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When I'm out of combat, please let me be OUT of combat

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You are probably hitting one of those white ambient creatures like rabbits, mosquitos etc with a non damaging skill. I get that a lot when I play my necro and use grasp to pull mobs around me, kill them and stay in combat forever until I go far away because one of the grasp did hit a rabbit and I didnt notice lol

Edited by RedTheCrazy.1028
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4 minutes ago, RedTheCrazy.1028 said:

You are probably hitting one of those white ambient creatures like rabbits, mosquitos etc with a non damaging skill. I get that a lot when I play my necro and use grasp to pull mobs around me, kill them and stay in combat forever until I go far away because one of the grasp did hit a rabbit and I didnt notice lol

Sometimes random environment objects like lamp post, boxes, etc. are also targets for attacks for some reason. I don't mean the obvious ones that you can attack and destroy either.

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There are many reasons that can keep you in combat such as:

-Hitting or getting hit by a mob. If you run away, you have to wait until it stops chasing you and de-aggroes. If someone else starts fighting it after you run away but before it de-aggroes, then you are considered in combat because you will receive xp when it dies.

-If you are in a party and then you will go into combat when you attack something, but will stay in combat until everyone in the group leaves combat.

The main reasons for this is to stop players from exploiting mobs\bosses in pve or players in pvp by kiting things in circles out of combat for the healing while others attack.


Edited by kokocabana.8153
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If you have dots that are still on you, they have to drop first, that may be what's getting you.

I share your frustration though, mainly because of mounts. Can't even switch mounts in the list while in combat, much less mount up, and PvE maps are chock full of annoying mobs around every other corner.

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It does happens on the rare occasions as OP stated.

The fight is over, you are no longer using any skills (tell-tale sign - skill recharge), there's nothing remotely close to you that'll hit you or that you can target, no lingering conditions applied, no boons, absolutely nothing....but you're stuck in combat state. You are unable to mount or do certain functions such as change build or equipment templates for a long period of time (game message will state you can't do them while in combat).

When that happens, you'll have to either relog or run far enough from the combat zone for the out-of-combat state to reset.

Would be nice if there's a timer icon to indicate how many seconds until you're OOC, or show the timer has stopped the countdown so you can relog to reset.

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24 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

It does happens on the rare occasions as OP stated.

The fight is over, you are no longer using any skills (tell-tale sign - skill recharge), there's nothing remotely close to you that'll hit you or that you can target, no lingering conditions applied, no boons, absolutely nothing....but you're stuck in combat state. You are unable to mount or do certain functions such as change build or equipment templates for a long period of time (game message will state you can't do them while in combat).

When that happens, you'll have to either relog or run far enough from the combat zone for the out-of-combat state to reset.

Would be nice if there's a timer icon to indicate how many seconds until you're OOC, or show the timer has stopped the countdown so you can relog to reset.

When this, occasionally, happens to me (such as when trying to view a Vista), I usually find something nearish to kill, and that seems to reset it.  (The mob-to-kill may be some distance away.)

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1 minute ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

When this, occasionally, happens to me (such as when trying to view a Vista), I usually find something nearish to kill, and that seems to reset it.  (The mob-to-kill may be some distance away.)

What I usually do is find higher ground to glide a short distance. That'll usually reset the state as well.

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3 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

One does not simply walk past the ornery crab. They will proceed to spam you with threats before pinching your tail with their claws. Beware of their wrath. 

/threaten them to turn them into hermits!

Yes, that actually is a thing in game 😁

4 hours ago, RedTheCrazy.1028 said:

You are probably hitting one of those white ambient creatures like rabbits, mosquitos etc with a non damaging skill. I get that a lot when I play my necro and use grasp to pull mobs around me, kill them and stay in combat forever until I go far away because one of the grasp did hit a rabbit and I didnt notice lol


4 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Sometimes random environment objects like lamp post, boxes, etc. are also targets for attacks for some reason. I don't mean the obvious ones that you can attack and destroy either.


Did not know about these two things.  Do ambient creatures target players?  That could explain a lot, if so.

Thanks for the info.


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The reason this happens is usually because the game has many, many hidden objects. The devs correctly set the invulnerability flag on most of them but there's a few they forgot, and they often show up in the combat log with an empty name after being hit with some kind of melee or area attack, keeping you in combat.


Most of the time when you think its some enemy you hit, its because you hit a tent or something. Unlike enemies, objects don't have an AI and don't lose aggro easily.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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2 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The reason this happens is usually because the game has many, many hidden objects. The devs correctly set the invulnerability flag on most of them but there's a few they forgot, and they often show up in the combat log with an empty name after being hit with some kind of melee or area attack, keeping you in combat.


Most of the time when you think its some enemy you hit, its because you hit a tent or something. Unlike enemies, objects don't have an AI and don't lose aggro easily.



Got it.  It's the hidden invisible tent monsters in the tents that I accidentally hit.  

OMG, I just realized that necro minions had it right the entire time!  They aren't attacking things at random for no reason.  They're attacking all the invisible mobs!


Seriously though, thanks for this reminder of the techniques used in game design.  Forgot about this one as well.



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Signet of illusions is annoying for this.  It spawns clones a regular intervals during combat. If the signet spawns a clone just as you kill the last mob the clone will find the nearest ambient creature and start attacking it.  That is annoying.

Occasionally a clone has spawned with nothing visible nearby and it just stands there. Combat drops and we both go back to our idle poses. This is novel and I find it amusing.
 The longest I have gotten an idle clone to persist is three minutes.  I suppose it is focused on a scenery item as some of you suggest.  Of course I could just walk away and despawn the clone, but that is no fun.

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3 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

Did not know about these two things.  Do ambient creatures target players?  That could explain a lot, if so.

No but it is possible to apply non-damaging conditions to them. 😕

I think some classes also have skills that can apply conditions without any strike damage. Which results in the slightly unusual looking thing of having partially damage ambient creatures.


One of the weirdest example of these is the airship  during Victory or Death can be attacked and according to the combat log it is Zhaitan ... apparently we were riding on Zhaitan the whole time while we were trying to find Zhaitan.

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Several factors:

- You have a condition that keeps you in combat (Annoying if they last years, such as bleeding or slow).

- Your pet is fighting and you forgot to call them off (Using soulbeast's ability might help faster).
- Sometimes it just randomly bugs into being in combat, so killing another weaker mob fixes it (Had this happen rarely).

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It sometimes happens to me in WvW when capping camps. I kill all the guards & dolyaks present, the circle comes up, the bar progresses and I am still in combat. this usually lasts until 20-30 seconds after the cap is complete.
Most of the time this is fine but if an enemy shows up to defend before the cap is complete it leaves you at at a disadvantage as your health hasn't recovered.

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