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Are you playing a FOTM/META class when you go on long loss streaks?

Are you playing a FOTM/META class when you go on long loss streaks?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you playing a FOTM/META class when you go on long loss streaks?

    • Yes, I'm playing the strongest, most OP stuff I can.
    • No. I'm playing what makes me happy.
    • Somtimes, 50/50. I swap back and forth.

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The results of this poll seem very suspect. At plat+ almost everyone is playing the meta. Maybe it's just that because guard and necro have always been the favorite children by anet, the players who end up in platinum happen to main those classes. Though, judging by how many people swap classes from warriors and engis to a meta spec right before match start I would hazard a guess not.

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20 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Yeah i finally gave in... i had a long stretched out duell session against a harbinger... he was clearly worse... stood in every Aoe... ate every CC and he had 100% did not find the dodgekey yet..... BUT I LOST EVERYFIGHT. He made 15 mistakes... i did 0 and still died.

I then out of frustration bought EoD and created my first necro....  im baffled how ezpz-mode this game can be. I was so naive... i thought alot of people were simply better than me.... turns out i have just been playing Ele... and they were playing Necro...

seriously i was 100% convinced Harbinger was to strong... but playing it.. OH BOY! its so much stronger than i ever imagined it to be.

I went for my Champion Phantom achievement a few days ago. I knew up until then that Harbinger was strong, but it didn't sink in just how strong until i played it. 

There was just one problem. Necro is so ungodly boring! I won almost all of my games, but I didn't have fun doing it. I was just pressing W at people and mashing the 1 key. Vomiting out more damage with autoattacks than I do with a full combo on core rifle engineer. 

Its like Anet looked at lich form, asked themselves...

"Yknow, this is nice but what if we made an entire elite spec out of it!" 

"Oh... but we don't want them to be hard countered by reflects like lich form sooo... we'll conveniently add a 'bug' where you can't reflect their attacks!"

"Brilliant! Give this guy a raise!"

Edited by Kuma.1503
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