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GW2 should finally add "inspect gear" ability to examine other players' cosmetics

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I've been around since launch and I remember clearly the devs saying that GW2 would have no "inspect" ability for looking at other players' gear, specifically to avoid elitism and gear gating of other players in endgame content (dungeons back then).

Well nowadays it's extremely common for endgame groups to gate their content by requiring to ping your killproofs, or ping your boots, or nowadays display your Strike CM titles. In fact, the content in CM's is so hard that if you don't require good gear and killproofs, you'll basically never complete the content to begin with. GW2 went from a game where casuals could complete all content, to a game where some content is telling casuals "you have to level up your play before trying this content."

I'm not complaining about there being hard content that is gear gated. I'm just saying that now that devs clearly are okay with it existing, there is no reason to leave "inspect gear" ability out of the game.

My biggest reason for asking for this is because the game has way more cosmetics than it did in the past. I often see people with skins that I want to see the name of, so I can look up how to unlock that skin. But the player doesn't respond to my inquiry, so I'm left unanswered and with no clue what the skin is.

Devs could even make the inspect ability only display cosmetic gear names, not stats, if they wanted to maintain the old reason of avoiding elitism.


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Inspect window for cosmetic transmutes and the like actually sounds good.  Gear inspecting can definitely become excluding (I've done my fair share of sniffing through someone's gear in WoW and scoffing and refusing them to a raid).  I have asked players and they've asked me occasionally what a particular item is, but as you mentioned some don't reply.  

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Should be possible to do it without showing the gear itself, like you suggested at the end there. Something like:

if player has outfit toggled on, show wardrobe item for outfit

if not, look at skin of each item showing and show wardrobe item for it

The only tricky part, I think, would be some legendary items where the skin is kind of a giveaway as to what they have equipped. But that may be a non-issue as a giveaway, since it's only telling you the person has great gear, it's not like it's revealing them to be wearing blues and greens. Idk. Something to consider maybe.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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1 minute ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Wouldn't it be easier to just ask someone what they're wearing? Like, I get having anxiety, but if you wanna know what those pants are, it's a great icebreaker to ask and you might make a friend in the process.

OP specifically said some people don't respond to their inquiry.

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7 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Okay, so then you ask the community in Players Helping Players. Same principle. Failing that, there's also the wardrobe in the bank where you can preview everything and the wiki which also displays cosmetics and explains how to get them.

Ok, so yes, if someone is tech savvy enough and invested enough in finding out to take a screenshot, post it on forums, and ask if anyone knows, that may work as a solution (though it is relying heavily on active, expert knowledge of cosmetic pieces from other players).

The other two, I don't see how they are solutions. There is no way to project your mental snapshot or screenshot into a wardrobe or wiki search, so you're almost certainly going to be left looking through most items in the game to find the right piece(s). You could maybe do a reverse image search with a screenshot if you know something about how to do that and hope for a pic from wiki to show up in the results, but since many looks can be dyed in many ways and show up at different angles with vastly different lighting, and since most wiki screenshots of pieces are going to be showing one piece at a time not a combination, I'm doubtful it would work.

At any rate, it's all a lot of effort to go to when some may just be curious in the moment. Something an inspection of cosmetics would help with.

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2 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

it's all a lot of effort to go to when some may just be curious in the moment. Something an inspection of cosmetics would help with.

Honestly, it's not a lot of effort to ask around or glance through the wardrobe (you can filter by specific armor weights and types).

Knowing about cosmetics is endgame for a ton of people, and every time I see someone ask here or over on Reddit, the answers come pouring in - sometimes with hilarious commentary. It's at the point where you don't even need a screenshot and people will make a game out of trying to guess based on your recollections alone. It's one of the few pure things about the community; the way they come together around fashion.

The reason I say it's easier to do that than to request ArenaNet develop a gear inspect is that:
a.) They seem to have a lot of trouble finding the time to introduce QoL and so workarounds are a more effective/immediate solution while a person hopes and waits
b.) When they do find the time to attempt QoL, we get something like templates, and all the hoping and waiting may result in something no one wanted

So I'm not against it being requested, I just don't think it's worth the development time when it's already fairly simple to find out what shirt PvP Becky is wearing the one or two times a year you get curious.

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47 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Honestly, it's not a lot of effort to ask around or glance through the wardrobe (you can filter by specific armor weights and types).

Knowing about cosmetics is endgame for a ton of people, and every time I see someone ask here or over on Reddit, the answers come pouring in - sometimes with hilarious commentary. It's at the point where you don't even need a screenshot and people will make a game out of trying to guess based on your recollections alone. It's one of the few pure things about the community; the way they come together around fashion.

The reason I say it's easier to do that than to request ArenaNet develop a gear inspect is that:
a.) They seem to have a lot of trouble finding the time to introduce QoL and so workarounds are a more effective/immediate solution while a person hopes and waits
b.) When they do find the time to attempt QoL, we get something like templates, and all the hoping and waiting may result in something no one wanted

So I'm not against it being requested, I just don't think it's worth the development time when it's already fairly simple to find out what shirt PvP Becky is wearing the one or two times a year you get curious.

Idk what to say other than that's a pretty sad state of affairs for the game to be in that you think they'd just screw it up lol. And I can't say you don't have a point.

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Not sure what OP is on about regarding content being difficult, but I would welcome a purely cosmetic inspect feature.


Like a small window showing the devilishly handsome character you are inspecting and the skins they are using per equipment slot.

But without stats, infusions, runes, or social interaction. Just names and colors.

Yes, I've yet to grow a spine and talk to strangers just to praise their outfit and play possum every time one does it to me.

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3 hours ago, Gajex.2386 said:

But without stats, infusions, runes, or social interaction. Just names and colors.

I would personally still want that window to display cosmetic infusions (not even stats of them or whatever, just the infusion type) because alot of interesting outfits I have seen get's interesting because of interesting blend of those.

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There would also have to be a way for a cosmetic inspection window to identify if they're wearing an outfit and show you that instead of their armour skins. Presumably it would also need to show what dyes they've got, and things like cosmetic infusions and enrichments.

Anet probably could do it, and if it only showed you the names of the skins and dyes it probably wouldn't be a problem for the game but it seems like a lot of effort to avoid talking to people.

As for any idea of using even a purely cosmetic inspect system to determine who is qualified to join groups my problem with that is that what groups ask for has changed many times over the years and will likely continue to change in future. It's not even consistent between groups now. So if Anet wanted to accommodate that I think their time would be better spent building a dedicated system to clearly and consistently show what content a player has completed, rather than one to display whatever work-arounds group leaders currently favour. That way they'd only have to do it once instead of keep changing it as trends change and it would likely be more meaningful and avoid players having to hang onto a bunch of junk items or remember to apply specific skins or titles in order to show them off.

Edited by Danikat.8537
Removing an oxymoron
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In almost 10 years of playing gw2 i have only met one person who didn't answer my question about what sword he/she was using, probably due to the fact of beeing afk. Sometimes the answer comes a bit later, after ppl return.

Usually people answer and are even glad someone noticed their good taste. I had many nice chats with nice ppl about looks... Style Wars is serous buisness 😉

And if someone just doesn't answer for what-ever reason, i would make a screenshot and start researching a bit - its not rocket science to find out what skins someone is using.

I remember once, after a looong break in Diablo 3, a game which i only used to play sometimes, i was logging in and my friends knew before i was in game - my game was still loading - what equipment my char was using. I was like "okaaay...if you say so..." I didn't like the feeling tbh.

So no, sorry, don't like the ideea of inspecting anyone just like i wouldn't want anyone to inspect me/my characters.

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If someone think it will require 20 ppl and 10 years, nope.

All the visible stuff data are already sent by the server cuz you see the models, so no server mod required.


1) Add a "check stuff" on the menu code (where theres whisper, block, report, etc...)

2) Recycle the preview window to display the data of the target

3) brag about how you improved the game

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35 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

If the inspect is purely for cosmetics then fine.

But... Why can't you just talk to people? Having an option that bypasses players talking to each other is kind of the opposite of the social MMO philosophy GW2 has.

OP commented that some people never respond to a question.  Also there occasionally is a language barrier.  Mostly though it's like someone is afk or looking at a different window and a message gets lost in chat or they just don't notice.  An inspect window would alleviate that, and it would be nice to show dyes, infusions, and transmutes...purely the cosmetics.  Agreed that the majority of players will gladly reply, myself included.  

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15 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Wouldn't it be easier to just ask someone what they're wearing? Like, I get having anxiety, but if you wanna know what those pants are, it's a great icebreaker to ask and you might make a friend in the process.


^^ yup this is me, and is what I do all the time.   But I'll just add,  I always very mindful of the other player and that I'm whispering a total stranger, so the response or silence you get back may not be what you intended.   But that's totally fine as it's the other player's prerogative to reply or not, and I fully understand someone might be having a bad day, and not want to engage in conversation with another random stranger !

Having said this, I always remain friendly, and more often than not get a positive response ~ 75-80% of the time, and I've lost count of the new friends I've added through such encounters. 

Conversely, I'm really not keen on OP's suggestion, and totally opposed to it: Reason: I don't want some random person following me around like a lamb, targeting me: Trying to "inspect my gear", nor do I want to target other players to inspect their gear, without even speaking to them: I find this lacking any dignity or respect.

Happily I'm 99.9% confident: Anet will not ever implement such a dreadful idea 😉

P.S. YouTube is always MVP in this department:



Edited by Greg.7086
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1 hour ago, Chay.7852 said:

Usually people answer and are even glad someone noticed their good taste. I had many nice chats with nice ppl about looks... Style Wars is serous buisness 😉


My main character tends to alternate between fancy/glowy styles and very plain ones and once I'd just switched to something plainer and relatively realistic for GW2 and was having second thoughts, wondering if it was too boring when a total stranger sent me a whisper to say how much they liked it and ask what the chest piece was and that convinced me to stick with it.

I often take the time to look at other players characters in towns and in down time before/after events and even screenshot some I really like and I always try to send them a whisper to tell them I like it. Sometimes they disappear or something happens (like the event starting) before I get a chance, but otherwise I always let them know I like what they've done.

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