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Yee haw.


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What is the complain? The rifle mech or just the mech in general regardless of the build?


I play a condi Mechanist and I love seeing a rifle Mechanist in front of me ;).


I have not seen people playing my build, so I can't comment on how annoying or hard it is to play against and I have lost plenty of duels and matches. I am not stellar so I can't really tell how far this build can be pushed.

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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You could say it's easy to run, but it's not OP at all.

Mechanist ended up being kind of balanced.


I think there is a meme factor with the rifle crazy rof and the missile launch. Honestly, I much prefer to find a rifle Mechanist in front of me. I'd be a lil bit more concerned of finding my condi build on the other side, from anecdotal experience.

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  • Bast.7253 changed the title to Yee haw.

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