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It's SO much worse now. SO much worse.

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4 hours ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Enemy players do die in sPvP though, the damage/sustain there is way more balanced than it is in WvW.


WvW just has too much sustain. Food buffs, broken stats and sigils, traits and skills working differently with WvW balance all contribute to this issue.


I don't know what level you're competing at but if you look at the highest level of GvG I'd estimate most rounds are ~1-2 minutes which I think is the perfect amount of time.

Meanwhile in PvP you had tournament finals games where players would legit afk on nodes because it was just stalemates all over the map. (not sure if it's still like this because I stopped playing PvP long ago)

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2 minutes ago, Elementalist Owner.7802 said:

I don't know what level you're competing at but if you look at the highest level of GvG I'd estimate most rounds are ~1-2 minutes which I think is the perfect amount of time.

Weird, the gvgs I was watching during the last alliances beta were taking 5-10 min. Even the XV ones (dunno what the other guild was, they were good though).

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On 7/1/2022 at 8:49 PM, Witch of Steam.5138 said:

And the reward for completely Missing the Entire Point Goes to : This guy! 

I even said that the Unblockables have Cooldowns that prevent them From being an effective Counter. AND That there are other support healers keeping the Bubble Boys Safe . You literally Only saw like 3 words in that post. 

the issue is not " There's a counter nobody's using " 

it's that WvW has lost it's ENTIRE Core Premise. 

- Seige can be outhealed without Any actual effort. Most seige has been so heavily nerfed / Fires so Slowly that it may as well Just Not exist except for BM blueprint dropping
- Most Fights are about who throws the Most corpses, Not about any tactics or Skill. Those " play styles " mean nothing in Groups of 20+ , this is consistent across All tiers, from my experiences and travels
- The Recent " Fixes" only further Encourage this Brain-rotting, Zero-input behavior from People who Just want Pips. 

Don't get me wrong, Joining a Zerg to go brain-off and Farm easy Pips and EXP is fun every once and a while 

But Anet is Sincerely Angling for it to be the ONLY WvW Strategy, and that will turn the game mode into a complete drag to even interract with. 

No i didnt miss it , I just stated that cause there isnt much counter meta thinking in gw2 gameplay like there was in gw1, most players expect positive results with minimal or no counters at all.

Imo siege is a bit of a secondary chatter when fixing wvw, if every one played less bunker (being condi or support) builds siege would be also much more efficient, and maybe could stress up groups, imo its the ammount of minstrells users that  is making game bit dull


If Siege is buffed to the point that will hurt bunkers that will forcelly delete any one not in bunker stats or make players not fight if theres defenders, IMO main  issue is minstrell gear stats being perfect for defense/support stat wise wich becomes far better when mass stacking with similiar toons builds

IMO 1st change would be removing toughness from minstrell stats and swap with something else, then i wold like to see how squishy supporters would deal with damage with boons and stacking that would start to stress alot of group if not all., note that siege like AC's damage is only 1 hit per sec per target, that would be the second change IF needed.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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