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[EU] Looking for a guild to help me learn Raids and maybe some WvW


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Hi all,

I'm a returning player but still fairly new to the game. I have run raids with a static group before but it's been a while and I feel like I should start again from the beginning. I'm EU time zone and usually play in the evenings and on weekends. I'm also trying to get into WvW more as I haven't really touched it before a few weeks ago so it would be good to find a guild that does some WvW too (currently on Ruins of Surmia and have friends here so don't really want to change). Contact me in game if you want to!

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You are more than welcomed in ION guild.

We are small guild that runs raid trainings/raid killruns/fractal CM trainings and begginer runs/


We're not WvW focused but we have some people including me that are playing on WvW, so that should not be a problem ^^


https://discord.gg/RZsTbWMx join our discord, enter #welcome-channel and write your ingame nick.

We will invite you as soon as possible 🙂

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