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Chokehold [DAD] - OCX WvW guild looking for 2-3 more players (Borlis Pass)


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Hi All,


DAD is a small, semi-competitive OCX WvW guild looking for a few more players to round out a consistent 10 man roster.

We've come and gone over the years as life has reared its head up and we're now back with a vengeance.

We raid 3 nights a week Saturday, Tuesday & Thursday @ 8:00pm AEST.


Looking for players who;

- Have an attitude to improve (we will help on builds, tactics, & training).

- Run guild builds on required classes (Guardian, Revenant, Engineer, Necromancer).

- Can make minimum of 2/3 nights per week (real life is priority).

- Want a biff.


If this sounds like something you're interested in please drop a reply to this post or send me a DM in game - Floz.8904.

See ya in the mists.


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