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A Message About the Mount Adoption License

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Ask for mount-specific random skins and not to just leave out the griffon for all who don't have one yet. What about those who play casually and don't have the jackal yet? Should they ask to leave out the jackal? What about people who just started, should everything except raptors be removed?

I do not have a griffon yet but of course sometime in the future I will, this is a long-term game and not something you play for a month and then move on. I for sure would not have wanted to have increased chances for the first four mounts and no chance for a griffon while I do not have one yet.

Don't make suggestion that are only based on your personal benefit, make suggestions that benefit the playerbase as a whole. Like, if you hate to be able to get skins for a griffon you don't own yet don't ask that nobody should have that chance. A better suggestion would have been to just add a modified version of the license that will not include the griffon, so that those who insist of never getting one could buy this license while everyone else can buy the normal license.

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@Shikigami.4013 said:Ask for mount-specific random skins and not to just leave out the griffon for all who don't have one yet. What about those who play casually and don't have the jackal yet? Should they ask to leave out the jackal? What about people who just started, should everything except raptors be removed?

The difference is pretty obvious here: the non-Griffon mounts are unlocked by playing the PoF story, whereas the Griffon is a luxury item behind a 250g paywall.

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@Arda.2490 said:They made a first mistake with those random skins, and a second mistake by doing no changes. I think they will lose a lot of customers/players. Mountgate is all over reddit, youtube, forums, websites...

Yeah. I am fairly upset from this choice, so I don't think they'll get anything out of me for a while.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Shikigami.4013 said:Ask for mount-specific random skins and not to just leave out the griffon for all who don't have one yet. What about those who play casually and don't have the jackal yet? Should they ask to leave out the jackal? What about people who just started, should everything except raptors be removed?

The difference is pretty obvious here: the non-Griffon mounts are unlocked by playing the PoF story, whereas the Griffon is a luxury item behind a 250g paywall.

The difference does not matter though and the other mounts are behind a storycompletion-, xp- and masterypointwall. What matters is that people who do not yet have the griffon should not be robbed of the opportunity to get skins for it, just because some people decided they never want to get a griffon. So read the rest of my post and not only the first paragraph.

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@Shikigami.4013 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Shikigami.4013 said:Ask for mount-specific random skins and not to just leave out the griffon for all who don't have one yet. What about those who play casually and don't have the jackal yet? Should they ask to leave out the jackal? What about people who just started, should everything except raptors be removed?

The difference is pretty obvious here: the non-Griffon mounts are unlocked by playing the PoF story, whereas the Griffon is a luxury item behind a 250g paywall.

The difference does not matter though

Uhm, yes. Yes it does.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Rashagar.8349 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

But just because I disagree with him on
certain topics
, does not mean I must disregard
he has to say.

Haha! I hope for the sake of you avoiding hilarious hypocrisy that you haven't been one of the people threatening to badmouth gw2 to all their friends and never play/purchase/whatever from them again, keeping the above quoted part in mind.

Except that the two are not at all comparable? If I were to disuade my friends from getting into GW2 because of what I feel is a terrible shift in direction for their Gemstore, that wouldn't at all make me a hypocrite here. Only if I did that while still pumping in tons of IRL cash into their Gemstore myself would I be quite the hypocrite.

It's entirely comparable.

Just because you disagree with Anet on certain topics does not mean you have to disregard everything they have to offer.

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@Eterni.6190 said:

@Arda.2490 said:They made a first mistake with those random skins, and a second mistake by doing no changes. I think they will lose a lot of customers/players. Mountgate is all over reddit, youtube, forums, websites...

Yeah. I am fairly upset from this choice, so I don't think they'll get anything out of me for a while.

That's the plan. Get some money then wait. Then release Christmas themed cash shop kitten then wait for that to be milked dry then wait. Then next living Story to draw more ppl back to get some cash then wait. And on and on. Its the sales model.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:Quick reminder ; U can buy Gems with in Game Gold ...

Gee, thanks!And in just one and a half years of playing 1-3h every day and not spending any gold on anything else I might get the skin I actually like.

This changes everything! Great business practice!

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I went to a Yarn Expo today and found a vendor with the name Gamer Yarns. She made gorgeous yarns so I stopped to chat. I asked her what games she plays...GW2 wasn't one but she has a friend that has been really trying to convince her to play it. She was sold on what I told her about the game vs WoW (turns out we are both reformed WoWers). I went on to say the community is pretty great but right now there is a bit of controversy over the mount skins so probably best to wait a bit while it settles down because it is currently very, very salty.

Now if it hadn't been for this skins mess, I wouldn't be at all concerned about this girl starting the game and finding that yes, I'm right, her friend is right, we do have a great community. With some of the posts that have gone up by players who say they're being abused because they're sporting new skins - didn't want to risk she'd see such copious amounts of salt straight out of the gate which is why my recommendation also came with a warning.

This skin thing has more than one side to it. I as a Veteran player since Beta, can't fully recommend this game because of this skins situation and how some players are reacting to it. The way in which some members in the community are venting their frustration within the game is really not representative of GW2 players in general I'd like to think. The response from ArenaNet seems to have done little to calm this situation down; if anything the response may have exacerbated it even more.

I do hope that players will continue to rationally, constructively and calmly express their views and that ArenaNet continue to listen and will respond in a way that is mutually satisfactory to all concerned ASAP.

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@Rashagar.8349 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Rashagar.8349 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

But just because I disagree with him on
certain topics
, does not mean I must disregard
he has to say.

Haha! I hope for the sake of you avoiding hilarious hypocrisy that you haven't been one of the people threatening to badmouth gw2 to all their friends and never play/purchase/whatever from them again, keeping the above quoted part in mind.

Except that the two are not at all comparable? If I were to disuade my friends from getting into GW2 because of what I feel is a terrible shift in direction for their Gemstore, that wouldn't at all make me a hypocrite here. Only if I did that while still pumping in tons of IRL cash into their Gemstore myself would I be quite the hypocrite.

It's entirely comparable.

Just because you disagree with Anet on
certain topics
does not mean you have to disregard
they have to offer.

Except that Anet do not offer opinions like Jim Sterling, but rather are trying to sell us services.

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@Riatha Hawke.2903 said:You took away town clothes and turned them into useless tonics. That was a much bigger undertaking than reversing this would be.

Which means you just don't want to.

I was interested in a few of these skins, but I won't be buying any gambleboxes.

This is where I am at, I bought 2 before I knew, I am not buying any more RNG stuff. Get this stuff out of the gemstore Anet....

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@Mike O Brien.4613 said:

  • The Adoption License is a large set at 30 skins. We stand by the work our artists put into each skin, but it’s understandable to see this as pushing down the odds of acquiring any one skin.

Thanks for the update, Mike. I appreciate the response. But like many people, I won't be indulging in Adoption Licenses. Unless you happen to be a completionist - which I most definitely am not - you're likely after a few specific skins. And 1 chance in 30 (initially) of getting THE skin you want is WAY too small (given that we're paying for the privilege, any RNG odds at all would be bad enough). The fact is that, even allowing for the cumulative mechanism, anyone who wants a particular skin would still need to buy 15 licenses to have a simple 50% chance of success (and more if there are multiple skins they want). Want to be sure you'll get it? Sorry - buy all 30. SO not clever. You should definitely be looking at ways of making those 30 skins available via more reliable, predictable routes, and digging yourselves out of the hole you've dropped yourselves into.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Vegeta.2563 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:Mike, if I have one question it is this:

What are you supposed to do if you do not HAVE a particular mount nor intend to get it (most likely the griffon) then get a skin for it? That does not unlock the griffon so you are out $5 of gems for nothing.

I can already see the answer.. "You'll have the mount eventually, so the skin will be waiting for you!" :tongue:

Yes, probably so. The frustrating thing is I have 0 intention of ever doing the griffon quest given GW2 is not my life. Maybe if they made it more like the other things (do a heart at pretty much any point). It is not the 250 Gold, I would make that back in no time, it is the time investment that makes it a nonstarter.

What time investment? Assuming you're going to finish the story in any case, so not counting that, the Griffon quest itself can be done in a single gaming session of three hours or so - maybe two sessions if you happen to be especially unlucky on finding the events up. It's a time commitment that's trivial by MMO standards in general and certainly by the standards of other collections already established in GW2. It's taking me considerably longer to do the Ascended Weapon collections than it took to do the Griffon, for example. If you compare it to getting the other mounts then yes, it takes longer, but it's a Collection and those are well-established in GW2 as simple, attainable goals that can either be burned through in a handful of hours or picked away at over as long a period as you wish.

I think the 250g is arguably a significant barrier but to claim that the time it takes to do the collection is prohibitive, especially if you follow a guide like the one on Dulfy, is a much harder case to make.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Shikigami.4013 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Shikigami.4013 said:Ask for mount-specific random skins and not to just leave out the griffon for all who don't have one yet. What about those who play casually and don't have the jackal yet? Should they ask to leave out the jackal? What about people who just started, should everything except raptors be removed?

The difference is pretty obvious here: the non-Griffon mounts are unlocked by playing the PoF story, whereas the Griffon is a luxury item behind a 250g paywall.

The difference does not matter though

Uhm, yes. Yes it does.

Actually no, the difference does not matter. It is not up to you to decide what mount is more important to leave out than any other. All mounts other that the Raptor have a gold requirement.

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@Doghouse.1562 said:

@"Mike O Brien.4613" said:
  • The Adoption License is a large set at 30 skins. We stand by the work our artists put into each skin, but it’s understandable to see this as pushing down the odds of acquiring any one skin.

Thanks for the update, Mike. I appreciate the response. But like many people, I won't be indulging in Adoption Licenses. Unless you happen to be a completionist - which I most definitely am not - you're likely after a few specific skins. And 1 chance in 30 (initially) of getting THE skin you want is WAY too small (given that we're paying for the privilege, any RNG odds at all would be bad enough). The fact is that, even allowing for the cumulative mechanism, anyone who wants a particular skin would still need to buy 15 licenses to have a simple 50% chance of success (and more if there are multiple skins they want). Want to be sure you'll get it? Sorry - buy all 30. SO not clever. You should definitely be looking at ways of making those 30 skins available via more reliable, predictable routes, and digging yourselves out of the hole you've dropped yourselves into.

Feels borderline insulting, doesn't it?

Players "We don't want to gamble for the skins we want."

Mike: "Gamble more! The more you gamble (i.e buy), the more likely you are to get what you want!"

Players: "...."

As I said, his reply feels more like a defense of their loot boxes rather than an answer to our criticism/feedback.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Rashagar.8349 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Rashagar.8349 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

But just because I disagree with him on
certain topics
, does not mean I must disregard
he has to say.

Haha! I hope for the sake of you avoiding hilarious hypocrisy that you haven't been one of the people threatening to badmouth gw2 to all their friends and never play/purchase/whatever from them again, keeping the above quoted part in mind.

Except that the two are not at all comparable? If I were to disuade my friends from getting into GW2 because of what I feel is a terrible shift in direction for their Gemstore, that wouldn't at all make me a hypocrite here. Only if I did that while still pumping in tons of IRL cash into their Gemstore myself would I be quite the hypocrite.

It's entirely comparable.

Just because you disagree with Anet on
certain topics
does not mean you have to disregard
they have to offer.

Except that Anet do not offer opinions like Jim Sterling, but rather are trying to sell us services.

And that's a relevant distinction because....?Well, I suppose the reason is irrelevant as long as it is a legitimate distinction for you, but it doesn't make it uncomparable. I'd call it a curious logical disconnect.

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I'm just going to put this out here for everyone - Anyone arguing that mounts would be CHEAPER individually (let alone cheaper than Gliders) are fooling themselves. Almost all of the skins available would have been charged 600 Gems BASE LINE for individual skins. My estimate is that skins with slight model variations would have been ~500-700 Gems each (all the ones players are whining about getting because "they aren't worth it).

All of the ones with extra partial effects and/or significant changes to them would have been anywhere between ~800-1200 Gems, Guaranteed. (I highly doubt Arenanet would have released the Shiba Inu skin for anything less than 1000 Gems based on its popularity). They have shown this practice consistantly in the past with Gliders - And spoilders: Glider's aren't going to be out for 90% of the gameplay experience, while Mounts are pretty much used anywhere outside combat once you've unlocked them.

I understand that RNG isn't the friendliest of ways to release these skins, but at least they're not limited time (unlike some armor and glider skins) that cost upwards of 800 Gems for a small basic change.

Also, people whining about the 2,000 Gem Skin - This was a COMPLETE change to the Jackel. I'm talking Animation, Partical Effects, Model, EVERYTHING was changed. This is equivalent to a Legendary Skin in league of Legends. You can argue that it's not worth the money, but consider everything that was put into creating this product.

Just my 2 cents on the subject. I see a lot of people crying because RNG - the same people who wouldn't have bought it anyway even if it wasn't RNG because the individual skins would be "to much" for them to buy.

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