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GW2 should finally add "inspect gear" ability to examine other players' cosmetics

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On 7/13/2022 at 3:49 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

My main character tends to alternate between fancy/glowy styles and very plain ones and once I'd just switched to something plainer and relatively realistic for GW2 and was having second thoughts, wondering if it was too boring when a total stranger sent me a whisper to say how much they liked it and ask what the chest piece was and that convinced me to stick with it.

Have had a similar experience.

One of my two thieves - human, grew up among nobles - only wears realistic, plain skins. He never had something else and never will. His title is Dark Traveler and thats what he is - my non-shiny character, mostly using black, grey, dark brown etc. I was very surprised like 2 weeks ago or so as i got a message in Arborstone about his gear, how nice he looks. I thanked the stranger and told him/her that this character never got any compliments, cause usually noone notice him.

P.S. @ Danikat. very nice signature btw.

Edited by Chay.7852
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24 minutes ago, Chay.7852 said:

Have had a similar experience.

One of my two thieves - human, grew up among nobles - only wears realistic, plain skins. He never had something else and never will. His title is Dark Wanderer and thats what he is - my non-shiny character, mostly using black, grey, dark brown etc. I was very surprised like 2 weeks ago or so as i got a message in Arborstone about his gear, how nice he looks. I thanked the stranger and told him/her that this character never got any compliments, cause usually noone notice him.

P.S. @ Danikat. very nice signature btw.

My characters are a mix of very plain/realistic and shiny and the shiny ones definitely get more compliments overall, but I'm not sure if it's because most people prefer that or just because they're more noticeable.

One reason I like taking screenshots of other people's characters I like is sometimes I'll look through them and realise there's no theme to what I like, other than things where the player has obviously put some thought into making the skins work well together.

I'm glad you like the signature but I can't take any credit for it, it's a verse from one of my favourite songs, River by Izzy Stradlin, and one I feel like relates to GW2. I almost always have lyrics in my signature, based on a mix of what I'm listening to and what's happening in the game (I had Metallica's Trapped Under Ice for a while when IBS started).

Edited by Danikat.8537
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56 minutes ago, Reznov.5423 said:

very valid point. High end content requires kp anyway. Why not allow gear inspection? l had to do a screen share with my friend to ask him if l had the right gear... 

You do realize that your inspect function would work everywhere not only in instanced content, don't you? That means more toxicity in OW than we have now.

I've seen a thief beeing harassed for having a signet in his build during the pre event of the chamber meta in Sandwept Islands.

How would this look like in a (GW)-World with "inspect"...? Imagine the map chat after a failed meta, imagine the lfg for some special metas like Dragons End or even Dragon Stand- kick from squad for having wrong runes/sigils/not beeing 100% Snow Crows conform I mean... it's open world, comeon... And at the end of the day... its just a game, instanced content or not.

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8 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I would personally still want that window to display cosmetic infusions (not even stats of them or whatever, just the infusion type) because alot of interesting outfits I have seen get's interesting because of interesting blend of those.

Oh right, good point. I may or may not have forgotten that most infusions have a cosmetic effects as well...

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21 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Okay, so then you ask the community in Players Helping Players. Same principle. Failing that, there's also the wardrobe in the bank where you can preview everything and the wiki which also displays cosmetics and explains how to get them.

Those are obviously things that anyone can do, but it's just tiptoeing around the primary complaint which is that it SHOULD be easier, in a game nicknamed "Fashion Wars," to inspect the cosmetics of another player. It's not a particularly hard thing to implement, and of course everyone is aware that they can either look to online forums for help or take the extreme long way of individually previewing all pieces of armor in the bank wardrobe until you find what you're looking for, but it can be easier than that and there isn't any harm in suggesting it.

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6 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

OP commented that some people never respond to a question.  Also there occasionally is a language barrier.  Mostly though it's like someone is afk or looking at a different window and a message gets lost in chat or they just don't notice.  An inspect window would alleviate that, and it would be nice to show dyes, infusions, and transmutes...purely the cosmetics.  Agreed that the majority of players will gladly reply, myself included.  

I mean, for <1% times this happens do we really need an extra feature? I'm on EU were there should be more language barier than on NA, and i can't remember last time someone hasn't replied or didn' speak english... 

You have to remember, each "feature" they add signals the palyers it's meant to be used. Meaning, it communicates to players that they shoud use this feature instead of asking the other player what they're wearing cause, why else would Anet implement this right? Just right click, inspect, right? No need to talk?


And soon enough, not a lot of people are talking much after that "feature" cause Anet doesn't want them to... Or... That's what they assume from the implemented feature... Right? More and more of that and the whole atmosphere of the game changes...

GW2 is one of the more social MMOs out there with the most epic community (in game, reddit and forums are, well... reddit and forums), so any "feautre" that bypasses player interaction is bad in my opinion.


Talk to people, you might get to talk about other topic, starting from skins, maybe you get a new friend out of it, maybe they'll be "yeah whatever", but i'd rather i have to ask someone something than clicking an icon or text... That detracts from the community aspect. If someone doesn't respond just screenshot the character and post on reddit, someone will tell you the skins used.

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25 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I mean, for <1% times this happens do we really need an extra feature? I'm on EU were there should be more language barier than on NA, and i can't remember last time someone hasn't replied or didn' speak english... 

You have to remember, each "feature" they add signals the palyers it's meant to be used. Meaning, it communicates to players that they shoud use this feature instead of asking the other player what they're wearing cause, why else would Anet implement this right? Just right click, inspect, right? No need to talk?


And soon enough, not a lot of people are talking much after that "feature" cause Anet doesn't want them to... Or... That's what they assume from the implemented feature... Right? More and more of that and the whole atmosphere of the game changes...

GW2 is one of the more social MMOs out there with the most epic community (in game, reddit and forums are, well... reddit and forums), so any "feautre" that bypasses player interaction is bad in my opinion.


Talk to people, you might get to talk about other topic, starting from skins, maybe you get a new friend out of it, maybe they'll be "yeah whatever", but i'd rather i have to ask someone something than clicking an icon or text... That detracts from the community aspect. If someone doesn't respond just screenshot the character and post on reddit, someone will tell you the skins used.

Valid point on would it actually be used enough if it were created.  I enjoy some conversation about what skin or dye something is, but could see it being helpful in group settings when you don't want to clutter up chat with questions.  I wouldn't mind seeing what mount skin someone is using too without having to go look, but also not a big issue. 

I would question if this would create a lot of copied looks and less unique ones.  I don't really want to seen more cosplays of cosplays.  

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2 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Those are obviously things that anyone can do, but it's just tiptoeing around the primary complaint which is that it SHOULD be easier

I think having three separate ways of doing it already implemented (Asking/Browsing Wardrobe/Reviewing Wiki - with the first being extremely fast and simple) is more than sufficient for a complaint about something that occurs very infrequently. You're talking about an occasional curiosity, not a common pain point or faulty mechanical element which is the metric by which I'd judge the need for a new feature.

Depositing materials into your bank? Constant. We have a button for this. Changing your look and adjusting your fashion? Constant. We have a wardrobe for this. Coming back after a year and seeing a new shirt? I think asking or looking it up is a fast and reasonable alternative to developing a new system for it.

2 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

It's not a particularly hard thing to implement

They made an adjustment to dungeon currencies recently and it somehow broke things in raids. I wouldn't assume that anything is easy in the realm of spaghetti code or that major changes to the hero panel wouldn't take significant time and dev effort.

2 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

there isn't any harm in suggesting it

There isn't, and I said as much earlier - I just don't think it's likely to be implemented or, at least, implemented in the way the OP wants. ArenaNet is notorious for trying to kill multiple birds when adding new features, so you'd be more likely to get a full inspect (cosmetics+stats) that's monetized and implemented in a goofy way. Because of that, I'm always going to suggest asking around as a better alternative since even within this thread you can see proof of how effective it is.

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Most of the skins are displayed in the wardrobe, all of them are in the wiki. Sure, you need to do a tiny bit of research if the player in question doesn't respond but it's fine. You might see some other skins along the way you'd like too. So there's not much reson to implement gear checking for cosmetics.

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5 hours ago, Chay.7852 said:

You do realize that your inspect function would work everywhere not only in instanced content, don't you? That means more toxicity in OW than we have now.

I've seen a thief beeing harassed for having a signet in his build during the pre event of the chamber meta in Sandwept Islands.

How would this look like in a (GW)-World with "inspect"...? Imagine the map chat after a failed meta, imagine the lfg for some special metas like Dragons End or even Dragon Stand- kick from squad for having wrong runes/sigils/not beeing 100% Snow Crows conform I mean... it's open world, comeon... And at the end of the day... its just a game, instanced content or not.

Asking for Snow Crows builds for open-world events would often be an effective way to signal that you don't know what you're doing. They're specifically for small group instances (mainly raids) because that's what the Snow Crows guild is interested in. While it's often possible to play open-world content using them (because it's usually not that demanding and most builds will work) actually requiring them from other players wouldn't make any sense.

I'm not saying it wouldn't happen, it absolutely would (WvW already has this problem, people try to use PvE builds, especially pure DPS ones and then wonder why they're dying all the time) but I wouldn't trust any commander who demanded them.

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On 7/13/2022 at 1:30 AM, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Wouldn't it be easier to just ask someone what they're wearing? Like, I get having anxiety, but if you wanna know what those pants are, it's a great icebreaker to ask and you might make a friend in the process.

How is that easier? In other games you just right click the target and select examine their armour. Incredibly easy way to see the nice styles others have. 


In FFXIV they went even further recently and added a way to make your own character showcase for others to check out 👍

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30 minutes ago, Jin.8501 said:

How is that easier?

It's easier because it's something you can already do (And in multiple ways, including two ways that require no interaction with other people if you prefer). It's also something that doesn't come up very often, which is why it isn't a pain to do it the 1-2 times a year you may feel so inclined.

30 minutes ago, Jin.8501 said:

In other games you just right click the target and select examine their armour.

Sure, and I've played a few games that had that. GuildWars 2 doesn't though, and it would require a new UI element be designed/added which seems like something that'd take heaps more time and effort to develop than just shooting a whisper to someone or snapping a screenshot and asking a question that gets answered in less than an hour by other players.

Creating a new system specifically for this seems like an overly-intensive solution to a minor 'problem' that already has accessible remedies.

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53 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Creating a new system specifically for this seems like an overly-intensive solution to a minor 'problem' that already has accessible remedies.

Tbh, this statement could describe most of computing. You might be surprised how often people spend hours on a program to automate something they could do in 5 minutes. If we always said no to automation because of this kind of reason, GW2 would likely not be the game it is today and may not even exist.

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On 7/13/2022 at 5:29 AM, Silverpoopoo.1476 said:

My biggest reason for asking for this is because the game has way more cosmetics than it did in the past. I often see people with skins that I want to see the name of, so I can look up how to unlock that skin. But the player doesn't respond to my inquiry, so I'm left unanswered and with no clue what the skin is.

Devs could even make the inspect ability only display cosmetic gear names, not stats, if they wanted to maintain the old reason of avoiding elitism.

I think a purely cosmetic inspection feature would be cool (for those that care about fashion - not me).  Open someone's paper-doll and see what they are wearing, just cosmetically not stats.  

I understand the no reply bit... I do not play with my chat window open and would not know someone asked... 😎

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7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Those are obviously things that anyone can do, but it's just tiptoeing around the primary complaint which is that it SHOULD be easier, in a game nicknamed "Fashion Wars," to inspect the cosmetics of another player. It's not a particularly hard thing to implement, and of course everyone is aware that they can either look to online forums for help or take the extreme long way of individually previewing all pieces of armor in the bank wardrobe until you find what you're looking for, but it can be easier than that and there isn't any harm in suggesting it.

Fashion Wars is a big reason NOT to implement it. If I have a mind boggling fashion contests winning combination, I do not want random-jane to 'inspect' me and steal my ideas.

Or worse, I am not winning, because of inspect and 'omg you are using so many non-rare-dyes and that skin is so noob'. 

Really, just talk to people. If they answer you might get into a nice convo. If they don't you can always look up stuff.

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I'd be ok with this idea on the condition that we also get an option to disable inspection (private setting). If people want to flaunt their gear, they can leave it enabled, and players like me who prefer to mind their own business can make it private and disabled.

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It costs nothing to kindly ask a player to share his skins, everytime I asked I always got an anwer.

I think it's good to show appreciation for one's choice of skins, instead of just spying his skins without saying a word.

Edited by Susy.7529
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14 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Tbh, this statement could describe most of computing. You might be surprised how often people spend hours on a program to automate something they could do in 5 minutes. If we always said no to automation because of this kind of reason, GW2 would likely not be the game it is today and may not even exist.

Well if they let it automate for them for a month+ it is saved time so yea not a bad idea.

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On 7/13/2022 at 10:32 AM, Reznov.5423 said:

very valid point. High end content requires kp anyway. Why not allow gear inspection? l had to do a screen share with my friend to ask him if l had the right gear... 


Rather not have someone have the ability to chew me out in WvW for wearing my Raid setup when I have full Legendaries and don't feel like swapping because I'm going to be there less than an hour.

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