wearing high-end Exotic gear and is 80 level. I do get the idea behind lowering the level so you can gain exp and rewards, but honestly, it shouldn't be THAT HARD to complete such content. Imagine playing with the boss around for 10-20 minutes and getting him near death and then suddenly two elite guards spawn and kill you almost instantly. Yeah, not COOL AT ALL. QoL is terrible, and it shouldn't be like that.


It is highly frustrating, and I repeat myself for N-time, and when I say incredibly disappointing, I mean getting angry to such a point that you wish to smash your laptop or your computer and throw it out. And here I thought games were supposed to be relaxing and entertaining. I am not getting that vibe with GW2 when challenging events. Especially when they nullify my HP for no time and give me no chance to fight back, even if you manage to dodge, you still get stomped, which is a terrible QoL experience. I highly hope you will fix that as soon as possible, and when I say as quickly as possible, I Do not mean a few years or a few months; I mean REALLY SOON, like within the next month or two. 


You can't expect players who use booster to level their character to 80 and have exotic gear and not that many Mastery points to handle that content when it should be possible. I get it if it is in a new zone or area, like Heart of Magnus or other expansion locations, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with the same being applied on the base game maps. I am incredibly disappointed by GW2 and its Events. Here I bought two expansions to explore your game when in reality, it has such a terrible QoL for solo players like myself that prefer doing most of the low-level content on their own without help from other players. 


I want to add here that all the other MMORPGs that I've played, and they aren't small, take this under consideration. This one, however, doesn't, and that kills the enjoyment because not all players enjoy playing in groups, especially during low-level content when they are rushing or trying to complete it as soon as possible so they can gather as many resources and move to the end-game content and the new maps. And let me not start on the new maps and how terrible the experience is with booster character because I went through that a year or two ago when you released HoM expansion. You DO NOT CONSIDER the boosted players as players and if it is someone who just joined the game and used his booster token to get to 80, has his entire gameplay wholly ruined because you didn't consider that they WILL NOT BE AS POWERFUL AS THE OTHER PLAYERS who play the game since the beginning or levelled up their characters the natural way.


I hope you start thinking about those players who boost themselves instead of pushing them in the back on a shell or something. You have a fantastic game. Too bad that it is poorly optimised for newly boosted 80 level players. You should think of a system that can follow the player's strength either through how much of his Masteries are unlocked or if they used a boost or not, and then make the content they are facing appropriate for their strength. 


Soloing group event champions, like the one you described, is a great way to skill check yourself.  These champions, on the core maps, can be solo'd if you have mastered the profession you're using.  Not being able to means you haven't quite reached that point.  Also, keep in mind that these group event champions are designed to require more than one player to take out.  Even then, it is possible.  

A key factor to solo these guys is to adjust your build for the specific champion before initiating the fight.  You have to tailor your skills for the specific fight and not use your general open-world build.  As far as time-to-kill, that is another check.  If you take too long to kill the enemy champion and are running into trouble with spawning adds, you either have to adjust to kill faster or adjust to kill the adds as they spawn while avoiding the champion's attacks.  

Core map champions are typically much easier to solo than expansion map champions, with a few notable exceptions.  Understand that by opting to solo these group event champions, you are enging in difficult content which requires mastery over your chosen profession.  


If you can't solo the champions and still want to kill them now, or complete a group event you can't do solo, then tag up.  Put up an LFG describing what you want to do.  There's a lot of helpful players that will jump in to help you out.  I do this a lot when I try to solo something, fail repeatedly, then want to see a zerg of players murder everything.  Tagging is equivalent to summoning a murderous horde of players to wipe out everything.


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39 minutes ago, JayHog.3280 said:

My only pet peeve with group events is basically HoT's HPs. Because their masteries take too long to farm up that I had to make multiple characters for different reasons, it would be nice to be able to just get through the HPs whenever I want to max out a specialization for any of them, without having to shoot the proverbial flare gun that is the map chat for help every time.


I am happy the community is nice to help, but let's be real, making almost everything a group event discourages map exploration at all. I was able to manage better in PoF alone in more than half the existing content that wasn't bounties.

That is  already possible if you goal is elite spec unlock. That means 250 Hero Points. which is 25 HoT or later Hero Challenges.

Verdant Brink
 * 6-9 HPs
 * Nightthistle Blossom is only a veteran but some people might have trouble with the groping terragriff version or the troll. You can also screw yourself over very badly by trying to be too clever. If you place a trap on the mob spawn point before starting the challenge it will cause multiple veterans to spawn instead of one.
 * Wyvern Nesting Ground is a commune but there are multiple juvenile wyverns around

* Security Console the golem is a champion but its attacks are slow and highly telegraphed, anti-projectile can be useful, easy to kite, should get rid of the smaller golems supporting it


Auric Basin
 * 3-6 HPs
 * inlcudes two fights but Mordrem Flower and Exalted Sage are both very easy

 * Ancient Golem Part is maybe a skip, veteran enemies but the incoming damage can be pretty high but that is from the perspective of a character in full berserker, can also be mitigated with anti-projectile skills


Tangled Depths
 * 5-7 HPs
 * Guano-Incubated Spider Eggs involves a champion but its a spider without any surprises so it is all slow predicatable attacks. There are only a handful of surprising champion spiders in the game.
 * Troll Runestone is a bit iffy but it was doable on a full beserker tempest so I expect anything less squishy to be able to do it as well. The biggest surprise from this one is the amount of damage you can take from its bleed stacks so make sure you have a way to remove those and it has uses CCs pretty often(there are also other trolls in the area) so you need to bring stun breaks and/or stability


Dragon's Stand
 * 3
 * you can actually get all 7 but that requires map breaking or doing the meta but meta is obviously not soloable


That is 17-25 total.
Doing a DS run adds 4 more bringing that up to 21-29. 21-29 out of 25 being soloable is nowhere near "almost everything a group event"



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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Most of the HoT hero points can be done comfortably with two people.

Two other people I was with to kill the mushroom Queen under Rata Novus says otherwise. We failed twice, only beat it once we got our fourth guy.

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10 hours ago, The Ghost.3087 said:

Hello all,


I am usually quite an active player in the MMORPG genre, but I have to say here that it is incredibly frustrating when you start completing events on your own. Like freeing a camp, killing champions content should be solo-able, especially when there aren't that many active players on the map or the event. For the past few hours, in the zone Harathi Hinterlands, I've seen next to a minimum, very minimum (2-3 players maximum) joining an event, and that is only if they pass nearby. The possibilities are pretty much active during the rest of the time, but there are no players to play with to complete them. 


I highly recommend making those events solo-able, especially when there aren't enough players on the map or near you. I recommend having Elite Guards that accompany Champions NOT to RESPAWN once you kill them. Especially if you are soloing a boss. I was so close to killing a champion when suddenly his guards spawned and completely wiped me out, and I was handling the Champion exceptionally well. THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING, especially for a player wearing high-end Exotic gear and is 80 level. I do get the idea behind lowering the level so you can gain exp and rewards, but honestly, it shouldn't be THAT HARD to complete such content. Imagine playing with the boss around for 10-20 minutes and getting him near death and then suddenly two elite guards spawn and kill you almost instantly. Yeah, not COOL AT ALL. QoL is terrible, and it shouldn't be like that.


It is highly frustrating, and I repeat myself for N-time, and when I say incredibly disappointing, I mean getting angry to such a point that you wish to smash your laptop or your computer and throw it out. And here I thought games were supposed to be relaxing and entertaining. I am not getting that vibe with GW2 when challenging events. Especially when they nullify my HP for no time and give me no chance to fight back, even if you manage to dodge, you still get stomped, which is a terrible QoL experience. I highly hope you will fix that as soon as possible, and when I say as quickly as possible, I Do not mean a few years or a few months; I mean REALLY SOON, like within the next month or two. 


You can't expect players who use booster to level their character to 80 and have exotic gear and not that many Mastery points to handle that content when it should be possible. I get it if it is in a new zone or area, like Heart of Magnus or other expansion locations, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with the same being applied on the base game maps. I am incredibly disappointed by GW2 and its Events. Here I bought two expansions to explore your game when in reality, it has such a terrible QoL for solo players like myself that prefer doing most of the low-level content on their own without help from other players. 


I want to add here that all the other MMORPGs that I've played, and they aren't small, take this under consideration. This one, however, doesn't, and that kills the enjoyment because not all players enjoy playing in groups, especially during low-level content when they are rushing or trying to complete it as soon as possible so they can gather as many resources and move to the end-game content and the new maps. And let me not start on the new maps and how terrible the experience is with booster character because I went through that a year or two ago when you released HoM expansion. You DO NOT CONSIDER the boosted players as players and if it is someone who just joined the game and used his booster token to get to 80, has his entire gameplay wholly ruined because you didn't consider that they WILL NOT BE AS POWERFUL AS THE OTHER PLAYERS who play the game since the beginning or levelled up their characters the natural way.


I hope you start thinking about those players who boost themselves instead of pushing them in the back on a shell or something. You have a fantastic game. Too bad that it is poorly optimised for newly boosted 80 level players. You should think of a system that can follow the player's strength either through how much of his Masteries are unlocked or if they used a boost or not, and then make the content they are facing appropriate for their strength. 

If the content is designed and balanced around players who are new to the game playing boosted level 80's that they dont really know what they are doing with, then the content ceases to have any value as soon as you develop even a hint of understanding of character and game.

Did you try asking for help in map chat? You dont have to group up or organize. All participants in a fight get credit even if not in a party.

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11 minutes ago, JayHog.3280 said:

Two other people I was with to kill the mushroom Queen under Rata Novus says otherwise. We failed twice, only beat it once we got our fourth guy.

He did say "most" and in fact these Champs can all be done solo.  They changed over to veterans in PoF, so there are options to get elite specs unlocked if you're struggling.

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5 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

He did say "most" and in fact these Champs can all be done solo.  They changed over to veterans in PoF, so there are options to get elite specs unlocked if you're struggling.

Yeah, I know I could just go to PoF to make it easier, but I mostly do it in HoT because unlike PoF, getting masteries done in HoT takes FOREVER to get it done, I can't complete the map because I need this next mastery I'm doing, and to get a staff for my druid, I need two levels in Exhalted, then I have Nuhoch and then there's this other thing which I have no idea how to unlock since I have to go somewhere that doesn't look easy to find.


At least PoF masteries aren't a pain, if anything, I've had three instances where I was out of points, so I had to stop everything to hunt down some.


I'm essentially just doing myself a favor by getting more exp in the jungle to speed the process up.

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34 minutes ago, JayHog.3280 said:

Two other people I was with to kill the mushroom Queen under Rata Novus says otherwise. We failed twice, only beat it once we got our fourth guy.

Most not all. He also didnt say, "any two people." Some of them are difficult and might need builds designed for that kind of play if two people are going after group content.

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48 minutes ago, JayHog.3280 said:

Two other people I was with to kill the mushroom Queen under Rata Novus says otherwise. We failed twice, only beat it once we got our fourth guy.

Well, I did say, "most".

After failing to solo some, I was hesitant to try them duo, but my son was eager. So we set out and found we could do enough of them to get an espec unlocked. We are by no means great players, but we're not stand-in-the-fire wearing-greens-and-blues players either. So YMMV.

I would personally avoid mushrooms due to ridiculous CC, and the avatar of Balthazar due to a lot of hard to avoid AoE. The vampire also stands out to me as tough, and more comfortable with three players.

There are guides out there on the "easiest HoT HPs" that will give you a pretty good run down on which ones are the most accessible.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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1 minute ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Well, I did say, "most".

After failing to solo some, I was hesitant to try them duo, but my son was eager. So we set out and found we could do enough of them to get an espec unlocked. We are by no means great players, but we're not stand-in-the-fire wearing-greens-and-blues players either. So YMMV.

I would personally avoid mushrooms due to ridiculous CC, and the avatar of Balthazar.

There are guides out there on the "easiest HoT HPs" that will give you a pretty good run down on which ones are the most accessible.

Your son? Man, you're more dedicated than normal players.


And Balthazar isn't too hard, just... If he raises his sword, GTFO the floor.

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I like how the open world described as OP wants it basically is gw1, all instanced

Basically you paid to loose boosting, and arent prepared.
The chill, brainless part of the game is leveling but it'll also teach you a few basics over time to survive in all sorts of scenarios.

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1 hour ago, JayHog.3280 said:

Two other people I was with to kill the mushroom Queen under Rata Novus says otherwise. We failed twice, only beat it once we got our fourth guy.

There are 15 HoT hero challenges that can be skipped and still get enough points to max an elite spec. Why are you insisting on doing one of the most annoying one? One that can also require a long event chain to access.

If you want to move the goal post from elite spec unlock to map completion then that would be a better point.

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Event scaling is a thing in GW2, so the question is, "Solo-able for whom?"  I have seen players solo champions both in person (a friend playing) and on You Tube.  I'd guess that the op means "solo-able for him/her."  Without context (i.e., builds and skill), though, it is not possible for either us or ANet to know just how much champions would have to be nerfed.


It is also difficult to evaluate whether such a change would be good for the game.  I can assure you that "solo-able for anyone" would have at least some negative repercussions for the game.  It could end up pleasing far fewer people than it displeases.

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I dunno, when I want to spec a new toon I get 90 percent of the way in HoT with no combat. The remaining 40 points can be gotten with just a bit of help; I often just leave the toon at the HP and login there a few times, easy to find folks doing it.


Learning the maps, how to get to the points, etc is harder in HoT. Combat is less necessary once you figure that out.

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3 hours ago, JayHog.3280 said:

So the alternative of using the proverbial flare gun is to play WvW...


Given the options, I think I'll save myself the headache with the flare gun.

That you can do.  

Of course, when EOD came out, I had the elite specs opened for 15 toons within an hour of starting the game up.  


Including the new character slot I got with the expac.  


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12 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

That you can do.  

Of course, when EOD came out, I had the elite specs opened for 15 toons within an hour of starting the game up.  


Including the new character slot I got with the expac.  


Yet to play EoD, I'm streaming expansions slowly. Once I finish with Icebrood, have to be ready for EoD next.

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