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If I Could Change Just ONE Thing About Warrior...


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If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
[To change a single thing about Warrior]
[For the next balance patch]

Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?


I would rework Hundred Blades.

In a perfect world, this would be a rip-off of Guardian's Whirling Wrath (without the projectiles; just the melee component).  Can even steal the same animation (but any spinny animation would do).   The damage between the 2 skills is fairly similar, but WW executes in 3/4s compared to 3.5s, is mobile, and attacks 5 targets with 360 degrees of coverage.  Basically, Whirling Wrath is a functional skill.  It's what 100 blades should be. 


So why this change over any of the countless others that would benefit Warrior?  Hear me out.


1.) Fixing 100 blades makes GS a complete weapon.

Currently, GS has spike damage (arcing slice), mobility, defense/evade frame, and even a clunky ranged attack.  What it does NOT have is a good sustained damage application.  The current 100 blades is too situational and takes too long to execute to be useful is the vast majority of situations.  The result of this is that you quickly have to swap to your other weapon set because you can't really continue to melee with GS once you've used Whirlwind and Arcing Slice...it's just autos from there.   Making 100 blades a Whirling Wrath copy (or something near it) gives the GS a way of providing sustained damage output through high volume attacks.


2.) A more complete GS allows for more weapon diversity. 

Specifically, I think Warrior's ranged options (as flawed as they might be) will become more useable because you can rely on GS now for all of your melee needs.  You don't need Axe (or dagger)  + shield for your back-up melee kit as much.  And a Warrior with a good ranged option is a Warrior that isn't as easily kited, and that would be a very good thing.


3.) readily available high volume attacks helps Warrior overcome its struggles against blind and aegis by being able to spam attacks to eat through those effects without losing too much DPS.


4.) for all of the reasons above, a better GS would push various Core, SpB, Berserker, and even Bladesworn builds closer to viability.  I think BS in particular would benefit as it could really use the evade frame and mobility of the GS but currently can't afford to take it because GS has no damage without Arcing Slice.  



And if I could have a runner-up change request....

Please, for the love of God, change Rush to copy the animation of any of the movement skills in the game that actually work.  Ranger's Swoop or Guardian's Leap of Faith come to mind.  Keep the same range and damage, just change the animation so it doesn't bug out so much.  Making it a leap finisher would be nice, too.


OK, your turn! 

What ONE change would you make to Warrior, and why?




MoM's sPaGheTti

@Cal Cohen.2358

@Josh Davis.7865

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Curiously I more or less expect people to talk about Fast Hand in this thread...

In order to be original, I'd make the trait dual wielding also increase critical hit chance by 10-20% as the current trait lose all effectiveness whenever you're under the effect of quickness. A GM trait shouldn't be totally shut down when you have a boon on you. Thus, for me, this trait need an extra effect and critical hit chance fit the thematic of the traitline.

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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Just one?!

You Monster!

*wrecks brain*

My vote would be for Heightened Focus to make quickness more effect on warrior and let it have the original cast time reduction from release if you take the trait. I would say also increase quickness duration from but you said one change, so I'll stay in spirit of the thread but for what I have in my head it would be this:

Heightened Focus: Quickness on you has increased effectiveness and quickness you apply to yourself has increased duration. Increases attack and action speeds by 100%. +20%/10% quickness duration (PvE/Comp split)

Aside: The current quickness is only a 33% reduction in cast time, so this change would make it a 50% reduction in cast time.

What that would do is make it far easier to land 100B, Final Thrust, Whirling Axe, all of hammer..., Flurry, Kill Shot, really just all of the warrior kit would finally flow the way it is supposed to.

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I would rename class to ballerina.  


On a more serious note, toughness quoficients would provide better sustain(to alow some dive trough all the aoe) and proly would fix thr 300CD skills.

Warriors are ment to do damage and support with damage builds even if they provide utility.. not  screamo(shouts) monks on minstrell doing  300 damage with 100B.........................

Anet should save the healing capabilities of warriors towards a staff elite spec... and focus on warriors being warriors wich is what is lacking atm.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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7 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

And if I could have a runner-up change request....

Please, for the love of God, change Rush to copy the animation of any of the movement skills in the game that actually work.  Ranger's Swoop or Guardian's Leap of Faith come to mind.  Keep the same range and damage, just change the animation so it doesn't bug out so much.  Making it a leap finisher would be nice, too.

Please pretty please fix the buggy game. Just ugh, that something like this has to be written honestly.

As for changing only 1 thing, I wouldn't bother. Just 1 change won't do anything for war and who knows, the studio might mess up even that 1 change.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Long time lurker and first time poster here.

I hop between alts all the time and have not experienced the mid to end game in any shape or form. So unfortunately I'm not qualified to comment in any way technical or meta.

I do have a soft spot for warrior though. So from an early core (1-30) perspective what stands out to me is lack of fields. We get light fields through banners. Light fields are for cleanse. That's it. Unimaginative. Boring. Its the same for our elite banner. I want to be a one Charr wrecking crew and that does not particularly do much for the class fantasy.  We have so many weapons with field interactions with little means to generate them - unless you play longbow for that infrequent F1, no dice.  I feel there is something fundamentally missing. For a class that, in my opinion, should be a walking armoury, there needs to be far more engaging skill interactions (catering for both Condi & Power) allowing to fight in ways with more fluidity than other classes perhaps. If the only thing you can rely on is your martial training/discipline then you need to be extremely proficient in your trade of war. 

Mace animations aren't particularly stimulating either

I want a Torch main hand/shield combo.  


That's what, 3 things? Still. The fields stand out to me at least. Sorry, that turned out more ranty than intended 😞 

Edited by Vedras.5602
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35 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I'd just remove the particle effects on Soldier's Focus and Rage Signet.

Balance-wise, one change is about 99 changes short of making Warrior semi-decent, so repairing cosmetic problems is a better use for your one change.

I don't know, having super quickness might fix a lot of problems...

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2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I don't know, having super quickness might fix a lot of problems...

But that'd still use Heightened Focus, which is mutually exclusive with Axe Mastery. This means, I'd never use it.

Removing those despicable particle effects would give me access to both Signet of Rage and the Tactics trait line, which currently disgust me too much visually to use them.

Being forced into permanent passive particle effects should not be a thing for Warrior. There's already enough (or rather too much) of it on the other professions.

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17 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

But that'd still use Heightened Focus, which is mutually exclusive with Axe Mastery. This means, I'd never use it.

Maybe, not exactly sure how the DPS would change between those two. It could be moved elsewhere. I think super quickness could be the thing to shore up the profession's shortcomings. 

17 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Removing those despicable particle effects would give me access to both Signet of Rage and the Tactics trait line, which currently disgust me too much visually to use them.

Being forced into permanent passive particle effects should not be a thing for Warrior. There's already enough (or rather too much) of it on the other professions.

Should be an option to turn off such things in the UI.

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The 1 thing I would do for next balance iteration is to buff Spellbreaker's dagger skills in a way that it would make Spellbreaker great dps option for PvE endgame (both main hand and off-hand dagger would be BiS for this build). No point to be more specific as this is purely wishful thinking.


If it could be only 1 thing as in 1 skill or so, I would add ability to exit Berserk Mode at will after like 3 or 5 seconds of its activation.

Edited by cryorion.9532
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11 hours ago, RaveOnYou.2819 said:

bring damage back to cc skills, half of the warrior weapons will be meaningful to use at least.

Before the CC change, I'd also wish for [Hundred Blades] to be changed, but I would change it to a moving attack like scrapper 3, cancelable though. It'd be ridiculous having to move that much without the ability to cancel lol.

But the CC change made warrior so less fun and as @RaveOnYou said, made some warrior weapons unmeaningful. [Earthshaker] was also one of the bursts close to my heart but look how they massacred my boy smh.

Reverse the CC change on warrior. Under oath, that would be my one pick.

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I'd give all warriors another 50 endurance so we could dodge 3 times instead of two.  We have to get in close to do most of our damage so that makes us a bright shiny target in competitive with lamers hovering in/out of ranged skill reach.


Given we do not have ample protective boons and stealth, I'd say it is not OP.

Edited by RiyazGuerra.9203
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Eliminate the weapon-swapping cool-down entirely. This goes even further than merely Fast Hands becoming baseline. Nah, I want the whole kitchen. This alone would open up warriors to more possibilities and to have more control over their engagements instead of fighting and fiddling with cool-downs. Also, this would solidify them as the true "weapons master" profession (as it's meant to be and promoted, I assume). It's like...come on....engineer can easily swap kits but not warrior, the supposed "weapons master"?  lmao! GTFO.

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