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bro pvp sucks lmfao


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it's just a spam fest of aoe, insane burst, ridic boons, and invuln/blocks. it's so silly. 


really really REALLY need to scale the game back to core pacing. the power creep is just waaaaaayyy too much. also it's not spectator or noob friendly at all. 

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11 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

it's just a spam fest of aoe, insane burst, ridic boons, and invuln/blocks. it's so silly. 


really really REALLY need to scale the game back to core pacing. the power creep is just waaaaaayyy too much. also it's not spectator or noob friendly at all. 

        Understandable. u.u

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Well yeah. That's why it's usually a graveyard with the same people playing compared to raids and fractals. Except when we want our dailies, ofc. PvP hasn't been good since like 2015 and anyone hoping for change might want to consult their calendars to see how long ago that was. 

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To me the only things that left pvp in bleed actually are litterly the New EoD specs and yes I mean nearly all of them. To point some things that need to be looked and adressed:


1. Harbringer: this spec is too strong. Not only because it is Power creep but because its litterly 0 cast time ccs. How often did you get just ccd from harb from shroud 5 or pistol 3? (Also by shround 4 but to be fair that one at least has a big telling jump animation). Also there need to be something done about well of corruption cause its just wayys too strong. Its basicly a perma blind/weakness spaming field thanks to the fact it corrupt boons into conditions (cause of might and fury get corrupted into weakness and blind) and well its also unblockable.


2. Bladesworn: well this one is easy since its simply carried by spaming shout skills. So nerf tactical reload and everything would be fine.


3.Mechanist: this one might be good counterable cause its more or less glassy but the bot just deal too many damage. Please nerfs its damage just a bit and everything should be fine.


4. Specter: this one is basicly scepter 3 and Port spam. Nothing against it in general. How ever this in comb with a shroud that let you basicly free tank 20k combs is insane. I would highly recommend in nerf its max. Shroud health.


5. Vindicator: Well now comes the more "balanced" specs. Its all in all good how it is. However its still a bit too tanky but i dont know the exact reason cause dont play the class that mutch.


6.Untamed: Well this one to me is also more "balanced". How ever anet should finaly nerf at least one of the defensive skills its Greatsword get. Cause this made the whole class too strong in meele fights. (Actually good played a Ranger could easily beat a warrior in melee fights this shouldnt be a thing in my opinion since warr is melee only while Ranger is able to eather beat it in melee or just kite away and still deal good dps)


7. Willbender: First yes ik people would hate me for this but to me also one of the more "balanced" once. How ever all i maybe would want to see nerfed on this one is its damage. And yes it is simple as that.


8. Virtuoso: The only thing that i would maybe want to see slight nerfed here is its aegis Part. It is allready hard enough to hit a mes in general. (Thx to invuln,blinds,stealth,port) How ever the aegis mechanic made it a bit too strong to me. Maybe letz made the mechanic so it only gain aegis when the f1 or f2 shatter see use. 


9. Catalyst: this isnt too strong at all i would also say this is the best balanced spec of every eod specs. How ever it might be a bit undertuned so do some buffs to it maybe. Only issue in general about ele would be the earth shield cause that one might be a bit too strong so letz just simply increase some CDs maybe.

(Im not so sure when it comes to ele cause i never touched the class)

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6 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

it's not spectator or noob friendly at all. 


For the game and the mode to grow, we need both spectators and new players. Hmmm.... Maybe if we change PvP to Sorority Pillow Fights, we'd get more people. I don't know. Good points though, it sucks currently but I'm still holding on a thread of hope that things will turn around

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1 hour ago, Pati.2438 said:

9. Catalyst: this isnt too strong at all i would also say this is the best balanced spec of every eod specs. How ever it might be a bit undertuned so do some buffs to it maybe. Only issue in general about ele would be the earth shield cause that one might be a bit too strong so letz just simply increase some CDs maybe.

(Im not so sure when it comes to ele cause i never touched the class)


I multi-class and thank you for acknowledging the ele needing buffs (outside Tempest)

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Core felt better for a few reasons imo.

1. Boons were harder to share with allies

2. Supports didnt exist (minus ele and guard providing some healing/boons to allies)

Personally, with how the games changed I think its time might gets hard nerfed to max 10 stacks in all game modes.


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Game has bee  like that for a while


What made me quit pvp this season was 7 min q to play 500-150 winning or losing on top of that i'd get +7 to +9 as g3/p1


Mid season i just started waiting for the patch to see a 15 might stack nerf lol. If they had add 20% cd on that float skill ot would have been a better balance honestly

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On 7/7/2022 at 6:29 AM, Pati.2438 said:

To me the only things that left pvp in bleed actually are litterly the New EoD specs and yes I mean nearly all of them. To point some things that need to be looked and adressed:


1. Harbringer: this spec is too strong. Not only because it is Power creep but because its litterly 0 cast time ccs. How often did you get just ccd from harb from shroud 5 or pistol 3? (Also by shround 4 but to be fair that one at least has a big telling jump animation). Also there need to be something done about well of corruption cause its just wayys too strong. Its basicly a perma blind/weakness spaming field thanks to the fact it corrupt boons into conditions (cause of might and fury get corrupted into weakness and blind) and well its also unblockable.


2. Bladesworn: well this one is easy since its simply carried by spaming shout skills. So nerf tactical reload and everything would be fine.


3.Mechanist: this one might be good counterable cause its more or less glassy but the bot just deal too many damage. Please nerfs its damage just a bit and everything should be fine.


4. Specter: this one is basicly scepter 3 and Port spam. Nothing against it in general. How ever this in comb with a shroud that let you basicly free tank 20k combs is insane. I would highly recommend in nerf its max. Shroud health.


5. Vindicator: Well now comes the more "balanced" specs. Its all in all good how it is. However its still a bit too tanky but i dont know the exact reason cause dont play the class that mutch.


6.Untamed: Well this one to me is also more "balanced". How ever anet should finaly nerf at least one of the defensive skills its Greatsword get. Cause this made the whole class too strong in meele fights. (Actually good played a Ranger could easily beat a warrior in melee fights this shouldnt be a thing in my opinion since warr is melee only while Ranger is able to eather beat it in melee or just kite away and still deal good dps)


7. Willbender: First yes ik people would hate me for this but to me also one of the more "balanced" once. How ever all i maybe would want to see nerfed on this one is its damage. And yes it is simple as that.


8. Virtuoso: The only thing that i would maybe want to see slight nerfed here is its aegis Part. It is allready hard enough to hit a mes in general. (Thx to invuln,blinds,stealth,port) How ever the aegis mechanic made it a bit too strong to me. Maybe letz made the mechanic so it only gain aegis when the f1 or f2 shatter see use. 


9. Catalyst: this isnt too strong at all i would also say this is the best balanced spec of every eod specs. How ever it might be a bit undertuned so do some buffs to it maybe. Only issue in general about ele would be the earth shield cause that one might be a bit too strong so letz just simply increase some CDs maybe.

(Im not so sure when it comes to ele cause i never touched the class)

The PvP scene in this game is dead due to constant whining and biased nerf cries, a warrior main asking to remove defensive options from others...but then warrior would have no business having the same mobility as other professions : remove mobility entirely from warrior GS, also nerfing mobility/range of Bladesworn and cutting the range of LB/rifle to 600 at best.....because warrior is mele and should no be as mobile or able to ranged fight at all like other professions are ranged and should not be good as melee.

Furthermore....unblockable  has been almost removed from the game, and because professions would lose their ability to defend themselves at melee range..they should get back all the unblockable traits/skill so that they can two shot the warrior before he gets too close. Tactial reload nerf would do nothing but decrease number of times you can use the shouts heal...when originally the warrior was supposed to get sustain by landing dmg directly...no running in circle shouting "for great justice"...and then there is Full counter , a busted mechanic, aoe daze, 100% dmg reduction and evasion when to start with...it should be a single target daze.

It's always fine and dandy asking to nerf other professions but when it comes down to that....the profession played by those asking for nerfs, require equal if not more nerfs, that's the reality of balance! It's really simple logic : warrior main asking to nerf other profession defenses so that they are not as good as melee...fair enough but then warrior should not be nearly as fast or mobile as the professions now forced to range only as range would be the only defense they have, and they should be able to easily keep the range on a warrior...and that would means obliteraring Warrior's mobility from orbit...that's balance..give and take

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On 7/7/2022 at 3:50 AM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Its so weird to have been here for the patch that sucked out a significant portion of damage in the game, see people quit over that, then one expac and a couple months later see people saying "There's too much damage" again.

EoD didn't introduce significantly more damage, its mostly the same as pre-EoD. Ask yourself, is Bladesworn more viable than Berskerker because it does more damage and more AoE? Or is it more viable because it sustains better?

It's just that this insular echo-chamber community decided that the 2020 patch was ' universally bad' and made 'bunker meta' and assumed that that was a universally agreed take, when in reality there are still alot of players, particularly newer players, who still think that damage is too high and gameplay is too fast and spammy. They just aren't part of the clique of ~20 players who post 90% of the stuff on the pvp forum.

This forum thinks that "game needs more damage" and "gameplay way too slow" and "rEvErT 2o20 pAtCh" are universally agreed takes, but as this thread shows that's not actually everyone's view.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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@Arheundel.6451 huh? I dont say anything like this. I just only said that EoD specs are ways to forgiving and should see some small nerfs to made them at least somewhat punishable. Also you might have noticed that i meant EVERY EoD spec.  Besides this a nerf to tactical reload would mean. Less self heal. Less Overall dmg and less enery gain. So yea a tactical reload nerf would be more than enough to bring bladesworn in line. (To me i would prefer this spec to be deleted but it is allready ingame so no option for that one). Also you might have noticed that litterly everything i talked about are just pretty small nerfs. Compared to tactical reload ....... that one nerf only means Overall up to 9k heal, 12 might Stacks, 3 condi cleanes, 1 stunbrake, 12 Stacks vulnerability less on bladesworn. If that isnt enough to you then sry man but you should not talk about balance in any sence.


Also we warr Mains do not cry about other classes need nerfs we are asking more or less for just buffs as you noticed lel. My goal is to made pvp more balanced and not to punish other classes to made my own class the strongest ever. I only now and then ask for things that obviosly need nerfs or things that migth need some buffs. And obviosly actually core warrior and Berserker need actually some slightly damage buffs. As much as bladesworn need some nerfs to its heals. Also spellbrakers mechanic is everything but not op. (To be fair the daze mechanic might be a bit toxic Design but in the end its just a daze. all the daze does is set you skill bar on 1 sec cd) You could ezilily play around it. Things like kite, Ranged attacks, blinds, unblockable cc, boon corruption, fake to hit skills are just more than enough options to play around it. Its only a Problem when you mindless spam your skills or you get a pet/bot that hit in it.

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38 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Reaper still bursts very hard. It's not as good as Harbinger for various other reasons, but lack of burst isn't one of them.

Likewise, Vindi doesn't burst harder than Herald, Mech doesn't burst harder than Holo, Virt doesn't burst harder than Chrono, Specter doesn't burst harder than DD/DE, Bladesworn doesn't burst harder than Zerker, Untamed doesn't burst harder than SB, etc etc etc.

In terms of damage-output and AoE Spam, which is what OP was complaining about, that hasn't really changed with EoD. If anything, EoD specs are less AoE spammy than HoT/PoF. Just compare Harbinger to Scourge. Mobility and sustain have crept up, but that's not what his complaint was about.

Ask yourself, is Bladesworn more viable than Berskerker because it does more damage and more AoE? Or is it more viable because it sustains better?

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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4 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

EoD didn't introduce significantly more damage, its mostly the same as pre-EoD. Ask yourself, is Bladesworn more viable than Berskerker because it does more damage and more AoE? Or is it more viable because it sustains better?

It's just that this insular echo-chamber community decided that the 2020 patch was ' universally bad' and made 'bunker meta' and assumed that that was a universally agreed take, when in reality there are still alot of players, particularly newer players, who still think that damage is too high and gameplay is too fast and spammy. They just aren't part of the clique of ~20 players who post 90% of the stuff on the pvp forum.

This forum thinks that "game needs more damage" and "gameplay way too slow" and "rEvErT 2o20 pAtCh" are universally agreed takes, but as this thread shows that's not actually everyone's view.

Is it universally agreed? No. But its clear it was the opinion of the vast majority, just given how many people left because of the 2020 patch. PvP was already on the decline, but it just fell off a cliff after that garbage patch. And sure, there is a small minority who think there is still too much damage. But catering to them is what got PvP into the current spot. We can and should ignore them completely.

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4 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

It's just that this insular echo-chamber community decided that the 2020 patch was ' universally bad' and made 'bunker meta' and assumed that that was a universally agreed take, when in reality there are still alot of players, particularly newer players, who still think that damage is too high and gameplay is too fast and spammy. They just aren't part of the clique of ~20 players who post 90% of the stuff on the pvp forum.

I started small scale pvp like 1.5 years ago, the gameplay is definitely slow. Less so in conquest (until you have to kill someone with a support near them), but in wvw its holy kitten slow. I've had 10+ min duels against condi bunkers (bunkers, definitely not 'bunkers'). At wvw duel spot there are no regulars on bunker builds, so I imagine I'm not alone in thinking the game is slow (though at this point you also rarely see regulars).

Coming from WoW dueling I can't remember a 1v1 ever taking so long (well I do remember one time), unless it was 2 healers... Especially on equal skill level a duel can take minutes (ages) in GW2. Even on "glass" builds sustain is on average high.

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@UNOwen.7132 @Hotride.2187

And yet look at all the people liking OP's post.

I'm not arguing who's right and who's wrong here, I'm just pointing out that if you only read the PvP forum you'd think 95% of the community were all of the same opinion, when that's not reality, that's just down to the fact that its the same 20 people who reside permanently here.

Some people want a game where fights last 10-20 seconds where its all about twitch reactions and split-second timed combos. Other people want fights that last 4-5 minutes where it's about careful resource management and positioning.

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It's likely that GW2 PvP has remained trash because the people who generally speak on its behalf in the public forum often cling to old glories.  You're not going to get a better GW2 PvP because the people who promote it (whatever "promotion" that a hundred viewers on twitch and meager thousand or so YouTube views yield lol) want it to keep it as stagnant as possible so that they can still succeed at the same shallow gimmick rather than moving on to some other game or activity.  GW2 is easy, and the people with established names in the community don't want to rock the boat; they want to keep GW2 as easy and stagnant as possible.

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9 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

Reaper still bursts very hard. It's not as good as Harbinger for various other reasons, but lack of burst isn't one of them.

Likewise, Vindi doesn't burst harder than Herald, Mech doesn't burst harder than Holo, Virt doesn't burst harder than Chrono, Specter doesn't burst harder than DD/DE, Bladesworn doesn't burst harder than Zerker, Untamed doesn't burst harder than SB, etc etc etc.

In terms of damage-output and AoE Spam, which is what OP was complaining about, that hasn't really changed with EoD. If anything, EoD specs are less AoE spammy than HoT/PoF. Just compare Harbinger to Scourge. Mobility and sustain have crept up, but that's not what his complaint was about.

Ask yourself, is Bladesworn more viable than Berskerker because it does more damage and more AoE? Or is it more viable because it sustains better?

I'll give you that. AoE has not crept up with EoD. The new specs have been surprisingly light on AoE. Catalyst had the potential to add to the problem, but they cut that down before it had a chance to do so and made spheres tick for 8 damage in PvP. 

As for damage as a whole going up. There's a few contributing factors there. (I decided to edit this down because post got longer than intended). 

Mobility went up. This is noteworthy for classes which already did great damage pre EoD, but struggled with being kited. Willbender is most notweorthy, since it takes the phenomenal dps of core guard and fixes its mobility issues. Untamed also exibits this to an extent with their port into Hilt Bash> Maul>Tailswipe combo that they can perform from stealth

🍔is also generally faster and more difficult to kite than reaper. And it has ranger rapid fire on its auto attack. I will point this out whenever I have the opportunity. 

Quickness is more prevalent than before. 2 🍔 per team pulsing AoE quickness means damage is going to come in faster than it used to. You feel this the most when a 🍔 + Insert DPS here decide to glue themselves to you. 

Third is Elixir of Balance Team, which is an abomination of a skill and I don't know why it simultaneously gives everyone around the 🍔 plasma while also putting every damaging condi onto you. This is obviously going to make both the Necro and their teammates burst you harder than they otherwise would.

Really, a lot of the damage creep in EoD comes from 🍔. For various reasons. 



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