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Dominion of the Sovereign Dyansty [SVGN][NA] LF Members!

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Dominion of the Sovereign Dynasty [SVGN] a chill and casual guild, looking for like minded gamers, who just like enjoying the game and a good community. To facilitate our working and extra busy class people our scheduled events are at  Daily Reset (NA Prime Time). We look to engage members in end game content such as raids,t4s, strike missions, as well as a few competitive content such as WvW and  PvP.  


🎇Who can join??

Anyone that wants a chill place to learn the game, without all the elitism, toxicity and drama. Our 18+ community is open to you as long as you follow these key rules:

✔Respect each and every member regardless of Race, Gender or Sexual Orientation.

✔Communicate with Officers and leaders if any problem or concern arises.

✔Enjoy the game and the community we have.

We are appreciative of anyone who offers their time and services to the guild as we try to make our home one to be enjoyed and loved.

Promotion of Officers and Commanders are based on one's interest and overall performance in the guild. 


🎇Activities are:



We have a very chill yet productive raiding atmosphere. We try to make our runs as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Mistakes can be made, it's just how you learn from them that will eventually determine your progress. 

Our Raid times are at daily reset. On Wednesdays and Thursdays currently. 


Raid Training-> We offer more practical training for new raiders. Because the best way to learn the encounter is to actually do it _vs _reading and watching guides, we like to throw new raiders into the fray and hope they survive. Moooost time they do.


Multi Roles -> We encourage and recommend members to be able to play multiple roles. We don't always follow the Meta, and like to test things or two and see how they work... *for science*. But we also want members to play classes they are comfortable with. Our training nights also offer a chance for more exp members to try out new classes and roles


Advanced Wing runs/training->  Most of our members have cleared all wings, however, we will be offering advanced wing training for Wing 5-7. We will also be doing some Raid CMs for titles and achievements. These runs will require a more set comp and style to deal with various mechanics. 


  Requirements -> Our requirements are simple and allow for better planning and execution of the runs. All we ask is that you:

✔ Give notice in advance if you will be late or absent, 

 ✔Be properly geared. be it with Exotics or Ascended. Don't forget food 

✔✔and geez enjoy the run.


Same concept for raids we apply for strike missions as we also look to complete the EoD strikes Cms.



We often do T4s/CM  depending if we have anything else planned for the night. Being able to play multiple roles will help.

The only requirement is to have full AR (150). Experience or fractal level isn't required. 


WvW (Crystal Desert)


If you love pips, bags, and rewards, hate blobby fights, but love to pew pew from a distance. Then we will be perfect roaming/havoc partners.

 We are looking for anyone who loves roaming and small fights to join us on Crystal Desert.  You can play whatever you want as long as we get to enjoy the bloodshed and corpse of our opponents.


For invite or if have any questions feel free to join 

Our Discord https://discord.gg/XwJrw6C Follow the instructions or ping an officer for assistance


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