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Anybody interested in doing a WvW Map Design Contest?


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I'm not bored of the maps we have. I'm bored with dead maps around a short queue heavy prime time and with most of the map areas not having any reason to exist. Our characters wouldn't live in that map or do anything else in it aside from what we do right now on the maps WvW already has.

When WvW maps become part of the game world and more people than the EBG spill over population will actually see and maybe use it, then maybe throwing resource at a new map would be a good idea. 

WvW sadly isn't open world. A new WvW map would just be more space your character is almost never going to use and there will be no other activity aside from taking camps and running around the occasional blob. 

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10 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

And then all we need to do is replace EBG with Tangled Depths, perfect.

A design contest is fine I guess. Personally I have the drawing skills of a 3 year old so wouldnt take part.

Have to agree a number of the HoT maps would make for interesting WvW maps if you added objectives. Would need more sentry points but would still give good space for fight and maneuvers of all scales. Might be tempted to say keep the pocket raptors in some spots though to kill everyone equally in spots, could act as their own type of sentry as a zerg killed some as they moved through and area with lots of the buggers. Towers really could be close to bottle necks on those maps. The gliding and zone control I could see would also add a lot of tactics to both attacks and defenders. That said I think people would either love it or hate it. Ah, the death from above as you dive into a group below would be glorious. 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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I am not betting against that the random tree limb in DBL is not a secret counter that a Dev set to see how many people would get stuck on it so that they could chuckle at it while enjoying morning coffee and share the screen shots with others. That said, I loved Warhammer Online and also believe ANet hired these Devs from there where we could get stuck on blades of grass. So... all good!

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On 8/11/2022 at 12:15 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Anybody interested in doing a WvW Map Design Contest? I wanted to see how the community feel about a grassroot contest like this to give people an opportunity to showcase their creativity. 

well id like more variety, maybe 5 or so maps, being border included, and every week the map for each server rotates, and eternal... meh i personaly dont like it but refreshing it a bit could be good.

Most importantly, wall redesigns, taking out some plants and terrains that get us stuck in place, more enviroment things, maybe forest where you can be hidden from the outside, things like that, also..... in the camp south of the map, build an arena there, people kind of prefer that place to obsidian, and maybe making obsidian anothe map, like a huge castle, or a place excusive to gvg with lfg or smth.


also this one is impossible but.... reworking underwater combat and maybe an underwater castle or smth, with submarines or smth to attack it, just ideas.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

What is this Inherent Flaw of which you speak?

Balanced design assume equal sides. You cant change a map without changing that balance. See DBL. Hence, the 1+3 design is inherently flawed. Any change mess it up. Even EBG on it's own isnt a true mirrored 3-way.

Theoretically, the "perfect" WvW design would be 1 less instance compared to now and just the same 3 maps with rotating colors (ie 3 EBG where the spawn colors rotate).

Or at least, that's the inherent flaw I assume he means unless there is another inherent flaw.

Would make for a boring map contest though.

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11 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Alpine borderland is never really going to be out designed by anyone other than the people who originally made that.

Honestly I think people would be happy with alpine 3x again but just reskin them as alpine, desert and Mediterranean or something.

PASS. Alpine borderland is the milquetoast of borderland maps, where all traffic is essentially funneled into 2 paths (east side or west side) and 90% of all combat is fought on flat, open areas. At least Desert provides numerous alternative routes to move from A to B and a variety of terrain to be used to make fights more tactical (for the better commanders at least) and affording small groups a slightly better chance at facing greater numbers due to 1) the ability to use choke points to their advantage and 2) 60% of the players being unfamiliar with the map (after 6+ years!!) and making mistakes.

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3 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

PASS. Alpine borderland is the milquetoast of borderland maps, where all traffic is essentially funneled into 2 paths (east side or west side) and 90% of all combat is fought on flat, open areas. At least Desert provides numerous alternative routes to move from A to B and a variety of terrain to be used to make fights more tactical (for the better commanders at least) and affording small groups a slightly better chance at facing greater numbers due to 1) the ability to use choke points to their advantage and 2) 60% of the players being unfamiliar with the map (after 6+ years!!) and making mistakes.

60% of the players being unfamiliar with the desert bl...

Yeah because they are all on the best designed wvw map, alpine borderlands.

People joke about tangled depths bl but desert bl is already one step below that. And you think that makes it good?

Alpine has 2 routes per side in the north. Upper and lower; shorter/exposed and longer/discreet.

Idk where you been playing on alpine but it certainly has chokes with terrain. Many people choose to use the open field though because it is the shortest route, which is also the most exposed. Aka balanced. The most obscene choke in wvw has to garrison water gate, which of course is on alpine bl.

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On 8/20/2022 at 12:09 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Balanced design assume equal sides. You cant change a map without changing that balance. See DBL. Hence, the 1+3 design is inherently flawed. Any change mess it up. Even EBG on it's own isnt a true mirrored 3-way.

Theoretically, the "perfect" WvW design would be 1 less instance compared to now and just the same 3 maps with rotating colors (ie 3 EBG where the spawn colors rotate).

Or at least, that's the inherent flaw I assume he means unless there is another inherent flaw.

Would make for a boring map contest though.

What if the give a lesser server the Edge of the Mists (its full of chokepoints , so more battles) ?

While the worst lesser server will get Bordelines (less battles)  ?

The we replace the 3rd one with an EoD-PoF-HoT map or make it more pretty, later one . The majority , will move towards the easier maps ..aka here rather than gank another lesser serer

Edited by Ryuk.6840
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15 minutes ago, Ryuk.6840 said:

What if the give a lesser server the Edge of the Mists (its full of chokepoints , so more battles) ?

While the worst lesser server will get Bordelines (less battles)  ?

The we replace the 3rd one with an EoD-PoF-HoT map or make it more pretty, later one . The majority , will move towards the easier maps ..aka here rather than gank another lesser serer

For the hundredth time.. you cannot have one borderland map, all three home maps have to have the same amount of objectives and points in order to keep it fair for each side.

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58 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

For the hundredth time.. you cannot have one borderland map, all three home maps have to have the same amount of objectives and points in order to keep it fair for each side.

There was a time when people believed Arenanet gave Red the advantage of being able to treb SM with impunity because red were usually the weaker team.  Of course, those things turned out to be false and Arenanet eventually nerfed the ability to treb SM from Red Keep // Red Keep from SM.

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1 minute ago, Svarty.8019 said:

There was a time when people believed Arenanet gave Red the advantage of being able to treb SM with impunity because red were usually the weaker team.  Of course, those things turned out to be false and Arenanet eventually nerfed the ability to treb SM from Red Keep // Red Keep from SM.

Red still is the weakest side. The least amount of keep siege support to the towers. They have one of the furthest camps on the map, easy to steal, hard to defend. Anz is hard to defend with 3 sides of breakable walls, one of the most flipped towers in the game, it always comes down to if your zerg reaches there in time. Mendons has a nice hill to hide catas behind. Veloka is a hard to take tower, but no different than Aldons, Jerrifers, Langor, Bravost all of which have keep siege support. The keep has a giant mountain in the south that gives an advantage to attackers. And while you could treb smc from red keep, you could also do the reverse, so wasn't exactly an advantage.


Lastly my previous post pointed out the amount of objectives need to be equal, not the placements, I left that out for a reason (mostly because of desert compared to alpines).

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1 hour ago, Ryuk.6840 said:

What if the give a lesser server the Edge of the Mists (its full of chokepoints , so more battles) ?

While the worst lesser server will get Bordelines (less battles)  ?

The we replace the 3rd one with an EoD-PoF-HoT map or make it more pretty, later one . The majority , will move towards the easier maps ..aka here rather than gank another lesser serer


Would love to see EoTM replace one of the alpine maps. But to be fair its another map that players seem to love or hate. So might be better to bring it up as a fifth map for WvW. If need be they could replace it with a copy of EBG as an overflow map to keep the overflow option open if populations suddenly spiked. I know some guilds abused EoTM to try and make their own private karma-trains but it was a map where a few could hold a zerg at choke points and some serious fun fights occurred. Only downside to it was while you were their you didn't aid your own server's weekly score so time was limited while waiting in queue. Bring it into regular scoring and lets get it back into play. Replace an alpine or just make it a fifth map and let's go! 

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If they rework desert/alpines into an ebg/eotm type map, as in the same amount of objectives per side handing out the same amount of points, then happy days for everyone you can mix and match maps all you want. Until then it's not possible to replace the "home" maps in the mix.

Adding eotm to the current four maps would be viable though, maybe anet would consider shrinking world amounts(NA from 12 to 9) and have a 5th map to compensate for potential queue problems, although this will also cause reverse problems when maps are empty during certain times of the day.... which is why eotm as separate overflow is still the better option.

Also anet will not make those type of extensive changes to existing maps and no new maps, so take the painter thinner to your dreams about other maps, it ain't happening.

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