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[EU] LF casual guild, all pve content.


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I'm looking for a EU casual type english speaking guild (not hardcore, chill, no requirements, no stress) to enjoy the game with, I've decided to play again after 2 years and I'm enjoying myself going through the story and map completion but I can only enjoy so much on my own, so looking for a guild/s to chat with, hang out with and do content with (wouldn't mind trying fractals and raids but I have never done that stuff in gw2 before and barely have done 2 dungeons since usually play this alone, I have raided in other games but most notable would be FFXIV where I did raid tiers and ultimate raids, led statics in all content). I use discord the most as I find it easier to chat with that since people wont be in-game all the time, so having that would be ideal.

I'm honestly not sure what to put here. I currently play a human revenant with the vindicator spec (the reason i came back to play) and in the process of going through the story slowly (on LS1 EP 2 as I write this and will aim to get through as much of LS2 today as possible) and my past experience is not really notable, tried the game before but I rushed through before and ruined my enjoyment as a weaver and it made me feel stressed with way too many buttons to press and remember, which I've learnt to take my time and play something more my brain capacity.

My endgame goals as of right now are:
- Getting my skyscale.
- Getting all mounts.
- Crafting my eternity from scratch (I like doing everything I can with my own hands, makes me feel more accomplished).
- 100% map completion.


I don't have a lot of knowledge or experience with the game. I barely remember playing a small amount of guild wars, I played the beta of guild wars 2 and played on & off the years and now trying to find a guild/friends to chill with and enjoy the game with, opening up to more content than I can do solo.

Can message me here or in-game at Stealth.9417 (wish I could change that old username).


Edited by Stealth.9417
Forgot to include EU in title
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  • Stealth.9417 changed the title to [EU] LF casual guild, all pve content.

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