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[NA Casual] 2 ppl looking for NA based guild


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Hello! My girlfriend and I are looking for a guild to join, I've been playing off and on since GW1 and she's brand new to MMO's 🙂 looking for a large group of decent people to play with, interested in doing PvE, PvP, or WvW! If you need any other information or anything just reply here or message me! her username is yuno.5908

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Sometimes we're a large group, sometimes work/family/adulting gets in the way but we're definitely friendly so here's our blurb for your perusal....

NA] Shrieking Quokkas  has been around for about 9 months and thankfully we don't have any long term cliques and so far no overinflated egos.
We don't have any big joining requirements, no forms to fill out or interviews to sit, just jump into Discord and have a chat, see what you think of us and let us know you want an invite.  Any of our members can send guild invites so you don't have to wait for the obligatory 'officer' to be online. Guild activity is similar, it's best to get to know people first but once you are known it's not hard to have others jump on something you want to run.

There's a decent mix of interests in game we're running Fractals and weekly dungeon runs with a Strike team currently building.  Anything you want to do just give a shout and people are likely to jump onboard for the fun of it, we're very easy going and more than happy to tag along on what you're doing in order to procrastinate on what we should be (coughskyscalecough).

Timezones are split between SEA and US times, most of the Discord voice activity seems to be US evening/Aussie Daytime though  SEA evenings are expanding which is good given the founders are in Oz (Need more Aussies!!).
 It's not mandatory but we'd like to see voice chat get busier because it's a great space to toss ideas about.
We don't insist on repping either, it's your choice, though it's nice when people do, then we can drop in and say hi to the yellow dots on the map.

We'll help you if you ask and like to brainstorm ideas but we don't mind if you take or leave our advice, you'll likely get 3 different opinions anyway and it's always interesting to see what works for each person. Besides, everyone plays the game their own way, 
we even have a few insane people who like to PvP 

As for why Quokkas...... well drop into the Discord and we'll tell you.



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Hi @Ransom.1362 & Yuno!  Remnants of Hope might be what you are looking for. We are a large gaming community, with lots of new and returning players, as well as opportunities to play every game mode.  We have PvE events for fractals, dungeons, map completion, and hero point trains, as well as three WvW raids and two PvP events per week.  We even have a fair number of former GW1 player for you to reminisce with about the good old days!

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Not sure if you got squared away mate, but if your looking for an active WvW focused guild, here is out advert 🙂

Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂  I know we are on SF, but its very very cheap to transfer right now and its actually free if you havent transferred before...but just wanted to share!!


NA [CBo] Crimson Blackout is an easy-going WvW focused guild that loves to fight and is very active. Some of our members also do PvE, PvP, fractals and are always willing to help in these areas. We are based on Sorrow's Furnace server, but open to adding players from other servers with alliances on the way. We have regular class trainings and even 1 on 1 class trainings with our experts if needed. We are a very open, inclusive and respectful guild, where all are welcome.

We officially raid Monday, Wednesday, Friday (9pm cst) and Saturday at 6h00 (pst), 7h00 (mst), 8h00 (cst) or 9h00 (est) but roam and chill the other nights. You are under no obligation to run every night, but ideally, we would like you to run at least 2 nights a week with us. Lately on our roaming nights, we help new guild members get their Warclaw mount, as well as fun nights like all playing Necros or we just did a everyone plays Ranger night, just goofy stuff to have a laugh with.

Please join us on TeamSpeak @ ts40.gameservers.com:9115 This is mandatory. You don't have to talk, just listen for call outs 🙂

We please ask that you rep CBo on official raid nights also.

You are welcome to join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/6e3zHBKZhk we use Discord as a website.

Please feel free to reach out to me in-game at Rantaine.4759 or on Discord at Dguvner#3035

P.S Transfers to SF currently only cost 500 gems, so very cheap and of course well worth it 🙂

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