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[NA] - WvW (Ehmry Bay) - Knights of Devotion {DEVO}

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Hello everyone, yes its me...TheRealMC


DEVO is recruiting people who want to be in a small/medium so we can keep a tight knit familyesque vibe so no one gets lost in the numbers. We keep touch outside the game via discord so we can chat, catch up or help even when we are not online. We have vets of 9+ years and people starting out that we are helping get a grasp of things so you don't die to a ambient creature (darn OP mosquitos).


We are looking for people that like to run WvW. We're a smaller(ish) WvW guild looking to expand into a bigger WvW presence under Emhry Bay. Remember...its more fun to die stupidly in a group than to die by yourself.


We are new player friendly, inclusive, safe space and we even have one of those crazy people that actually ENJOYS jumping puzzles.


We are also more of an 18+ guild as we like our innuendos and occasional language.


We also will run PvX stuff if the interest is there, however WvW is our main focus.


If you are interested in joining our family, send a message/mail in game to bigpapasmurf.5623 for more info.

Edited by Bigpapasmurf.5623
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  • Bigpapasmurf.5623 changed the title to [NA] - WvW (Ehmry Bay) - Knights of Devotion {DEVO}

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