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Noble Is Recruiting


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Noble is recruiting people wanting to improve or flex their personal skill in WvW and run with a dedicated group with a fun adult social aspect. Ideal recruits are willing to collaborate and communicate with each other. We strongly believe that everyone has room to grow or show and we are willing to help people self
-improve through video reviews and occasional preaching about strategy.
-Attendance -Raids are T/Th/Sat 9pm -11pm EST. - Attend 2/3 raids a week if you are able.
-Communication around attendance is great (react to the raid announcement when you’re able to, we’ll love you more if you do)
- If you have an issue with a guild-related player, policy, etc., you must reserve it to the fight club channel or HR. This is the only strict requirement.
- Comms
-We use Discord for all forms of communication so a microphone is required. You don't need to talk 24/7 but we need to be able to talk and have a conversation with you. We would like everyone to be comfortable with making call outs during fights. Plus it’s more fun if we all contribute to the ridiculous conversations that may occur during the robust travel time that occurs in WvW.
- Gameplay - We need to be able to get a good idea of where you stand as a player. All new members are on a two week trial for assessment. Players may also be asked to submit a short 2-3 minute gameplay video during this period if further skill assessment is needed.
- You need to be willing to learn and be able to play multiple classes.
- Builds are decided upon beforehand as a guild and are mandatory.
- As a member you may run “non-meta” classes and builds if you are able to show us objective evidence of effectiveness with the above-referenced gameplay video as well as communicate where in the comp your build best fits/what it replaces. Please be advised that at times we may need you to run meta despite this.
- The goal is to be ready to raid at 9pm EST

Discord - [Six]Jay#7028
Edited by Lethargy.6290
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2 hours ago, Mil.3562 said:

I see that you have edited your original post to a much less elitist version.

Your guild expects a lot from the members, good luck in recruiting and retaining them though.

whats the point of even commenting, if it doesnt apply... move on lmao

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