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warrior mains, do you guys have any more years to give to this game?


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do you guys have any more years to give to warrior just to see if they push out fixes, meaningful and positive changes.


i'm highly doubtful at this point, how many years has it been, how much did they break til the eventual feb 2020 patch where they broke it all for warrior.


where are the promises they made regarding balance, trade offs, counterplay, etc.?


in all honesty, what a farce.


so how many more years and balance patches are you willing to wait for?


i wager there will be nothing at the end of that tunnel.



Edited by eXruina.4956
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For PVE, as long as I can play with people that aren't fussed about optimal play, there isn't a problem here. The main issue is teams built around roles, which is going to be almost every team now. 

Plus there are 8 other classes to play. If you don't play other classes ... well, you are missing out. 

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Half a year till I rly fall off of it. Like tell my wvw guild I'll stop playing, inform my roamer guild, speak with some homies, tinker with 1 final build I had in mind before the dreaded patch and wanting to scratch my warrior itch. I'll be happy coming on the forums and see everyone and just talk about the profession we love in a game that doesn't love our profession. 

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I did 2 unranked conquest games yesterday, the first one was so unsatisfactory I had to play another. Half the game I was chased by an untamed and a willbender, wherever I go just blink blink blink behind me (doing dmg, ofc, with each port).

I'm still gonna play war a bit every day but even for open world I've started using my qcfb. It just makes no sense to bring war. The fb tags better, gives boons and does overall more dps far more easily and safely. And ofc for fractals I havnt even put agony resistance on the war, it makes no sense to bring it.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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I think I will play warrior on and off for many more years.  Warriors have got through many nerfs but I still manage to pick some a good fights in pvp or wvw.  This is what gw2 is about for me.

I also enjoy casual pve continent with warrior wich is ok for me.

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Warrior has always been my main in the competitive modes, Elementalist in PvE. Yes, I know that's quite possibly the worst choices for every area of the game, but I enjoy it. Just tonight I won 90% (literally 9-1) of my PvP games using the original HealShout SpB build I made when SpellBreaker was first released in PoF.


Yes, that build was originally mine, although later revisions by others transformed it into more of a Core Warrior thing for better synergy with a third traitline.


I do admit I haven't run as Commander in WvW in a few years on Warrior, having mostly switched to my Scourge for that. Warrior just has no good mechanic like Flesh Wurm/Spectral Walk that allows them to push enemy zergs. I think having an easier way to disengage would benefit them alot, especially in the wake of Willbender.


Overall I think things are okay. Not great, but they could be worse I guess.


Bladesworn is still my favorite Elite spec from End of Dragons, even if it is a bit clumsy.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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In my opinion, Warrior was hardly worth playing before this patch and it only gets worse after.

The typical Warrior fantasy is dead in this game. People who want it, are better off playing other games.

Thus, I don't have any more years to give to wait for Arenanet fixing Warrior for once.

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Well, I can safely say it's less than seven. I first played a warrior back in 2015, seven years have passed since then. Also, I'm getting older. My attitude and tastes in games, over the years, have changed. What IS guaranteed, though, is that Anet is not getting any of my money. EoD is officially off the table. I pondered about playing with friends, but that's off the table as well. I'm not forking over 60 bucks for just the story and two neglected pvp modes and a kitten and neutered warrior class. Not happening.

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Nope. I logged in and saw what they did and was floored.  Seeing a patch like this greenlit does not bode well for the future, it's that incompetent . I never expected to be quitting today but here we are, after some quick goodbyes I uninstalled.  Maybe this can be a learning experience for the company and things will improve but I can't hold my breathe any longer.  On a positive note, I met a lot of great people over the years and had a lot of fun so I say thanks to all the devs that had a hand in that.  

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