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[EU] Lf PvE Guild (late night)


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Hello all,


I'm looking for a guild of people who also play at night (around 22h ish...UTC time) mainly focused around PvE.


About me, i'm an almost 40 year old portuguese guy who loves gaming in general, spent the majority of my game time in WoW, i won't lie, but in the meantime i have also tried GW2, which impressed me quite a lot but then somehow i got bored. I have only played the core version of the game maybe a year into it since launch, had a lvl80 necromancer etc but i don't think i ever gave it a true gaming chance or maybe it was lack of knowledge and people to play with. Always wanted to have crafted some legendary weapon and all that jazz and although having a lvl80 character i chose to start all over again on a fresh character to have that full experience, only lvl 23 i think at the moment on the Ring of Fire server. Haven't bought EoD yet, only have the older expansions for now.


Anyway as i said, my intent is to find a group who shares the same play times and who can enlighten a curious gamer to unfold what GW2 has to offer.


Cheers everyone,



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