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[EU] [PveXWvW] Returning player looking for a friendly Guild


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I have played since launch of GW2 but took a big break due to IRL circumstances and returned about a year ago and have been playing semi casually since, I'm looking to find myself a semi casual and friendly guild that I can call home 🙂

I'm looking to find a guild which is PvE & WvW (Once alliances are released) focused as these are the main bits of content that I play.

Currently in WvW I mainly play scourge or drahonhunter but I am gearing up a firebrand and have started learning herald as I want to be able to switch profession to help the group in any way necessary. Scapper is also on the list of professions to learn as well. (I'm currently on FoW should any WvW guilds need this information). 


I also want to dive into the endgame PvE content as I have barely touched raids & strike misssions (apart from the strike mission to get the turtle egg).


You can contact me ingame or on discord if you have any questions.

Nashacus.4607 / Ingame

Zeno#1374        / Discord

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