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Rate the June 28 patch out of 10


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  1. Engineer's rifle improvement;
  2. Core Engineer improvements;
  3. Mechanist QoL and flow improvement;
  4. Willbender mobility reduction;
  5. Rework in some auras and effects, changed to grant boons;
  6. Rework in spirits and banners to now grant boons.
  7. Removal of equipment damage;

... And other improvements.

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Minus 5/10

Instant Rollback is the only proper solution.

Current openworld state is appauling.

Mechs everywhere, killing SO fast nobody else has even a chance to do damage.

The game is broken... There is no balance. The fun is utterly gone, you go mech or you go home is the current state of openworld. 

This stuff was never properly tested. Skills are broken, classes are broken, some broken as in stupidly OP and some broken as in Unplayable.

This should not be fixed over time, this should be a roll back and start again. 


The fact ArenaNet chooses to not to, doesn't make me feel confident in the future.

I can delete half my characters if this is not fixed.

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I think I already made a post or something but here's another ranting of my qualms. The professions, their mechanics, their weapons all were designed with a particular flow in mind. Through the years of balance (nerfing) that flow is gone and everything feels clunky. Unlike other games, the skills in GW2 are not isolated and free standing on there own, they belong to a set of things. That set has to work together and one of the big things is recharge time and activation time. We have seen time and time again where weapons and such get butchered to where their playstyles slow down and just feel out right clunky, especially when they have to nerf a skill and don't know how to do it properly it just feels bad (rev staff 5 is my big bugaboo, and basically all of thief's high intiative costs). And to top it off, alac and quickness are meant to be constant so everything is balance around that, so original speed and values of skills are dropped so that alac and quickness are providing the flow of what the weapons and combat used to be, but now without them it's just bad. This is also why I don't like quickness and alacrity as these constant boons that now everyone gets. The baseline combat without them is just straight up weak sauce. Might as well throw quickness back on Impossible Odds, don't see how that could be OP now seeing as its a baseline boon like 25 might stacks... sigh

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