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  • Is there a class that can run, evade, jump far away, heal, clear condis, take no damage, go stealth, and still wear your ass out from far away and using pets that can interrupt you and beat you up as well?
  • Is there a class that can pulse enough conditions over and over to make most other classes not ever come into melee range?
  • A class that can repeatedly put 17+ stacks of confusion on you, break stuns by dodge rolling and pop in and out of thin air, evading or blocking most that you have to give?
  • A class that can outheal 3 different player source damages, and still burn them to death?
  • A class that can reject physical and conditional damage for periods of time, evade, clear, and block the rest, and still be able to output a literal shit ton of damage, while punishing you if you hurt them?
  • A class that can stay stealth and 1 shot you, or without prep 1/2 shot you multiple times so it doesn't matter?
  • A class that can splash burst and KD a group from stealth and jump away 2k+ units if their burst fails?
  • A class that summons some charr and is utterly useless in PVP without the team carrying them?

These things may make the PVPs fun for some people...but they do not make it fun for me.

Of course some in the list are better than others.

There are some serious issues with PVP.

Please consider:

  • Removing any passive invulns
  • Changing how resistance works
  • Removing access to stealth from classes other than thief and mesmer
  • Reducing damage output from conditions or stack limitations
  • Scaling pet damage off the players amulet
  • Reducing the opportunity for builds to have a lot of defense that have high offense....this is not fair.
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@Genesis.5169 said:This is basically a thinly vieled nerf condition classes thread huh. There was time where people were good at hiding there true intentions....

No, my most passionate part was the first bit, and it did not focus on conditions. It focused on cheap builds that make the game lose some of it's competitive spirit.

Nerf condition classes should be a consideration, but no not the focus.

I asked for condition stack limit, but at the same time I asked for a resistance change....

There was a time when people read the whole post without making bogus assumptions.....

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yeah this is sad

@Dyfinz.2348 said:

  • Reducing the opportunity for builds to have a lot of defense that have high offense....this is not fair.

like for example warrior from basic can be tankly and going on this tnakly build still have enough damage to hurt people, same with guard is (not includng DH)or mesmers...they are going to max damage and they dont need any def because in evey their skill is evade/stealth spam breaking nonstop your target on him and making cc's useless and its hard to land even single hit o mesmer while he is glasscannon bursting you without any problem from stealth/evadeDE also is bad designed like daredevil very annyoing with his speed to run away but tbh if you will catch daredevil he have no defense and is mostly dead while that mesmer just ugh..and druids bunkers wont be that much annyoing if their pets wont stopping you from hitting this druid if you have just 1targed skill and also dealing enough damage/cc to kill easily as duid with build not for max damage

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They might as well shut down the pvp section of the forums because its not like they really interact here anyway. The game is not going to get better people, its going to get worse. No matter how many valid or invalid opinions you post they won't be read and likely they will change things to how they see fit. The devs who cared about pvp are long gone and what we are left with is getting the table scraps of pve.

The amount of actual issues that gw2 suffers from is enormous and at this point unfixable. From the beginning of its lifespan gw2 from a pvp standpoint was flawed:

Hard Crowd Control: Fear, Stun and then Taunt

In a pvp game a player should never EVER lose complete control of their character. GW1 had knockdown but in order for it to be truly effective it had to be coordinated.

Spam: In gw2 there never has been any real consequence for blowing every cooldown you have since the risk/reward ratio has always been bottom of the barrel low. Even at the beginning of its lifespan people were spamming, because intellectual gameplay doesn't really belong in the game. The more you try to create smart builds the less effective you become. The game encourages finding a build that is loaded with everything which requires the least thought process and strategy.

Lack of casting bars: This has always been a rather short sighted decision. The reason according to Anet was that they wanted players to pay attention to the animations of the characters instead of having their eyes locked on cast bars. The problem is every class except warrior and maybe guardian moves weren't telegraphed. The problem has intensified in the last few years. Most of the time you can't even see what killed you due to visual clutter, AI, stealth and near non existent animations.

Conquest game mode: This was never a good mode, but it was a good way to hide gw2 poorly designed pvp mechanics. How? Well it makes it so that a lot of the focus is on capturing the point. Meaning builds would have to be created that have durability and sustainability. This makes it so having 5 glass cannon builds on one team not very effective since none would be able to effectively bunker a point. If we had a death match mode, what would happen is that every player would be a glass cannon. Things would die in milliseconds. A thief can kill a player in a second, so imagine 5 thieves focusing one target. The forums would be in a uproar asking for damage to be toned down. So in essence conquest mode is and always has been there to prevent this from happening.

Its apparent that GW2 pvp was a after thought and the primary focus was pve. Which is understandable, pvp is always the smallest population. What anet could of done was simply make gw2 a pve game only and make a "Guild Wars Arena" game which is only pvp. This could of been a revamped gw1 with jump and other new mechanics. Kind of like how there are different entries to the street fighter games that introduces new mechanics but the basics remains the same. I'm betting it could of been successful if they had done it.

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