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What's the best Open World class?


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Your Condi Rev (Herald or Renegade) will still work fine, of course. As will Mirage, &c. (Main things that got a really painful sustain nerf are Scrapper's Impact Savant and Thief's Invigorating Precision, which both greatly diminish their ability to play self-sustaining power builds.)


Of the new specs, I think Mechanist is the top dog in self-sustain. It can make great use of Celestial or Ritualist stats, and it can coast along just fine on your Viper raid gear if you want to. You can put together some extremely durable, extremely forgiving builds. S-tier stuff.

Bladesworn Immortal Dragon is also worth mentioning. For PvE, it adds an interesting "bursty sustain" option to the warrior playstyle, where your big charge-up attack is also a really fat heal.

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   Willbender is extremely strong in terms of damage, but not as stellar in terms of sustain. Harbinger is really solid at single targets, but lacks in AoE and other Necro builds are tankier.

   Mirage is very strong as long as you time well yor "spam" of evades. Condi Soulbeast didn't got a nerf, so is as valid as before. Condi Renegade is as strong in damage as always, but way less tanky (tormenting runes, battle scars and kalla nerfs). Condi Herald (celestial) does less damage than TB Herald but has more sustain.

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This is actually a multifacetted question. 'Best' at what ?

Daredevil is strong at speed mob farming, Firebrand is great at metas, staff mirage is great at soloing legendaries, Celestial condi renegade is pretty much invulnerable while traited correctly, mechanist is an all around great choice. Honestly most classes have very good specs and while you could make a tier list of the specs for all those activities I don't think it's as clear as PoF times where renegade and scourge were just kings, the reign of the tormenting rune being over, there are lots of options.

Maybe the real question is who is bad at open world, and for now I'd say that warriors are the only ones where I see too much of a significant sacrifice to gain the survivability that other specs get baked in.

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There are a lot of good picks for solid damage with extremely high sustain.  Mechanist, scourge, renegade, firebrand, willbender, weaver, catalyst, specter, mirage.  Really any class has at least one elite spec that can fit the description.  For highest damage output in a sustain build it's hard to say.  Firebrand, Willbender, or Weaver probably have the highest potential.  They can all solo HoT champs in as little as 30 seconds.


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It depends how you define “strong.” If you are looking for quickly dropping mobs, nearly all power builds would work, especially ones with minimal to not setup and front loaded damage. Of condi builds Renegade, Harbinger, mirage and guardian all have builds that can quickly kill mobs. If you are looking for soloing things that should not be soloed, the pool is far more limited. Ranged dps with strong survivability works best. Ranger, necro, mesmer and rev are probably the best candidates. 

Personally, I find full dps builds work best. I have little interest in spending 10-15 minutes trying to solo a champion that is not meant to be soloed. It is a waste of time. 

Edited by otto.5684
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The good old Scourge is still one of the tankiest class, even after nerfs to Tormenting Runes and barrier.

Celestial Weaver — of course it takes some practice to learn this class, but you can fully heal yourself without using a healing skill. Just combos and passive healing.

Celestial Mechanist — imagine not taking damage at all. It's possible... and you can support your allies, so even with meme build, you're still useful during group events.


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20 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

I have little interest in spending 10-15 minutes trying to solo a champion that is not meant to be soloed.

5-7  in most cases.

And never > 10 becase of 10min limit )

Edited by taara.3217
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On 6/14/2022 at 1:07 AM, otto.5684 said:

Personally, I find full dps builds work best. I have little interest in spending 10-15 minutes trying to solo a champion that is not meant to be soloed. It is a waste of time. 

   Is way worse spending an hour in a Strike Mission or a Raid just to end unable to finish it or even worse, beating it just to get a single gold coin. Not a rant vs you but about how things work overall in the game:

   Let's be honest: since I barely do Fractals my main source of gold (direct or liquid, in terms of profitability x time spent) is farming ore and other stuff in OW, followed by playing in PvP and and then milking events, HPs and bosses in PvE. Of those, farming materials is better but becomes boring fast, whereas PvP or soloing PvE events/bounties/HPs performs worse in monetary gains BUT is more fun.

   I don't count instanced PvE due aside from the stelar earnings provided from fractals (which I don't enjoy) the rest of the rewards are awful. At the time I used to farm 4-6 dungeons a day to craft my first legenadry weapon, but the nerfs to rewards were so rude that entirely killed that game mode for me.

   In terms of gameplay is matter of tastes, for sure, but in terms of earnings I really don't understand how ANet spents so much time developing instanced content just to release then with so little rewards that grants that 98% of the population will remain uninterested in them.

   So far is working well for me (2 full legendary armor sets + 3 legendary trinkets + 8 legendary weapons, all from PvP, WvW and OW PvE). GW2 is a MMO designed to solo, from toes to head, with every system in place to deterrent players from having fun or being rewarded by playing in groups.

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