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1 hour ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Gw2 apart from the dodge mechanic is really no different combat wise to classic mmos. And said dodge feature lost a lot of value since vanilla - back then classes had fewer but impactful skills to dodge.  Nowdays even single auto can be dangerous and at same time ppl have way more ways to resustain themself from damage.

   Having played Archeage, ESO, a bit of BDO and LA, I disagree. Those last two have nice combat systems but the others and the ones in most of surviving MMOs are truly relics from the past which feels terribad, specially the ones in which cooldowns are shared between skills or are based on cancel animations to gain a sort of bugged alacrity since their code is even worse than the one in GW2.

   In the rest of your arguments I largely agree..

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On 8/9/2022 at 12:12 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:



Yeah 1v1's could be fun and if the standard 5v5 solos is successful, that could be a good opening for SoloQ-friendly miniseasons like 1v1's.

Of course that would take dev time which I don't think PvP is going to get, but with basic 5v5 SoloQ conquest; that's already been done before, its just a matter of putting it back in, only this time as an option rather than forced.

I really think soloQ should be for "arenas" 2v2 or 3v3, and party for 5v5 (all deathmatch :D)

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On 8/9/2022 at 1:54 AM, Avatar.3568 said:

I See the Problem With premades "stomping". But you could do work arrounds for that. Let the 5 man q prior Other 5 man groups and If its Not finding a Match against some 5 man groups With Same Rating in X minutes, Look for pug Players with a Higher avarage Rating to Fight against, lets say even 100 Rating Higher.

As far as my expierience was since release is, that better Players gonna win. If the 5 pugs are 1600 Rating and the 5 man's are 1500 the 1600 Group should Most of the time win.

I don't want to make a horrible expierience for soloqers, i am one of them, but the current state IS the worst for soloqer ever has been.

Eu is as dead as na was 2 years ago and na is probably even way worse dead.

Heck at First mota we Had 1730 was top 100, now is currently R1 1700 ish

If you have been pvping since launch then you should already know the answer to your first paragraph...back then, soloQ was FAR worse than it is currently. You clearly haven't queued solo and gotten a pub group vs a team called The Abjured and it shows.

Anet already altered queue times several times for 5man premades vs soloQ mixers. Matchmaking quality was simply atrocious. They raised it up to 5minutes+ and even changed the rating variables..not only did the match quality not get much better for solo players but it took half a day for premades to get a game. Scrapping it completely and adding AT's was the best solution for 5man premades IMO.... they now just need to add a *'forfeit'* button for AFK teams.

You are not getting your 5man premades back there's just too much history of failure regarding that era of matchmaking...

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15 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

If you have been pvping since launch then you should already know the answer to your first paragraph...back then, soloQ was FAR worse than it is currently. You clearly haven't queued solo and gotten a pub group vs a team called The Abjured and it shows.

Anet already altered queue times several times for 5man premades vs soloQ mixers. Matchmaking quality was simply atrocious. They raised it up to 5minutes+ and even changed the rating variables..not only did the match quality not get much better for solo players but it took half a day for premades to get a game. Scrapping it completely and adding AT's was the best solution for 5man premades IMO.... they now just need to add a *'forfeit'* button for AFK teams.

You are not getting your 5man premades back there's just too much history of failure regarding that era of matchmaking...

Ah yeah, i remember that we droppt from 2200 Rating after adding at's and duoq.

The matchmaker now is Superior With was less Players in the Pool, i almost forgott that. Today i can search With 1700 and get a full gold Team, SUPER NICE SOLOQ EXPIERIENCE.

Ah and don't forgett, we lost basicly every PvP guild and at's are dead. Yes 5 man que Back than was rly worse.

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