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favorite expansion?

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For me, it's path of fire. The music, the environments, the mounts it adds. I only wish its metas were better rewards, so people did more than pinata and bounty, I don't have much reason to going there other than that. 😅

2nd would be heart of thorns. I hated it when it first came out, got rekt so bad, but later on with mounts, power creep, and better knowledge of the game, I've come to appreciate the staple metas it has like AB and TD, and the interesting environments.

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Heart of Thorns.  By far the best map design in the game and I think it was the major turning point for the dead end that was the core game.  The mastery system and introduction of more challenging endgame content along with better story integration with open world set the game in a very different direction that was much needed.

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HoT has the best memories for being so different to what we had before. PoF brought a more varied and richer world, the best mounts in any mmo and made Kralk a cool looking Dragon as a backdrop. I’m going with PoF on balance, but I put way more time into HoT.

EoD remains too mediocre across the board to enter into the contest for me. One of the weaker and poorer expansions in a game Ive come across

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Ooh...hard to say between HoT and PoF.

Heart of Thorns was where I really became invested in learning how to play well, not just barely surviving open-world encounters and calling it good. I'm nowhere near raid-level ready (or, heck, even fractals), but at least I know now that I don't have a high chance of dying just running around doing the story. Speaking of story - if you haven't done so, play HoT with a sylvari. And be prepared for jumpscares. And a bit of psychological horror. 😇 (Also, gliding is so much fun!!)

Path of Fire is just gorgeous. The environments, the music...so beautiful. Mounts are amazing and so much better than the mount system I was used to in SWTOR (where mounts are just a speed boost, basically; sure, they can have different looks, like animals or speeders or whatnot, but they all function the exact same way). The story is great, especially from "The Departing" up until the final fight.

Haven't played EoD, likely won't.

So...yup, it's a tie between Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire for me. I can't decide!

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Depends really. For looks i like eod best. Events it’s hot. And convenience it’s pof cause of the mounts. And I like the bounties there as well and easier hp trains. 

All expansions have their own charm. And flaws. So it’s not an easy pick for me to choose only one, but if I would have to choose one I would say eod 

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PoF was my Fav. Great story. The Maps were all super cool!  HoT was 2nd Fav. Great Map Metas. EoD is.... ummm a giant disaster. Horrible writing. Extremely short compared to the other 2 expansions. Ugly maps. Characters that aren't given enough depth to them so whenever something "important" happens to them and we are supposed to feel something for them i just don't cuz... why should I? Their story was never flushed out enough, I was never given a reason to like them... just awful. 

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2 hours ago, Batel.9206 said:

Ooh...hard to say between HoT and PoF.

Heart of Thorns was where I really became invested in learning how to play well, not just barely surviving open-world encounters and calling it good. I'm nowhere near raid-level ready (or, heck, even fractals), but at least I know now that I don't have a high chance of dying just running around doing the story. Speaking of story - if you haven't done so, play HoT with a sylvari. And be prepared for jumpscares. And a bit of psychological horror. 😇 (Also, gliding is so much fun!!)

Path of Fire is just gorgeous. The environments, the music...so beautiful. Mounts are amazing and so much better than the mount system I was used to in SWTOR (where mounts are just a speed boost, basically; sure, they can have different looks, like animals or speeders or whatnot, but they all function the exact same way). The story is great, especially from "The Departing" up until the final fight.

Haven't played EoD, likely won't.

So...yup, it's a tie between Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire for me. I can't decide!

This reminded me to do that first HoT mission for achieve on Sylvari, so I went and did it today and it was fun. Def some little elements in there that make it feel more personal as Sylvari, I like it. I usually play human.

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All were a bit emotional for me. HoT because of how many people died trying to stop Mordremoth, and the last time we'll see Zojja before she's gone MIA. :c

Path of Fire got serious when the commander "faced his fate once" (Trying to keep it spoiler free).

And End of Dragons had something unique, which was the fact that you can tell in the male Asura's voice that he's getting old. His voice lines feels like he's tired and raspy, or he's used to BS at this point in time, given all he went through.


It's really hard to decide.

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Despite its glaring flaws, I prefer PoF over HoT and EoD.

I prefer it's comparatively more open maps over the convoluted verticality that's present in HoT. I also prefer the desert themes over the jungle.

The jade junk plastered all over Cantha is disgusting enough to safely place EoD at the last place, even without considering the other massive shortcomings.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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HoT has the best maps and events
 EoD maps are beautiful and I like the strike missions and DE meta. 
PoF maps are also great but there is nothing challenging and the meta events are boring but mounts are great. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Despite its glaring flaws, I prefer PoF over HoT and EoD.

I prefer it's comparatively more open maps over the convoluted verticality that's present in HoT. I also prefer the desert themes over the jungle.

The jade junk plastered all over Cantha is disgusting enough to safely place EoD at the last place, even without considering the other massive shortcomings.


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22 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Heart of Thorns.  By far the best map design in the game and I think it was the major turning point for the dead end that was the core game. 

The difference between core and HoT is astounding. Even with it completely failing to deliver story-wise, leaving all the Sylvari loose ends unresolved...what it delivered were real, interesting, map-wide metas, in incredible maps. The game's never come close since.

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14 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:

The difference between core and HoT is astounding. Even with it completely failing to deliver story-wise, leaving all the Sylvari loose ends unresolved...what it delivered were real, interesting, map-wide metas, in incredible maps. The game's never come close since.

There’s a lot to agree with here. I think if they had made a meatier, less rushed mainline story, it would be pretty perfect as expansions go. The map design is breathtaking though. I get the hatred some people have for them - especially with a rubbish mini map - but the thought that went into the design including map storytelling, environment, creatures, replayability, placement of things and general feel of atmosphere is very clever. 

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PoF was the best for me. I like desert theme, mounts and last boss fight was very good.

HoT is the worst. I hate these vertical maps. I rather play core maps all day long. Every good thing in HoT is overshadow by this map design I hate so much.

I have no strong opinion about EoD. Haven't played it yet. Then good discount comes I might try it.

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Easily Heart of Thorns; I still spend the bulk of my play time in those zones.

The only "negative" for me, and it only really became a negative with EoD, is the Mastery system. Masteries felt like integral parts of the world and story. Now? Just busy work to add artificial weight to fluff  :classic_sad:

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