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[EU][PvE] Ghost Riders of Tyria [HOME] - A friendly, active and social PvE Guild on EU


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Established in early 2020, Ghost Riders of Tyria is a dedicated PvE guild comprised of both new and veteran players! We are a mid-sized family-feel guild with active members that enjoy a variety of content, ranging from world bosses and open world meta events to instanced content like fractals, strikes, and raids. The idea of [HOME] is to have a friendly and non-elitist space where players can come together, learn and enjoy the game while having others to play with in a welcoming environment.     

We have no representation, experience, or hour-based requirements, all we ask is that players are helpful, friendly, and respectful to each other.

Our Rules and Values

- Guild Members should strive to create a friendly and encouraging atmosphere where players of all experience levels and walks of life can feel welcome and supported. We all were newbies in this game once, so try to be helpful to new players so they can find their place and feel at home.

- Treat people the same way you would like to be treated, do not trivialise their problems, and avoid excessive swearing.

- [HOME] is a safe space and we want our members to feel supported. Do not judge other people's questions, style of play, style of writing (grammar, spelling, etc), eating habits, or other lifestyles.

- We are an LGBTQIA+ friendly guild. Discrimination based on sexuality, gender, race, and any insulting behaviour, in general, is not tolerated. (Occasional teasing or throwing shade is okay but we encourage using common sense. Think about how your words can be perceived by the person on the receiving end. We are an international guild so misunderstandings can happen.)

- You will never be judged in any way so feel free to ask questions in guild chat or discord. We also have a @Question role on discord that will ping members happy to answer questions!

- Avoid spoilers in-game. Mark any messages containing spoilers on Discord and use the Spoilertalk channel where possible.

The Ghost Council

[HOME] doesn’t have a leader, but is instead run by its members in a system we call ‘The Ghost Council.’

The Ghost Council is a rotating group of 5 Members that take care of [HOME] behind the scenes. These members sign up for an 8-week term and take care of the tasks that you would typically expect of a Guild Leader. We are a very community-focused guild so the council was decided on as an alternative system to allow all members to have a say in leading, running, and deciding on the direction of the guild. It has allowed us to keep the guild feeling fresh and opened up opportunities to run many fun and unique events for our members over the past 2 years!

At least one of the seven ‘Founding’ members of the guild will be in the role at all times to ensure that [HOME] doesn’t stray from its founding principles of being a warm and welcoming space. These members also help to advise and guide guild members that are new to the role!

Any member of [HOME] is welcome to volunteer for a term on the council regardless of their rank or length of time in the guild. More information about our guild leadership system can be found on our FAQ page here!

What can we offer you?

- An active and helpful guild where you can feel at [HOME]

- A mid-week event to look forward to every week! (These can range from a meta event run to HP or world-boss trains to bounties, fashion contests, and anything in between!)

- Guild missions every Sunday at 19:45 CEST/18:45 BST    

- An active discord server with roles and channels for easy LFG-ing!    

- A fully upgraded guild hall on the beautiful Isle of Reflection🌸    

- Regular grouping for fractals and strike missions.    

- Semi-regular raid training and dungeon runs.    

- Knowledgeable guild members that are happy to give advice on builds, gearing, and endgame PvE to those who want it and veteran players that are happy to answer questions from members taking their first few steps into Tyria! 🙂

- Occasional special guild events like anniversary and seasonal parties, pub quizzes, contests, fashion shows, or more!    

You can check out our Google Photo album for guild event screenshots here!😄

How to apply

Applications are handled through our website https://ghostridersoftyria.com/. Our application form can be found here. Once you have submitted the form the Ghost Council will be notified and a member will reach out in-game as soon as possible for a quick chat!

If you are looking for a non-elitist, chill, and fun environment to enjoy the game why not -

Apply Now

Edited by Gwylen.3462
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Thank you all for the applications 🙂 Everyone has been contacted within 24h of their application (usually a lot quicker though!)

This week we will be going on a tour of the Labyrinthine Cliffs and sneaking around under the Crown Pavilion! Come join us in discovering the Festival of the Four Winds!!!😍

Edited by LovisaMay.1863
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Next week we are having a celebration to celebrate how far we have come as a guild and you are welcome to join! We will have a fashion contest, something like Simon Says and Musical Chairs! Also if you like (loosely) roleplaying as a charr warband we have another session coming up next week as well!

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