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Steam accounts are totally barred from linking Guild Wars 1 accounts and completing Hall of Monuments achievements

Should all account types be able to link the same accounts?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Should existing Guild Wars 2 accounts be able to link to Steam accounts?

  2. 2. Should Steam accounts be able to link to Guild Wars 1 accounts?

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I don't think new players will care about linking a GW1 account to their Steam GW2 account, but I think 6 months, a year, or a few years in some of them will care. They'll want some of the rewards, or they'll choose to play GW1 for the story and lore and then want to use the stuff they're earning while doing that. At that point it would be even more annoying to find out the two can't be linked together, because starting over with a non-Steam GW2 account would mean losing everything they've done in this game up to that point.

I have no idea why it works this way, but since Steam GW1 accounts can be linked to non-Steam GW2 accounts it seems like it should be possible to do it the other way around, and I think if they can they should give everyone the option.

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17 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

The Jade Bot skin's price was described as overpriced in a number of threads in previous weeks. The comparisons were against mail carriers because the Jade Bot is visible just as rarely as them. Heck, the wiki claims that the skin doesn't even show when controlling it. Just because there's only one of it, doesn't mean it can't be considered pricey.

People can think something is overpriced and that still won't change that the things you're comparing here are not in the same category.

17 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

My bad. I just wish someone had pointed that out to me so l wouldn't have had to look it all up again.

I... just did, literally included link and prices in my post?


No, no, no, wait, now l'm looking up Outfits and those are all around 700! Now l'm not wrong?! Why are so many Outfits worth 700, but this armor set is worth 1,800? Are we paying a premium for interchangeable pieces?

Outfits aren't armor sets. Just like with jade bot, you're comparing two different things and claim it's somehow proof of increasing price, when the actually comparable things (armor set vs armor set) clearly prove the price didn't increase. Yes, it's "paid premium for interchangable pieces", we had that information in the past when they stopped releasing armor sets in pieces and instead just kept releasing outfits.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Shortly after I started playing GW2, my computer died and I was stuck with an old laptop.  I found out that you could link GW2 with GW1 and quickly got into GW1 while my computer was in the shop for repairs.  

I instantly fell in love with the world and lore of GW1 and happily played through all 3 games + EOTN, occasionally playing with friends who'd join me for the nostalgia.

I doubt I ever would have picked GW1 up if the accounts weren't able to be linked, and would likely have dropped GW2 for something else with better worldbuilding (GW1 worldbuilding is still superior IMO.)

Btw I have over 15,148hours spent in GW2 as of writing this.

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On 8/20/2022 at 12:31 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

People can think something is overpriced and that still won't change that the things you're comparing here are not in the same category.

I didn't say they were in the same category, I was saying that's the closest comparison. People don't just not compare things if it's technically one of a kind; the requirements for comparison simply broaden.


On 8/20/2022 at 12:31 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

I... just did, literally included link and prices in my post?

No, you linked one particular armor set that matched with the Water Dragon set. I still had to look up all the other sets and reach the conclusion with my own findings. Actually, I think if you were the one to bring up the differences in how the sets work, l wouldn't have thought to look up the Outfit prices. q:

On 8/20/2022 at 12:31 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Outfits aren't armor sets. Just like with jade bot, you're comparing two different things and claim it's somehow proof of increasing price, when the actually comparable things (armor set vs armor set) clearly prove the price didn't increase. Yes, it's "paid premium for interchangable pieces", we had that information in the past when they stopped releasing armor sets in pieces and instead just kept releasing outfits.

I dunno, man, paying for a full-body look that can be used for any class costs 700, but paying for a full body look that can be used for any class and each piece can be dyed individually costs 1,800? Looking at it that way, it's more than double. I'm just not seeing it right now, but l'll try to keep all this in mind when more things are released.

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5 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

It's not the dyeing that players want, it's that the pieces can be mixed and matched, with hundreds of other pieces.........unlike with Outfits.

In a different topic that's likely a better home for this discussion admittedly, someone mentioned how these all-class armor sets typically only work for one or two classes. Getting a heavy-armor-looking set is gonna be difficult to mix and match with light armor. Though, l do also believe it can be done, it'd just be trickier to do well.

Regardless, l  don't see how interchangeability, dyeability, and class-mixability is worth 1,100 gems on a personal level. On a logical level, the math feels plausible, but l don't like it myself.

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4 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

I didn't say they were in the same category, I was saying that's the closest comparison. People don't just not compare things if it's technically one of a kind; the requirements for comparison simply broaden.

Sure you didn't. But when I pointed out there's nothing to compare it to since it's the first the first item/skin in its category, you've went straight to comparing it to -basically- "whatever else you wanted" and if that was not enough (because it's not) to push the "price increases" rhetoric, you went into "but the players complained about its price". Again, the players complaining about the price has nothing to do with your previous claim. It's the first item in its category and poretty sure that's just anet checking what they can do with it (pricing-wise).

So... still no basis for the claim.


No, you linked one particular armor set that matched with the Water Dragon set. I still had to look up all the other sets and reach the conclusion with my own findings. Actually, I think if you were the one to bring up the differences in how the sets work, l wouldn't have thought to look up the Outfit prices. q:

You talked about "sets" and "sets" is what I commented on. Outfits -once again- are a different category of items with clearly different pricing, so I don't see why I'd need to go out of my way to mention them.


I dunno, man, paying for a full-body look that can be used for any class costs 700, but paying for a full body look that can be used for any class and each piece can be dyed individually costs 1,800? Looking at it that way, it's more than double. I'm just not seeing it right now, but l'll try to keep all this in mind when more things are released.

Once again: what you're suddenly turning into doing now is complaining about "your disagreement with pricing of x item", which has nothing to do with your previous claim. Outfits -still- cost how much they cost. Armor sets -still- cost how much they do and did. Your claim is that the price increase. It's clear it doesn't, so you pivot into "but outfits are cheaper than armor sets" -sure, they are. And they were.

I think this is the latest outfit, right? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Tech_Outfit  Outift pricing seems to be the same as it was. Enough with this weird twisting and turning.


tl;dr your claim is still as unsubstanciated as it was and tbh at this point I'm not sure if you're trying to actively move the goalpost into another claim (which boils down to "I don't like that pricing!") intentionally because you know what you said is false or accidentally, because you somehow honestly believe your disagreement with pricing has anything to do with being a proof for some recent price increase when it's not. 😉

Edited by Sobx.1758
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10 hours ago, IsabelDawn.8950 said:

That's weird. Why wouldnt they allow that?

I gues because Guild Wars 1 isnt on steam and it might cause some issues, but if a GW2 account is needed regardless, it seems like it shouldnt be an issue.

Guild Wars 1 is on Steam.

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On 8/19/2022 at 10:56 PM, Mesket.5728 said:

For me this is a complete deal breaker with ANet. I was waiting for years for this opportunity to finally have the game and gems and everything on a regionalized price-. I'm not going to start over with an account having 9 characters and 3 of them celebrating 10 years in september.


So long and thanks for all the fish


Some seems to be confused about my previous comment.. so let me explain a bit further now that I have the numbers. In Argentina the expansion costs around 12usd on Steam. Not that I care THAT much for an extra 18usd, but if you look up a bit the economic situation in Arg is quite bad (inflation, devaluation and on top a block to exchange to other currencies). Only going to be worst. Having our hobbies on a regionalized price makes life much easier and also allow us to spend more on other things like gems which is an extremely rare thing to buy for me (and many others on the same boat on many different countries). As it feels for me, it's like I'm being punished, kept hostile on their store just for being loyal. Or I have to pay the price of starting all over and loosing my game record (im a completitionist, its never going to happen).

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On 8/17/2022 at 7:45 AM, Izzy.2951 said:

Old Gw2 accounts should not be able to link to Steam, because Steam will get 20-30% of the earnings for purchasing expansions etc. So that will mean a huge drop in earnings for Arenanet and less developers for the game, something that dont benefit us as players.

If you are gonna pay lets say 30 euros for an expansion, you better pay them directly to Arenanet than paying it through another platform so Steam gets 20-30% of those 30 euros. 

PD: And i hope that gems are only obtainable from anet web or ingame store, so that steam dont get a cut of that money.

Then...why go on Steam in the first place? You do realize there will be a massive influx of people into the game that will more than make up for that cut🤔. I honestly sometimes wish GW2 had a subscription method because this "buy to play with no sub" method only works until you realize we get shafted on QoL features like this so that Anet can keep pushing their overpriced gem store items onto the player base.

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  • 7 months later...

OK old topic but relevant stuff. 

Let me tell my story

Me , old GW2 veteran from LWs1 up to PoF , takes a huge break and comes back to play just month ago. 

I CHOSE to start a new account on Steam despite my old stand alone GW2 account being vastly invested and well over 15kAP. (For that time that was acutally not bad).

But I wanted to relive the fresh account experience. I chose to pay Arenanet double, because I love Guild Wars.

Now I wanted to revisit GW1 too. Just bought it also AGAIN in steam , made a whole new e-mail for a new account and proceeded to link accounts. Not possible. Then I came across the Anet page about this and this thread.

I am now returning the GW1 on steam. 

And I feel extremely bad about me being locked out of Gw1 tied achievements and stuff for my Steam GW2 account. 

since I am a completionist this actually depressed me a lot. 

Yes those are self made problems, I can always return to my ancient GW2 account which is linked to my ancient  GW1 account and start playing there again. But not only does this miss the point of me returning to Guild Wars, but it also costs ANet money.

The fix would be simple.


Edited by Revilrad.9280
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3 hours ago, Revilrad.9280 said:

OK old topic but relevant stuff. 

Let me tell my story

Me , old GW2 veteran from LWs1 up to PoF , takes a huge break and comes back to play just month ago. 

I CHOSE to start a new account on Steam despite my old stand alone GW2 account being vastly invested and well over 15kAP. (For that time that was acutally not bad).

But I wanted to relive the fresh account experience. I chose to pay Arenanet double, because I love Guild Wars.

Now I wanted to revisit GW1 too. Just bought it also AGAIN in steam , made a whole new e-mail for a new account and proceeded to link accounts. Not possible. Then I came across the Anet page about this and this thread.

I am now returning the GW1 on steam. 

And I feel extremely bad about me being locked out of Gw1 tied achievements and stuff for my Steam GW2 account. 

since I am a completionist this actually depressed me a lot. 

Yes those are self made problems, I can always return to my ancient GW2 account which is linked to my ancient  GW1 account and start playing there again. But not only does this miss the point of me returning to Guild Wars, but it also costs ANet money.

The fix would be simple.


If it was a simple fix they would have made it instead of saying this cant be done.

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On 4/4/2023 at 1:09 PM, Linken.6345 said:

If it was a simple fix they would have made it instead of saying this cant be done.

The easiest fix they'd have to do would be to make the steam version of GW1 use the steam account for login. As long as they use the Anet account for GW1 regardless of the launcher version, it will be a problem unless they'd decide to go for the second solution - completely rewriting whole game linking system from ground up into someting vastly more complex than it is now.

Unfortunately, both are not very likely to happen.

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15 hours ago, Darkspyro.4028 said:

There is a reason for this as people are stupid and will buy something off of steam when it’s not there steam account they are using and that yell at anet 

Actually, it's not just about cross-version linking. You can't link the steam version of gw1 to steam version of gw2 either.

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On 4/7/2023 at 10:36 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Actually, it's not just about cross-version linking. You can't link the steam version of gw1 to steam version of gw2 either.

There is NO steam version of GW1. it is being sold on steam but the login procedure is the same as a normal stand alone GW1. 

This is different for GW2 as the login procedure is actually completely different. Steam Version creates and uses a new account based on your steam login, for which you actually get no password or further informations like email attached to that account.

Whereas in GW1 sold via steam you log in as usual, same as a downloaded client from anet.
You can link a anet client GW1, or Steam GW1 to a anet client GW2. But you cannot link GW1 to steam GW2 no matter where you bought it.

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3 hours ago, Revilrad.9280 said:

There is NO steam version of GW1. it is being sold on steam but the login procedure is the same as a normal stand alone GW1. 

This is different for GW2 as the login procedure is actually completely different. Steam Version creates and uses a new account based on your steam login, for which you actually get no password or further informations like email attached to that account.

Whereas in GW1 sold via steam you log in as usual, same as a downloaded client from anet.
You can link a anet client GW1, or Steam GW1 to a anet client GW2. But you cannot link GW1 to steam GW2 no matter where you bought it.

Oh, i know the "steam" and  "Anet" versions of GW1 are actually the same. This is irrelevant in the context of what i was replying to however, as it was solely about buying something "off steam". GW1 is being sold on steam however.

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