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We're not getting a new Living World episode anywhere soon, are we?

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14 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

Then why did they bother at all with LWS1. Having it is nice, but it should never be at the cost of new content. This a waste of dev resources.

Because veteran players have already bought as much of the content of the gemstore as they are likely to. Sure they may buy new skins as they are released but less so for old stuff. Meanwhile a new player will have not bought any of the stuff that we did years ago and so is a greater potential source of income going forward than is a veteran

Not saying I like this, but there it is.

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On 7/19/2022 at 2:46 PM, Kayberz.5346 said:

With the "Elder dragon saga" finished im betting anet doesn't want to call the upcoming content as "season 6" but instead have whatever it is start fresh, so that new players dont feel obligated to play the previous seasons to know whats going on.


I mean, that's a fair reason. I remember coming back into Gw2, i purchased it at launch, loved the personal stories from the creation of each race and all the variety (Wow, 5 races, 3 branches x 2 options of what to do 10-20 + 3 branches x 2 options lvl 20-30! + 3 branches 30-X!), then i heard Swtor added dialog options at the time of the mmorpg rush 9 years ago and hopped to others to experience SWTOR's story, where regardless of where you started, or what path you wanted to take, you still had a seemingly coherent story that made sense no matter where you sided, Dark or Light sith or Jedi, since you were your own character and followed your story.

Started in Sith, escaped the academy by force or murder? You left another area, and even though it was a brand new story, the world wasn't built around you being a grand and mighty force. Instead, someone struggling with fantasy blackmailers would be say, holding a family hostage in return for ransom money and it wouldn't worry about it since you weren't darth Potatus or Jedi scrapper to the person. The story felt involved since you decided where to go, you saw the family and you could decide how you wanted to react to it. (Say, a dark side sith who felt pity for the family and decided to save them, or a light side Jedi who felt disgusted with them and went to defend them, or a dark side Jedi who was tired of following the light and decided to just stab them or frag em.)

The story, while it wasn't planned at all, could feel interconnected yet work segmented. I still enjoy gw2 a great deal, but i think a common problem of "You are the chosen one, the only one who can save our world! (just like everyone else!) Uh!!.. i have no idea what gender, race, species, or even height you are man/Madam/Charr/Darth Sithius / Murder MChappyface!.), Please! although you have slayed gods, i REALLLY need your important help, the world is at danger, and i need your help to fetch my 80 cabbages stranded at the end of each mountain in a 17 part series quest to unlock cabbage flying! The world is at stake, but so are my 50 cent cabbages! YOU MUST FORGET THE STAKES OF THE WORLD AND SAVE MY CABBAGES IF YOU WISH TO FLY TO THE END OF THIS STORY MISSION HERO!" XD




(My POV: ) So, anyways, coming into gw2, you come into a experience where for the first 30 levels, regardless of what you choose, the story feels connected and i loved that!. But, it comes into a bait and switch. That personally catered story you had? It all gradually falls and fades apart. So you're teased with freedom, and then you eventually get a story where you didn't even get to experience the first parts or can't even afford them and you have just no idea what's going on! Then you hear it was all free, but OOPS!, that was a year ago and there was no advertising!


So you're put into this somehow horrible spot, where you know it (sometimes) goes for free, but you don't know when! But coming from WoW where 3 months was 105$ (60$ xpac + 45$ for 3 months), You feel like honestly 10$ for a whole story doesn't sound bad. BUT what if you buy it and it literally goes on sale or you miss it by a month and you just get screwed or burnt out? I bought the POF collection for the gems right before the amazon promotion and literally found out, for 100$, i had missed out on a literal potential extra 1500 gems when i had ran out of money had i only waited another few days and couldn't get a refund since i already ran out of money trying to buy volatile tools and skyscale and griffon only to find out i forgot the money for any other season. :/. And was stuck with tools that could take 50 years to pay off. 


So it's this cursing paradox where, despite being a good model on paper, it feels worse than either one alone. If it was just cycling week by week predictably, you'd know when it'd go free and be happy to wait for it or buy it to be sure if it was a bit early to get a jump! If it was just paid, you could buy it anytime and not have to worry. But you're put in this pretzel where, you feel so bad about missing out on wasting time, doing nothing waiting, you just tell yourself, "I'll just do the content i own, and i want to be efficient, i'm sure it'll be fine" that works in every other mmorpg, since they're self contained stories. While in gw2, You go like "WTF A DRAGON, IT'S GOING TO KILL ME!" "wait!! it just.. killed itself?? but they said it was evil! WHy is it protecting me? WAIT< i'm supposed to know it? But i DON"T!? Wait. My character is talking like they know it like a old friend, but i literally just like lvled and skipped the story after Treahearne to play SWTOR to have more personal story and i have no idea what's going on!. Oh a recap, that'll be nice! Wait.. It's just showing dead characters i don't even know yet.. how's that supposed to help someone who has no idea what's going on? At least the game's still fun but i have no idea what's going on."

"Oh well. There's gotta be some backstory i could have access to, right? What's this about Balthazar being a human god? Maybe if i play a human story, i'll understand it more! [YOUR CHARACTER SLOTS ARE FULL, DELETE A LVL 50 CHARACTER TO PLAY OR WAIT FOR UNANNOUNCED NEVER SALE]

Dang, my slots are full. Shoot, i can't even make a bag opener since i'm out of slots, but i already leveled them! Shoot, how do you even make ascended gear. Lets just do the next story! Wait.. There's another dragon! WHy is it fighting for me? Why am i suddenly acting it like it's my baby but never experienced the content where it was a baby? Can i opt out? Can i get a divorce? Oh there's a scene meant to be a tearjerker but the only emotion going through my head is JUST CONFUSION, why do dragons POWER BATTERIES AND WHY DO I OWN ONE and why is every single one of them jumping into sharp pointy objects!?!? Why do they absorb magic like they're sponges! Why are there options for stories earlier, but then i get no choices on the later ones."

"Why is so much of this story line connected to a part of the story you can literally miss and have 0 context on if you can't afford it or WANT to afford it, and have money, but are scared it might go for free and get no refund? It pressures you into this worry where.. You want to wait for it to release.. but it never does in a timely manner, but WoW was a lot worse. But do i even care about these characters i don't know enough to invest or even care about them? Plus if i skip it to do it chronological order.. I won't have mounts, i won't have +25% inn exp, i won't have gear and hero points to do HoT hero challenges..


I still am supposed to do Fractals.. I have no idea how to gear. and Exotic Viper gear is literally unfindable for my build to become meta unless i pay more than ascended gear costs to make and i literally can't find it anywhere.. I have to pick between a story i don't really understand or afford or this messy bag of trying to figure out how to even gear since my character does -40% dps without the right viper gear and affixes yet literally cannot afford it while power gear is 0.2g-2g yet Viper gear is 14g a piece.. And yet.. You expect new players to do HoT first to do it in chronological order, while being designed for BIS elite spec gear.. While literally making the viper gear stat too hard to get that if you have a class meant to use viper and no +20% duration and +dmg runes and condition, you do like half your damage while having 20% shorter duration while having 7x more expensive gear while a mechanist presses 1 with dirt cheap gear.. And you're just put in this spot where Gw2 wants you to assemble money for all the stories while a new player likely starts broke while gear starved and might need a manual to even figure out how to get their rare expansion slot while stat selectable gear is literally too rare to find and might already be screwed over just using the gear boost for celestial on the wrong class not meant to use it..." 




(. Anyways yeah. I guess i got derailed. But yeah, honestly the new player experience to Gw2, I love the game honestly coming from WoW and trying FF14 (good rotation, fun mechanics, life friendly model, no wow chores or 15$ a month 2.5 sec gcds in ff14.) 

But i do have to say. Coming into Gw2. I do enjoy the game, but honestly, my main thoughts joining Gw2 even as a vet of many rpgs went something like "Wow! I love this game over WoW, i love the personal story! But man, i sure have NO idea what's going on! And i've done mythic raiding, min maxing, played 10 mmorpgs and eye rolled at many stories! But this is a new one! I have no idea what's going on, the gearing in this game is more convoluted than literal college engineering mechanics or ikea furniture! I'm not really sure if i care about these characters enough to purchase, and i still need to gear, and my class i chose for being fun turns out, completely loses 40% of dps if it doesn't have viper gear (which is a completely near inaccessible stat other than stat selection or 14G a piece exotic vs 0.2-2G a piece Berserker), And i can't even realistically get the gear by playing the content it came from except by rolling a 1/100 chance on exotic from rare identified loot i have 14 of and hoping it has a 1/100 x 1/50 affix x 1/12 right slot x 1/3 right armor class = 1/ 180,000 chance per rare unidentified rare to be the right item i can equip!


I got a bit derailed. But honestly in a Nutshell, even as a mmorpg player of 10 games and enjoyer of many old in depth stories, such as the classical Lotr and Frodo's rise from reluctant anyman to heroic savior who found himself on a perilous journey for reasons he didn't understand.  All Gw2 made me feel like was a very confused but happy mount chasing Amnesiac patient, wondering if this was what Alzheimers probably would feel like. Having people talk to me i was supposed to know while having NO clue who they are, and worried about items i bought going on sale every week or if something i buy might go free or camping sales that never predictably come, waiting months, only to give up and have them come the next day. XD 


My personal head story was probably supposed to be i was some kind of epic Hero who escaped and forged a Charr legion and was supposed to have saved the world from a couple dragons i never met, befriended a couple, and then somehow came in possession of one. But my personal story experience is more feeling like i was a escaped Alzheimer patient having a fun adventurer in someone's backyard who knew me and let me steal all their horses, told me i was a hero, and also was aware i had amnesia and decided i wanted and loved to fly griffons anyways and then explored the continents and got lost while several people who declared themselves as my life's enemy were waved at while i was aware i was supposed to know them but just killed them anyways while flying off into the sunset yelling YEE HAW 😄 XD. I actually enjoyed it! But if you ask me what was going on. I felt more in tune with a don Quixote finding out the windmill monsters was real and getting to fight them then i did any fantasy hero lmao.  


I actually find it hillarious how after many MMORPGS stories, GW2 clearly has one it WANTS to tell about personal story, trehearne, and magic epic all powerful dragons. But i can't afford the story and i still need to get this impossible to find gear. I can't afford to do it chronologically while undergeared looking at dps sims where the gear is even hard for geared players, and im missing 50% of dps in sims alone just because i don't have the right Gear affixes and the chance to obtain one from a random drop is probably a literal 1/180000 to roll the right armor type, 2% viper affix, 1% exotic,  while WoW i just walked in, did a raid, had a item drop and equipped it. XD. It really sucks some classes get bis gear cheap as rocks for 1-4 button rotations while you can find out you can have a 15 button rotation and still only do dmg by the time the mechanist pressed 1 and literally 1 shotted it on 2 g gear. It feels like the devil's trifecta. You want to play the story in order, but you also feel pressured to get mounts and +25% xp and Proper affixes to handle your own in the murder jungle Where the difficulty curve is reversed



(Summaryish: (Sorry for the thoughts haha, when you have a literal 230 WPM/APM from 666% haste dh WoW Rotations, you tend to use it to spell out all your thoughts.  Anyways, i've literally played like several mmorpgs and while i really enjoyed Gw2. I do have to admit, the disjointed story made me relate more to a self aware Amnesiac alzheimer patient who was aware they WERE supposed to know all these people, but also keenly aware they had no honest clue who any of them were and started going on disjointed dragon slaying and griffon flying adventures. XD.

Gw2 story does try to be linear, while other mmorpgs compartmentalize. While it sounds easy to just say "Play HoT first", even as a past mmorpg veteran of 10 games, Difficulty gearing, (or at least, understanding how to coherently gear) with non available stat affixes can be a nightmare for rarer affix gear users. Because the story content is designed for optimal gear, but may not have access to your stat.

It can lead to new players finding out they just CAN'T feasibly obtain their specs optimal gear in the chronological order available. Leading to a weird jarring where if you play in order, most games incentivize it. Gw2 would leave you out of +25% inn exp, 100-300%+ speed mounts like raptor/roller beetle/griffon/skyscale, potentially +10-40% more dps on gear on 15-20 minute long Low hero points / Core builds. as well as potentially having what felt like 2-3x less dps if you didn't have hero points for elite specs or a good rotation. 

Tl;dr: I enjoy Gw2. But even as a mmorpg vet of 10 games and min maxer.  But story wise, All i felt was extreme confusion playing Gw2 out of order and worry about gearing, time gating, hero points for a coherent spec to play the story in a logical order while struggling with uneasily available gear prefixes keeping me from properly gearing up my build and the wiki for exotic heavy armor gearing being more full of holes than a block of swiss cheese.

(Extra fluff) 



{ Some guide literally went: [GUIDE: How to get Exotic Viper heavy armor: Don't. How to get Ascended Viper gear? Uhhhh... .. How to get Core masteries so you can get more xp crafting.. UHHH.... How to find all the ingredients so you can get to Ascended crafting? Uhhh... [How does WoW gear up? You enter a raid or mythic+ dungeon and do good, and you have a gear, easy and simple. ] }

{I Do enjoy gw2, but it really does seem like sour envy that. I feel like i'm doing research work to even find out how to even gear up my character unless i want to spend 14 G a piece of viper gear and press a 15 button rotation that needs energy under 5-10 to even work, just to get half the results for 2x the work and 7x cheaper gear while they can buy 0.2-2G gear for dps done instantly, while im watching every single dps meter beat by a mechanist pressing 1-3 buttons sometimes while it feels like hard work isn't rewarded at all in open world since most mobs never live to the 5-10 seconds to deal half my DoT's dps, while the mechanist 2 shots them.  


And in some cases, it feels like despite feeling like doing 2x the work for half the results to go half as far, you can't even find the gear i need on dps sims to damage enough to at least match the bench until ascended, which is it's own pretzel to figure out how to craft or even obtain to a newcomer when i was told it would be more friendly? I don't mind hard work though, i just wish it was clearer how to even make these items, slot by slot, without 1 wiki, 3 gold farming sites, 2 discords and the fourms and 2 crafting calculators to even just figure out 4 slots of viper selectable gear.  }



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Most of you just talk without actual helpful input. @Aodlop.1907 below is what we know so far.

- Does this mean the launch of Season 6 of the Living World, and, if so, when will it arrive given the already announced return of Season 1? "Living World Season 1 is the next Living World Season!" clarifies Davis. "As for what's after Living World Season 1, today we confirmed that a new map and story set in Cantha are in development, and once we're further into Living World Season 1 we'll be back to talk about where we're going next in that mysterious continent."


Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/the-future-of-guild-wars-2-arenanet-announces-return-of-season-1-and-teases-next-expansion/

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On 7/24/2022 at 5:04 AM, Sunchaser.9854 said:

{ Some guide literally went: [GUIDE: How to get Exotic Viper heavy armor: Don't. How to get Ascended Viper gear? Uhhhh... .. How to get Core masteries so you can get more xp crafting.. UHHH.... How to find all the ingredients so you can get to Ascended crafting? Uhhh...

What ""guides"" are you reading? No, really, what guide exactly are you talking about?

On 7/24/2022 at 5:04 AM, Sunchaser.9854 said:

You expect new players to do HoT first to do it in chronological order, while being designed for BIS elite spec gear..

And -to be absolutely clear- while you're repeating this in your post a few times, this is not true. You're not required to have BiS and you're not required to play meta builds.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What ""guides"" are you reading? No, really, what guide exactly are you talking about?

And -to be absolutely clear- while you're repeating this in your post a few times, this is not true. You're not required to have BiS and you're not required to play meta builds.

This community seems a bit bipolar, you see posts expecting and demanding top notch performance but the travesty is I just got back from a person literally trying to explain the LITERAL literal prices of viper gear was 14-17g A piece for my spec and ascended I had to Google a calculator to even figure out how to make and plot the recipes was 14.5g A piece. After spending two hours with a person they went "no it isn't, no it isnt, no it isnt"


After about 30 minutes I gave up and I got someone who literally told me gear wasn't that bad to get since their berserker's gear was literally 20s to get and getting them 20k dps by pressing a literal 1 button and asking as mechanist, while my no viper Condi build I chose for gameplay and enjoyment as a past 100-200 apm literal build enjoyer constantly witnesses things die and only sputter to 10-15k dps without the timed runes to extend my dot duration and craft axes and makes for swaps as well as a complete 300g set of gear and a 15-20 move rotation with 1 second wide stance swapping windows while they were literally complaining it was unfair for their auto attack gear to have mech dmg included. 


All I got out of it is, gearing in gw2 to a new player is like if there was a parking lot that immediately parked your car upside down and towed it away and then hid it in a unknown country to a newcomer. They stare at it confused, the locals all point. "Isn't is obvious?!!??", you go to the neighbors and you study the parking lot. Any good parking lot would have notes. But there isnt, so you give up.


The person gives you a 5 hour speech on why it makes perfect coherant sense that gear doesn't drop in dungeons, there's no personal loot selection system for untradables that makes even dailies likely to reward you in gear for a class. Finally. You give up and you go " how do I have to park my car/obtain viper prefix gear if I want to gear", and people stare at you dumbfounded. Go. Its so simple to most mmorpgs, You don't gear in dungeons, you gear in completely unlabeled parts of thr map and do a 20x longer rotation to deal half the damage while the other class m1s and gets their bis affix for 20s a mechanist's berserker while auto booning vs 14-17g a piece. And trying to explain to people that having to look at gear guides to check not only stat select ability but zone vs 20s auction house gear I've already accepted is something that flies off most people's heads.


Like how numerous several other mmorpgs do a dungeon finder that just have people tested before the ques to say provide their dps/heal/tank/boon uptime  and people go, what's wrong with the current system. To just trying the manual way, and just running into literally unexplained dungeon design like p2 catacombs where people just accept that while other games will have gimmick designs, but explain them, pugs in gw2 just seem to have untalking masses of people just randomly zerg in random directions who meet a mob who is just randomly completely undamagable by conventional means, but has a weakness to exploit that just makes a face slamming pile of un speaking players spin around mute. 


A mark of a simple but often easy to take for granted game design, is designing parts of the game to be reasonably communicatable to a player. Like a parking lot that only accepts parking tickets if you wear a platypus on your head, gw2 seems to have pelicular systems in place to stand out from m morphs common practices that seem... somewhat intentional. But it seems like they reject time tested tropes like dungeons dropping equippable and usable worthwhile gear while coming up with a good stat selection system, only to make some affixes easy while ignoring others.


They say they want to increase build diversity, yet the latest balance patches have reduced it and now there's a lot of guilds and raids where why even bother trying to make a 15-20+ button with energy swaps, rotation swaps, selected availability affix gear available, when a mechanist can press 1 button, buy their gear a literal 80x cheaper for 20s berserker gear vs 17g viper gear. Press a button, go afk. Maybe 4 buttons, and have a golem atk their rotations while all the other classes can press 20 to do half? 


Gw2 has some good ideas for sure, but it seems very stubborn, some parts of it to a newcomer seem perplexing. It seems to make some really fun and exciting looking specs. Then make gearing for one class a cakewalk and another a nightmare based solely on who's gear gets to be 20s and who's gets to be difficult to find 16g exotic while the ascended are literally 14.5g. 


The reason the guide says not to bother with 14-17g exotic viper is while you can try a Condi build without, you miss out on 33% of your dps + 20-30% extended duration and dmg from runes + 5-10% ascended stat differences playing a class that doesn't m1 while some certain classes such as mechanist are very lucrative rewarded whole another could have expectations to handle 15-20+ abilities + weapon swaps + stance swaps with 1 second wide opening timers, it's hard not to come into gw2 feeling like the game doesn't equally reward all players or care to communicate about itself. Such as say advertising or having too much social media pressence when Wow players were hopping by the millions looking for a good mmorpg in the market and turned ff14, A kinda okay but eh game into a success by not advertising itself. as well as having completely missable story mechanics.


Or having a story that makes almost no sense if it expected someone to hop in back from launch without 9 consecutive years of play. I actually have a 9th year birthday gift from the mmorpg launch craze, but it seems a bit bizarre. Gw2 definitely has good ideas, I love the mounts a ton. But I don't think it's story jumbles or lack of like maybe a personal desired loot system that could say, have a better chance to find untradable loot equppable by your class drop from dungeons every 10 levels or a in-game (where can I obtain X stat for Y slot ascended?) areas a bad idea. 


I know some people with berserkers literally just buy their gear for 20 s to 2g a piece but I've had to use a wiki to find a second viper available trinket and literally this is the only game I know of where the wiki loot table is more styled by drop availability markers from literal achievement procs, with x and y for yes or no to obtainable via raiding or story or achievements or crafting or fractals or 9th year birthday parties or holiday events or living seasons or random rng loot boxes or certain karma venfors while most other mmorpgs just ask if you want to dungeon or raid etc. 


I want to do respectable damage. If a mechanist presses 1 button and spends 2-4g for 20-39k, I need to spend 200-400g on ascended and find my optimal runes as well as optimize my rotation as well as hope the mobs I target live long enough for at least 12 seconds of dots (LOL) TO..




I don't have a character slot for the press 1 afk for 2x the results for half the results class alright? I thought this class was fun, but it's gone from fun fantasy to feeling likenim doing 2-4x the thought into it to see half the results as someone who literally can't fall below 20k dps by afking while 20 buttons on this class gets 12-15k with a 17k no viper sim since of missing runes and vipers. It's like every top 3 dps is just a mechanist pressing 1 button to get all the results while dots get clipped if something doesn't even live to 12 seconds long. 

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8 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What ""guides"" are you reading? No, really, what guide exactly are you talking about?

And -to be absolutely clear- while you're repeating this in your post a few times, this is not true. You're not required to have BiS and you're not required to play meta builds.

I think he means a player (guide).  The response, though...TL and confusing and with run-on sentences; gave up R after about halfway.

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On 7/19/2022 at 11:24 PM, mindcircus.1506 said:

No where has Anet promised any kind of Living World continuation. They've chosen their words very carefully about any upcoming content and purposefully avoided any reference to "Living World"
Ask yourself why.
The answer is pretty simple... they are not planning any.

Finally, we’re happy to confirm that we’re working on the next story update for Guild Wars 2, including a new map set in the Cantha region. 

That's from their studio update. Sure, they might call it differently, like they did with IBS, but it's still living world content structure.

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6 hours ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

This community seems a bit bipolar, you see posts expecting and demanding top notch performance but the travesty is I just got back from a person literally trying to explain the LITERAL literal prices of viper gear was 14-17g A piece for my spec and ascended I had to Google a calculator to even figure out how to make and plot the recipes was 14.5g A piece. After spending two hours with a person they went "no it isn't, no it isnt, no it isnt"

Sorry, but your posts seem to be a bit too... rambly for me. I asked a simple question: what guide did you follow that ""guided"" with the response "you don't get that gear" and you went on a multiple disconnected paragraphs trip talking about other mmorpgs.

Anyways, you wrote you need to have BiS gear with meta builds to play through HoT and that's just not true. Who exactly is expecting/demanding from you top notch performance to play through OW/story HoT content? It's like you've chosen the path of literally: starting the game -> instantly going through content, while at the same time aiming at instantly getting top gear for top dps builds, while refusing to play the game without dealing top dps.

The main problem I see here -although I easly could be missing context- is that you can't reliably do that in one move like you apparently want to do it. You can get gear and gold by playing the game, but you don't want to play the game without having the top gear. From where I'm sitting it's not the fault of the game, but rather your faulty expectations and misunderstanding that any of it is required to play through the content.

3 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I think he means a player (guide).  The response, though...TL and confusing and with run-on sentences; gave up R after about halfway.

Yeah... same 😶

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I think he means a player (guide).  The response, though...TL and confusing and with run-on sentences; gave up R after about halfway.

Alright to boil it down in a nutshell. The bis affix gear for berserker/power builds is so plentiful a mechanist can easily buy their exotics for 20 silver to 2 gold, despite being a flooded 1 button build. The gear for viper or expansion affix gear is notoriously scarce, that buying a piece of exotic viper gear (14-17g can be seen as a waste) since ascended can be made for 14.5 g


In a nutshell. It feels like when one class can get 2x the rewards for 2-4x less abilities/apm, while also having easy access to easy 0.2-2g exotic gear while another's is harder and more obscure to obtain. That you're doing all this working hoping for a payout rewarded in most other games only to start questioning if the efforts feel rewarded. 



Anyways, im well aware these might be wasted words. I do enjoy gw2 as a game and I'm glad I can buy and play forever. It has some really fun mounts and good ideas and bad ideas. I loved the first 30 levels personal story the best and how dynamic it was. I'm kind of sad that the game starts off teasing you with such a fun and incredibly diverse path of customizable options for your choices, but gearing and accessibility is quite wonky. 

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Alright so I'm well aware. My thoughts and actions are done in 230 wpm/apm wince I came form mmorpgs where 666% haste and 240 apm to perform the specs was the norm. 


Because i needed the apm to perform said actions in other game's, my finger reflexes got faster. I tend to have a strongly analytical mind that min maxes and optimizes. I look at the game and 90% of people not mechanist literally average 2-5k dps.. Or below. While the lowest mechanist I've seen hit 15-30k dps by saying they literally ark or sometimes press 1-4 buttons.


To simplify things, basically I have a alt. He uses medium power armor. My main uses viper. 


My main has literally been working on 3 pieces of viper as well as amulet and 2nd accessory and ring to get a few affixes and doing strikes. His viper gear will cost 200-300g and the runes to obtain it are only from dungeons where dps and healing are important. But are usually topped by a mechanist or firebrand. 


My alt literally got basically full geared for 2g.


Let me think of a way to simplify this. 


Tl:dr. 17g exotic is a bigger number than 14.5g ascended viper. But berserker gear is dirt cheap. New players unless they spend 60-200$ out the gate will have to pick what items to buy. 


Tl:dr 2: imo,  If bis gear is less accessible, it may forces new players to pick between buying stories, content. Gear and resources. That means when one spec's armor costs 300g while another person fully gears for 2g, it punishes players and feels like effort is unrewarded and you do twice the work and jump through hoops only for them to gear in minutes for 10g on a ah vs 300g.


If exotic gear is more expensive than ascended. Guides will often tell you to go for 14.5g ascended over 14-17g viper exotic. Because 14.5 is smaller than 17g and lasts longer. I thought I said that three times already, but here's a fourth I suppose. I also made the text bold, in hopes your eyes can navigate to brighter text. 😂


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27 minutes ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

I tend to have a strongly analytical mind that min maxes and optimizes.

Nothing analitycal/min-max/optimal about complaining on the forum about not being able to gear up before you google/wiki/ask the players about it.

27 minutes ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

Tl:dr 2: imo,  If bis gear is less accessible, it may forces new players to pick between buying stories, content. Gear and resources. That means when one spec's armor costs 300g while another person fully gears for 2g, it punishes players and feels like effort is unrewarded and you do twice the work and jump through hoops only for them to gear in minutes for 10g on a ah vs 300g.

New players don't need instantly fully geared top meta builds to play through content. And, again, your problem seems to stem from wanting to do everything at the same time, while apparently thinking you can't do anything without the meta dps gear/build -which is incorrect.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Was checking the benchmark ranking of the dps in the snowcrow site...... yeah, there are various Condi build (Specter, Harbinger, Renegade and more (even Mecha is in it)), but, you have power build too (that are literally berserker all of them) like Bladesworn, Soulbeast, Catalist, Virtuoso and the difference is like from 37k condi build to 34k power build); if you do PVE contents, you can easily use a power build of one the the mentioned classes and be ok until later in the game, i don't see a problem here.

So, which are the classes you are using now? (don't know if you wrote them here, if so, sorry to ask again, but please, repost them, thx).


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12 minutes ago, ThunderX.6591 said:

Was checking the benchmark ranking of the dps in the snowcrow site...... yeah, there are various Condi build (Specter, Harbinger, Renegade and more (even Mecha is in it)), but, you have power build too (that are literally berserker all of them) like Bladesworn, Soulbeast, Catalist, Virtuoso and the difference is like from 37k condi build to 34k power build); if you do PVE contents, you can easily use a power build of one the the mentioned classes and be ok until later in the game, i don't see a problem here.

So, which are the classes you are using now? (don't know if you wrote them here, if so, sorry to ask again, but please, repost them, thx).


This is a thread about when we might get a new living world episode.

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If Viper's only came out with Heart of Thorns, how did anyone obtain it before playing Heart of Thorns?  How did anyone play Heart of Thorns to obtain it?

I don't use Viper's, I don't think...I don't have a 'build'.  I just use whatever drops for me for all these years.  I've managed to finish HoT, PoF, Strikes, DRMs, etc., etc.  I only play solo, as well (for Story content, almost exclusively...might have had help on Hearts and Minds). 

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

This is a thread about when we might get a new living world episode.

Sorry sorry, i get set on the contents of the topic about the discussion of equipment, so, didn't notice the original subject of the post (the post before was asking about guides and about BiS spec gear)

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12 minutes ago, ThunderX.6591 said:

Sorry sorry, i get set on the contents of the topic about the discussion of equipment, so, didn't notice the original subject of the post (the post before was asking about guides and about BiS spec gear)

No worries, has happened to me as well. Just wanted to let you know in case you meant to put that post in a different thread.

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It was a derailment about the new player experience. I had a post talking about how new players often get a incredibly disjointed experience where they have to pick or divide their resources between unlocking the living world stories, gearing, and getting and finding rewards for the game, so it got derailed into a "I am too lazy to read, therefore I win" dime a dozen discussion that basically just led back to how gw2 players are just so conditioned to their game being how it is.


It's akin to a parking lot that only lets you park if you wear a platypus on your head going "why would anyone consciously design it like this?" And staring at 20 people go "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS? platypuses go on heads." and the only reason is that it's always been that say for the parking lot. But for sake of derailment, lets just say for 1000 gems.


A new player can pick between one item: a set of living world seasons, 250g for a certain armor set or 10g for another. If they only pick one season, they'll get a incredibly disjointed experience. But the rewards are top heavy, so it's set up in a way for players to experience a disjointed story when the story is missing parts and this could be a thing to work on polishing for the steam release. It'd be a highly trivial manner for a solution such as just increasing the drop rate on certain gears. Let me go think of a shorter way for the average intellect that doesnt think in as much detail as mine, Hmm. 


New players can pick one thing for 10$, / Time

1. one living world story of 4-5 for 10$,

2. one set of exotic viper armor for 300g or ascended for 300g, 

3. Griffon (250g) or sky scale (100g)


The game is set up so gold making is like 2$ a hr, so I think picking a critique at how gw2's story is overly reliant on all its part to make sense. While it completely lacks simple solutions such as a complete entire story pack discount or publicized plan sales date could be nice.


The original repost was a comment to sometime talking about how the stories could be incoherent out of order.  Someone fixated on 14-17 g viper exotic is a bigger number than 14.5 g ascended. I've actually been working on ordering the 300 items necessary to level all three plans and obtain the recipes. I too wouldn't mind a new living world soon, but for the new player experience I hope they do something about their storyline being pretty hit or miss on coherence without all the parts. 


Tl:dr. New players have to pick between story. Gold and resources as well as leveling. ( 10$ = living world = skyscale /= story appreciation /= 250g = Griffon / set of viper gear. ) 


Tl:dr for cavemen: ooga booga. Money buy stick. Stick hit. Harder.. 1/7th of story when ooga?

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34 minutes ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

It was a derailment about the new player experience. I had a post talking about how new players often get a incredibly disjointed experience where they have to pick or divide their resources between unlocking the living world stories, gearing, and getting and finding rewards for the game, so it got derailed into a "I am too lazy to read, therefore I win" dime a dozen discussion that basically just led back to how gw2 players are just so conditioned to their game being how it is.


It's akin to a parking lot that only lets you park if you wear a platypus on your head going "why would anyone consciously design it like this?" And staring at 20 people go "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS? platypuses go on heads." and the only reason is that it's always been that say for the parking lot. But for sake of derailment, lets just say for 1000 gems.


A new player can pick between one item: a set of living world seasons, 250g for a certain armor set or 10g for another. If they only pick one season, they'll get a incredibly disjointed experience. But the rewards are top heavy, so it's set up in a way for players to experience a disjointed story when the story is missing parts and this could be a thing to work on polishing for the steam release. It'd be a highly trivial manner for a solution such as just increasing the drop rate on certain gears. Let me go think of a shorter way for the average intellect that doesnt think in as much detail as mine, Hmm. 


New players can pick one thing for 10$, / Time

1. one living world story of 4-5 for 10$,

2. one set of exotic viper armor for 300g or ascended for 300g, 

3. Griffon (250g) or sky scale (100g)


The game is set up so gold making is like 2$ a hr, so I think picking a critique at how gw2's story is overly reliant on all its part to make sense. While it completely lacks simple solutions such as a complete entire story pack discount or publicized plan sales date could be nice.


The original repost was a comment to sometime talking about how the stories could be incoherent out of order.  Someone fixated on 14-17 g viper exotic is a bigger number than 14.5 g ascended. I've actually been working on ordering the 300 items necessary to level all three plans and obtain the recipes. I too wouldn't mind a new living world soon, but for the new player experience I hope they do something about their storyline being pretty hit or miss on coherence without all the parts. 


Tl:dr. New players have to pick between story. Gold and resources as well as leveling. ( 10$ = living world = skyscale /= story appreciation /= 250g = Griffon / set of viper gear. ) 


Tl:dr for cavemen: ooga booga. Money buy stick. Stick hit. Harder.. 1/7th of story when ooga?

Mate, you keep repeating these weird personal insults about "being too lazy to read" or "translations for cavemen", meanwhile you apparently don't even see what is being responded to.

What was quoted is your false idea about "going through HoT content" requiring BiS/meta builds (meta builds made for group content, not story/OW btw). Here, it's a short post, re-read the quote before re-reading the response:


You can get viper exotic gear from stat selectable items, also literally through playing the HoT content. Still, not that you need it to play through it in the first place.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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