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[NA][PvE][Social] Obsessive Completionists [OCD] is looking for raiders and fractal enjoyers of all levels!


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Welcome to Obsessive Completionists, a guild on the North American [NA] megaserver of Guild Wars 2, and a part of the larger Hardstuck community. We are a group of like-minded players who enjoy helping each other grow in skill and knowledge. Our guild does a variety of community and open world events, but our primary focus is on challenging endgame content such as Dragon’s End (ran daily with a 100% success rate!), strikes, raids, and fractals. Currently, we are most active in the hours following reset.

Our guild is launching The Cycle is Reborn initiative- a collective effort from experienced players to grow the raids and fractals scene by connecting new players who are motivated to learn with experienced players who are willing to help clear. Instead of training, progression, or clear runs, every run is expected to clear. This initiative seeks to create a streamlined process for players to grow together in skill and knowledge of the game by standardizing the resources trainees are directed to and specifying requirements for trainees and experienced players.

The foundation of this initiative relies on defining and verifying players' skill and experience to ensures certain qualifications and expectations are met by both experienced players and trainees. Experienced players will have the assurance of knowing that other experienced "mentor" ranks are equally qualified in terms of knowledge, skill, and willingness to help others, and that trainees will have met the minimum requirements of posessing the proper build, gear, and attitude.

New players will be able to learn while getting clears without needing kill proof or DPS logs. Experienced players will meet other skilled players to learn from and clear content with, all without having to commit to a specifc time or day or group of people as is the case with statics. If this sounds like something that would interest you, check out our Discord for more details and an invite!

Edited by Wonderly.1324
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I play support class for the most part and I am looking for a nice guild that is active and does PVE, strikes and raiding. I have not done many strikes and raids but looking to get into it. I am looking for low-key and a fun group of people to do activities with.   Please reach out to me. 

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