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Willbender and Harbinger smal scale WvW


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1 hour ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

What about willbender and harbinger is broken/op?

mobilety , damage and sustain, atleast one of these parameters need to be adjusted maby several.

I would suspect that sustain is the rigth place to hit them so they remain fun high impact builds ( dont mind if they remain at or near top as long as they not stupidly op )


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I don't think they're that OP. Maybe a really slight numbers adjustment, but they're counterable once you know how they work.

What bugs me is that they'll nerf everything else into the ground but classes like Engineer (and yeah, willbender/harb too) get to be good.

I just want everything to be closer to these classes in utility/damage/etc. So people can learn and counterplay. Nerfing everything just sucks the fun out by giving everyone less things they can do. *glares at Anet*

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 WB has very powerful AoEs and in messy n vs n fights can burst people easily, but is also a bit one dimensional and when players are aware and play well I don't think that offers better value to small teams compared to Firebrand or some other bruisers.

  Harbinger's prevalence is a bit artificial since ANet actively nerfed legacy specs which countered harbs. I loved fighting Harbs with my Renebow in the betas but now that Forced Engagement was botched from 1200 to 600 range and Planar's Protection cooldown was increased from 20s to 30s I feel that my Renebow is a free meal for Harb's ranged pressure spam and therefore I stopped playing Renebow while roaming.

   Some of the new specs were in fact widely unable to deal with legacy builds along the betas, but ANet "conveniently" nerfed the later ones to sell the new power creep.

   Remember that despite the game gear doesn't have any vertical progression with expansions (the same top quality of ascended and legendary remains) the new specs are itself a power creep, in the form of adding new skills and traits to your choices, having more powerful tools or numbers or sometimes delivering the same performance but with less effort. Is like in a fighting game when you have characters with lots of potential but which require very narrow windows of execution which makes them hard but then the developers add new characters with the same damage but way easier to play...

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26 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

"I played an equally broken build so it was fine"

   Yes. And now I'm playing an equally broken legacy build (celestial Herald) which puts both WB and HB in troubles if they aren't carefull. That's how battle for survival evolves: evolution doesn't grant survival to the strongest or fastest or smartest, but to the ones which are lucky (a very bad long term strategy, as the dodos proved) or the ones to adapt.

   Jump to the wagon of new dominant specs OR identify their weakness and build something specific to try to counter them. Did you saw Sindrener in PvP lately? He's playing power Deadeye (a spec which in the past He hated) because the meta in PvP (condi Harb, condi Spectre, Willbender) is stronger than the spec He likes to play (power Specter), so He swaped to power Deadeye and so far is working for him in ranked. Would work at MATs? To be seeing, but at least He's trying to counter the meta with a build that enjoys, instead of jumping in condi Specter and play using 3-4 keys as most of bandwagoners. 

Edited by Buran.3796
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On 7/16/2022 at 11:05 AM, Arolandis.8360 said:

but they're counterable once you know how they work.

Totally disagree with this. There are plenty of classes that simply hardcounter other classes. For example as an elementalist you're simply unable to keep up with the mobility of the willbender and lacks decent range skills that can compensate for this either. Aslong as the willbender doesn't make a mistake/overcommits there's simply no reason why an elementalist should be able to beat the willbender. 

Sure every single class/elite spec is counterable if you have the correct elite spec and build for the job, but there are simply quite alot of broken builds out there that are able to hardcounter like 90% of the builds. 


Also if you can beat a broken build with another broken build it doesn't mean the builds are fine. They're Both broken. 

Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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9 minutes ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Totally disagree with this. There are plenty of classes that simply hardcounter other classes. For example as an elementalist you're simply unable to keep up with the mobility of the willbender and lacks decent range skills that can compensate for this either. Aslong as the willbender doesn't make a mistake/overcommits there's simply no reason why an elementalist should be able to beat the willbender. 

Sure every single class/elite spec is counterable if you have the correct elite spec and build for the job, but there are simply quite alot of broken builds out there that are able to hardcounter like 90% of the builds. 


Also if you can beat a broken build with another broken build it doesn't the builds are fine. They're Both broken. 

I think classes like Elementalist need buffs across the board, in general. I used to play Weaver a lot until they nerfed so much of it's potential. Tempest with high protection uptime works well against power Willbenders, though. This is why I want other classes buffed, because years of nerfs took away from so many class's kits (and made them less fun because of it, imo). I really don't think nerfs are the answer.

For what it's worth I beat Willbenders with Vindicator, which really isn't broken in WvW, and has a buggy dodge. Honestly Dragon Hunters are stronger roamers/small scalers. And Elementalists just have way too many weaknesses that Anet needs to address. But so many classes/builds can work against a Willbender. Holosmiths, Scrappers, Reapers, Chronomancers, Mirages, Bladesworn,  Thieves of all flavors, Rangers, etc. They're all capable. Elementalist just sucks.

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