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AR needs to removed or reworked

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10 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

My comment wasn't directed at you, also you have given me very little context why Alacrity Renegade would not be bringing a Support? I never said it had to be a healer, you have two supports or two healers.

Non healer run (I play EU, so take it as view on EU side) is Condi alac rev, 3 dps + qshare dps. If you meant to say that boon providers are support, sorry, you were right and I was a donkey. If you meant support as healer, then no - there is no healing, we just spank harder than boss does.

Edited by Bakeneko.5826
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49 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

Non healer run (I play EU, so take it as view on EU side) is Condi alac rev, 3 dps + qshare dps. If you meant to say that boon providers are support, sorry, you were right and I was a donkey. If you meant support as healer, then no - there is no healing, we just spank harder than boss does.

Yeah that set-up sounds fine, I guess my overall point is the skipping of the mechanics though insane DPS in your case or defensive boon/heals with less experienced players.

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19 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

...for one build of one character.

It's as if you are being deliberately obtuse here. Amazing. Keep it up.


You are the absolute worst kind of player.  Some content should indeed be gated behind walls.  Otherwise, why even bother making any content geared at players who want something to work toward.  Just because some new player cannot access it freely does not mean it is broken.  Not every aspect of every game holds your hand.

If you have such an issue with this... Mr. "I am so rich I have everything I could ever dream of."  How about you take some of your kitten gold and help new players instead of crying on the forums about how gated content is so evil.

Edited by Ashadow.6874
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On 8/7/2022 at 10:24 AM, Luthan.5236 said:

If they are "raid ready" - don't they at least have ascended stuff on all those characters? They they could just swap in some infusions - which are not too expensive, especially not for the pro endgame farmer. Only think that will be a problem if 2nd char needs made (cause they main does not fit into the team composition and you want another profession) - and the player does not have a lot of money yet to buy all the ascended stuff.


But well ... since it actually is not that much of a big deal ... the infusions itself I mean  - I would not be against them making it account bound and/or something like the armory. Give us like 1 account-shared (or maybe like the shared inventory slot but in the equipment page) slot for each possible infusion slot so the people can upgrade their infusions there once. Having them available everywhere. (Where they still need to use appropriate gear for the infusion to take effect. Normal ring = only 1 works. Exotic = none works.)


Might give more incentive to actually try for the higher level infusions that you only will get for a minor stat increase from the potions or stuff (I think it was the potions?) that converts resistance into some stats.

Dude, I have over 30 legendary and 9 characters ready for each build. The problem is with people who, unlike me, have a limited time to play.
I interact with a lot of players on a daily basis and I see that AR is a problem, a problem not because AR is expensive Just because to be able to put AR in an item you need pink items that are a problem for new players and discourage the game by artificial progression.
AR is a problem because you need super expensive equipment to put them in and the content does not require the use of these best statistics.
I am surprised that you have to point your finger at such obvious things
I don't expect any changes, this game has nothing to offer me anymore, I just wrote my opinion

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On 8/8/2022 at 7:46 PM, Kantharr.2308 said:

I agree that AR should be reworked (not removed) into an account wide stat like magic find, but I've heard many arguments that says it would ruin the economy.  Hypothetically, if AR was reworked into an account wide stat then what would happen to the special infusions that gives unique looks AND small combat stat bonus? Should we be able to add those to account wardrobe? Should the AR part of it get removed so you would just be slotting in infusions for the stats & looks?

All you need to do is transfer the aura infusions to the wardrobe element, the problem is solved, you just need to add an additional element as we have the current windows for customizing the armor element and this window will simply be called aura effect.
You do not need to remove the agony itself or the +5 element, just add it to the account with the possibility of changing or add the option to unlock each variant

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2 hours ago, Sibila.5463 said:

I interact with a lot of players on a daily basis and I see that AR is a problem, a problem not because AR is expensive Just because to be able to put AR in an item you need pink items that are a problem for new players and discourage the game by artificial progression.

I mean.... Fractals are end-game content... When you have best gear... It AR is account wide, lets make leggy armour obtainable in open world with no raids needed, because now it needs doing raids and raids can be turn off to new players due to toxic community, dead game mode and needing to know class

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15 hours ago, Sibila.5463 said:

AR is a problem because you need super expensive equipment to put them in and the content does not require the use of these best statistics.
I am surprised that you have to point your finger at such obvious things

First: I disagree with your opinion that you have that many legendaries. If this were true you'd be a more active player - but you do not have a lot of forum posts and act like a new player.

Let me educate you as someone that knows grind from other games (I have played WoW back then at it's release and never got enough money to buy a mount): This is not "super expensive". Trinkets are basically free - just need some materials from the season 3 maps or you can buy some with fractal currency. For the lower level fractals you do not need that much AR to have a full of ascended gear.

A person not having enough time to play is unlikely to have a lot of chars that they want to play all at high level fractals. They just play and upgrade their main.

Where yo dou need to pay thousands of gold for a set of ascended gear - to call it "super expensive"? (Afaik you can also get chests by doing strike missions.) Maybe a few hundred which is not expensive. The average newbie also does gather this to just max his masteries (to get the griffon that costs a lot of gold).

Edit: And for the stats-infusions (WvW ones for example) - that someone mentioned: It might be easier to remove them completely. (Allow the players to refund them at the vendor and remove that additional stats.) There is enough power creep already so I don't think they really are needed. The cosmetic stuff should go to a wardrobe. (I guess though: They want to sell equipment template slots for this. So people that use separate infusions cause they care about the minor stat increase ... would then buy a separate slot for easier switching. Might not change then ... because it would negatively affect their sales here.)

I wonder though ... if people really would to exotic tier 4 fractal challenge mode - with exotics gear ... cause the "pink items" are so "super expensive". Aren't they getting ascended anyways? At least if wanted to be accepted in a decend group/party and not annoying them by playing with bad gear. Then they would really only have the infusion cost which is less expensive than the ascended gear.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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4 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

First: I disagree with your opinion that you have that many legendaries. If this were true you'd be a more active player - but you do not have a lot of forum posts and act like a new player.

Let me educate you as someone that knows grind from other games (I have played WoW back then at it's release and never got enough money to buy a mount): This is not "super expensive". Trinkets are basically free - just need some materials from the season 3 maps or you can buy some with fractal currency. For the lower level fractals you do not need that much AR to have a full of ascended gear.

A person not having enough time to play is unlikely to have a lot of chars that they want to play all at high level fractals. They just play and upgrade their main.

Where yo dou need to pay thousands of gold for a set of ascended gear - to call it "super expensive"? (Afaik you can also get chests by doing strike missions.) Maybe a few hundred which is not expensive. The average newbie also does gather this to just max his masteries (to get the griffon that costs a lot of gold).

Edit: And for the stats-infusions (WvW ones for example) - that someone mentioned: It might be easier to remove them completely. (Allow the players to refund them at the vendor and remove that additional stats.) There is enough power creep already so I don't think they really are needed. The cosmetic stuff should go to a wardrobe. (I guess though: They want to sell equipment template slots for this. So people that use separate infusions cause they care about the minor stat increase ... would then buy a separate slot for easier switching. Might not change then ... because it would negatively affect their sales here.)

I wonder though ... if people really would to exotic tier 4 fractal challenge mode - with exotics gear ... cause the "pink items" are so "super expensive". Aren't they getting ascended anyways? At least if wanted to be accepted in a decend group/party and not annoying them by playing with bad gear. Then they would really only have the infusion cost which is less expensive than the ascended gear.

"but you do not have a lot of forum posts and act like a new player"
Dude, I have nothing to do in the game, I come in here from time to time like 99% of the players
second thing, stop putting words I haven't written
I was curious what other people think about it, the only thing I see is offended veterans I don't need more new player xddddd good one


Edited by Sibila.5463
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yes, i have had to change infusions and i still think AR is fine. people overlook that AR(and i do not mean stat infusions, the stat itself affects crit and boon duration with potions to the point that higher+ can be more optimal than stat infusions) is a direct stat increase for dps and boons in fractals and changes the gear requirements to be more rewarding than just a have this so you dont die mechanic. and its fairly easy to max ar solo in  short period of time.. i started playing the game in HoT and got to 100cm 100% solo and had enough  in my first 2 weeks playing the game as someone that works a 730-1800est shift. EDIT: and after you get one character to max AR every character having enough is a very quick process that just happens. and when i did it i was a branded condi herald player that had no idea wtf was going on

Edited by liljester.2594
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So much is wrong with this post.....

First the ability to move AR around or obtain.

If you all raid you'd most likely have legendary armor or be working towards it to allow infusions to easily be swapped.(free)

Infusion removal devices (24 silver each)

Buying new AR (64 gold -using others calculations above)


I make roughly 50 gold per day yes that is full CMs, T4s, and recs so the ROI would cover any option quickly


Second, If you are only doing T4s comp is not that important. We only run a healer (HAM) for CMs and no healer after that. Yes we have Alac and quick but I am sure if we weren't worried about speed we would clear just fine without them as well.


I admit is was annoying to move them around in the beginning when I would PuG CMs and such but if it is a guild I would assume you all would form statics and you could just move the AR to the required character and play it each day until you save enough to build a new set.


Yes people say 64 gold is not a lot and if you do daily T4s it is not and well worth the investment. This post seems to be more of a we have some players not good enough to clear so we want you to make it easier (after the instabilities just got nerfed 2 weeks ago)


Fractals are the highest tier of 5 man content it should come with a slight gate and skill requirements. not all content needs to be easily cleared by every player.

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4 hours ago, Piroko.1209 said:

Are we ignoring that there is some accountwide AR? From the fractal God title and whatever is before it. Do I think it's a good option? Not really, but it does exist 

with the price tag - its perfect solution. If it continues to scale, I don't mind if it caps at 150 (gonna cost like 20k gold though)

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When they introduce fractals in game, they said that is for people that like progression, all other content in game there is just horizontal progression, fractals was introduced as only content with vertical progression and now some people want remove that too. It need go other way, they didn't add nothing to work for in fractals for 5+ years now. They need add new rewards and tier 5 fractals with 250 AR needed.  

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Maybe AR unlocks more personal rewards that scales with the increased lvl of the instance, or unlocks a mythical entity called "CM mode" for more rewards ?


Essentially for currents players , it will stay the same with 40g/h

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2 hours ago, Luci.7018 said:

Maybe AR unlocks more personal rewards that scales with the increased lvl of the instance, or unlocks a mythical entity called "CM mode" for more rewards ?


Essentially for currents players , it will stay the same with 40g/h

And how will it be for new players?

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On 8/6/2022 at 12:37 PM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Have you ever had to remove 18 WvW infusions from your gear and insert 18 AR infusions every time you want to do Fractals instead of something else? Most of what I've seen in this thread is hypotheticals, not actual experiences from players who have done/do the content on a regular basis.


I guess we've come to the point where players don't even want quality of life changes anymore, just so they have the comfort of not losing all their hard work.. or something, I guess? I'm not saying they should be removed, I'm saying they shouldn't compete. Infusions should be infusions, and do their job regardless of what type of content you're playing, without needing to be swapped.


For the record, I have full Legendary gear, and it still sucks. I have characters that are specced only for Fractals who do nothing else, because that's just the easiest way to do it right now.

Why are you putting on world v world infusions?

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16 minutes ago, aesur.1457 said:

Why are you putting on world v world infusions?

WvW infusions are taken in all other content except Fractals (including in PvE: dungeons, raids, strikes, and sometimes open-world) because they still provide +stats but are far cheaper. Agony Resist isn't needed in those areas so the +AR +stat infusions that cost hundreds of gold aren't used much.


This a common practice, and nothing new.

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51 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

WvW infusions are taken in all other content except Fractals (including in PvE: dungeons, raids, strikes, and sometimes open-world) because they still provide +stats but are far cheaper. Agony Resist isn't needed in those areas so the +AR +stat infusions that cost hundreds of gold aren't used much.


This a common practice, and nothing new.

Correct but should it not cost some inconvenience taking the cheap way out?

Something like having to remove your wvw stat infusions if you want Ar for example?

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57 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

WvW infusions are taken in all other content except Fractals (including in PvE: dungeons, raids, strikes, and sometimes open-world) because they still provide +stats but are far cheaper. Agony Resist isn't needed in those areas so the +AR +stat infusions that cost hundreds of gold aren't used much.


This a common practice, and nothing new.

Visual infusions are a much better deal. You get the stats and the agony resist and they’re cheap.

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I've said this for years. Artificially increasing difficulty isn't a worthwhile mechanic. I'd rather see more mechanics at higher end than AR be a thing.

The only purpose it serves is just gating newer players out of content. (even if it's a short period. Because for the rest of us it just isn't something we even have to think about, so why even exist. I get that they want to have some sort of a meaningful progression system for newer players. But surely there's another way. 

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11 hours ago, Knamliss.9148 said:

I've said this for years. Artificially increasing difficulty isn't a worthwhile mechanic. I'd rather see more mechanics at higher end than AR be a thing.

The only purpose it serves is just gating newer players out of content. (even if it's a short period. Because for the rest of us it just isn't something we even have to think about, so why even exist. I get that they want to have some sort of a meaningful progression system for newer players. But surely there's another way. 

It is  not just a progession system but a way to give content to all kinds of players.

If t1-t3 did not exsist alot of people would not be able to see what fractals was about at all.

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On 8/12/2022 at 12:05 PM, Knamliss.9148 said:

I've said this for years. Artificially increasing difficulty isn't a worthwhile mechanic. I'd rather see more mechanics at higher end than AR be a thing.

The only purpose it serves is just gating newer players out of content. (even if it's a short period. Because for the rest of us it just isn't something we even have to think about, so why even exist. I get that they want to have some sort of a meaningful progression system for newer players. But surely there's another way. 

It isn't artificial per se. Yes - HP and defense, attack power and HP of enemies are higher, however they have more mecahnics and some of those mechanics tick agony - which reduces healing received quite noticeably as well as doing % of HP dmg. Agony is not there to punish low AR players, but to punish bad plays

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