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Game losses where the team gets 60% of the opposition teams score should get 1 bonus pip and 80% should get 2 bonus pips

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At the moment, losing while getting 80% of the opposition's score will give you a bonus pip. The problem is that some players will AFK if they start losing. Adding a bonus pip for 60% and upping the bonus pips for a 80% loss to 2 pips would help to keep people competing. If you are 80-120 points behind, you can still compete to get 2 pips and if you are 180-220 points behind, there is still a chance for the extra pip so it's worth trying.

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Not sure if it's a good idea but giving more pips for efforts = probably less afking.


I wouldn't assume it's the best of solutions yet tho, encouraging people to keep playing is always good but I'm willing to bet that there's gonna be exploiting somewhere.

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51 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

Not sure if it's a good idea but giving more pips for efforts = probably less afking.


I wouldn't assume it's the best of solutions yet tho, encouraging people to keep playing is always good but I'm willing to bet that there's gonna be exploiting somewhere.


I am not really seeing a place that it could be exploited. It's still far more valuable to get a win (10 vs 5 for loss) and I would argue that the AFK people are far worse of a problem than one or two exploiters. Penalizing people for AFK'ing would help but that really needs everyone on the team to report or it could be abused. It also requires manpower to investigate or handle appeals. Adding pips is fully automated. I don't really see any other way of encouraging people to keep playing without using rewards and pips (aka shards) seems to be the reason most people play PVP from a reward standpoint.


I have had this debate with people on reddit and the ones that AFK insist that it's better for them to just AFK because they lose quicker and can then join another match quicker.

Edited by Graymatter.4723
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   Won't change anything.


  IF rewards are the main reason for a random guy to play:

1)  Losing 1-500 is better than losing 499-500 because a feast defeat puts you on the track of a match with larger chances of victory.

2)  A crushing defeat lowers more your rank, which increases the chances of being matched against a  weakest team. See point 1.


"What if we remove entirely the rewards from the loser team?" Also won't work: a permanently afker will lose rank constantly until will be matched vs enemy teams with two afkers, which will lead eventually to unexpected victories.


   As happens in economy, when two currencies of different valor share a territory the strongest one is stacked and saved and the weakest one ends being the predominant one in use.

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The shortest game loss is about 7 minutes. That's a whitewash and excludes the warm up time waiting to start and the queue time. Add those and your minimum game time is about 10 minutes. more competitive games take between 12 and 14 minutes. Add in the start and queue times and you are looking at about 15-17 minutes. For the sake of round numbers, I will use the 15 minute time and assume that someone gets 1.5 pips for the close games. So, you can get 4 competitive games in 1 hour and 6 whitewashes in 1 hour. The afk will net the person 3 x 6 = 18 pips per hour. The 4 competitive games will also net the person 18 pips per hour but now you put bonus points for top stats and comeback wins on the table too which just don't exist for the afk option.

The problem is that it's more worthwhile for a person to afk for pips than play when the loss is only going to get you 4 pips at best. Using the same formulas from above but with only the 80% bonus pip. The person afk'ing will get 18 pips per hour but competing will only net them 14 pips per hour.

Obviously whitewash games won't take exactly 7 minutes but you get the point. It's either that or more severe punishment but more severe punishment involves more effort from the gm's.

Edited by Graymatter.4723
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This would be a good first step to take. 

We could go a step further and add an honor system. Instead of the screen where you dance on the graves, they could add a screen where you can honor one teammate of your choice. Each honor gives an amount of currency.

You can spend the currency at vendors to get exclusive skins, toys, gizmos, ect. 

Have a hard limit for the amount of times you can honor the same person each season to prevent abuse. Also have honors for duos count for signifiantly less.

This won't prevent people from making alts and match manipulating to farm honor, but Anet shouldn't be allowing Match manipulation in the first place. 

A step further beyond that is to actually punish repeat offenders and add a system that detects people autorunning in base. 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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If players would rather afk (not play the game) than lose (play the game), then the game isn't fun to play when losing.

Why not?

  • 5v5 format means losses compound and lead to unwinnable outnumbered fights
  • Point capture format encourages rotating and only engaging with advantage (build or #s) rather than taking an even fight
  • Class balance & class design issues mean some matchups are not enjoyable or not winnable even in a fair fight
  • Cycle of AFKs means if one person gives up, these problems get worse and more people are likely to afk
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1 hour ago, coro.3176 said:

Class balance & class design issues mean some matchups are not enjoyable or not winnable even in a fair fight

Cycle of AFKs means if one person gives up, these problems get worse and more people are likely to afk


Its these. 

If you fix [^] those, then dealing with [v] these can be fun.


  • 5v5 format means losses compound and lead to unwinnable outnumbered fights
  • Point capture format encourages rotating and only engaging with advantage (build or #s) rather than taking an even fight


Imagine if pug raiding was the -ONLY- way you could raid in this game for rewards, and /gg didn't exist.  And every time you queued up you had a 50% chance of getting at least one person that would give up the moment they downed, causing the other people to either have to carry them or waste their time.

That's what PvP is. Expecting that system to stand on its own and not implode is silly. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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