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From a support Tempest, with love


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11 hours ago, Bleikopf.2491 said:

I think it would be far more interesting if the payout was slightly bigger and the risk mitigated. 

We already got some protection and.. A little stab if we trait for it. Maybe something like reduced cool down on canceled overload? I don't think that would lead to people canceling on purpose, as the reward for finishing an overload is still bigger. 

As if stands Overloads are simple and easy. Tempest has a good chance to become a LI build for Ele. The difficulty comes from being unable to dodge etc. If canceling was less Punishing, it'd make it more reasonable to cancel overload for higher priority tasks like reviving etc. 


I would love to see something like tempest gets overload cooldown reduction for whatever elements they have slotted. I think that could lead to some interesting builds. Leaning into the dual element nature or maybe more of a generalist with arcane, which could give a smaller reduction on all overload cooldowns. I think this could fit in as part of the alacrity trait, as that is about reduced cooldowns. 

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Additional thought/note that kinda supports those who are saying it'd be better to take alacrity out of overloads: One thing I've noticed more now I'm doing alacrity rotate is how easy it is to cut off the end of an overload if you aren't careful. I'd guess that it's even easier if you are someone who has ping issues. I think I didn't notice it so much before because it was hard to pick up on whether it had truly finished in big noisy fights, but now I have that alacrity to look for, it's glaringly obvious. I am now trying to make sure I don't rush element switch before it's done, which kinda works, but means more minute attention to the detail of the class's rhythms and if I overdo it, I can stay in an element longer than I really wanted to.

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