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New balance philosophy screw warrior over even more


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"it became clear to us that one aspect of the previous balance approach was especially problematic. Specifically, making balance adjustments to PvE builds based on their potential under unrealistic, ideal conditions – conditions that are unlikely to be met unless you’re testing against a golem, or the player is extremely skilled."


This can be great for the game, as extremely hard to play spec should over perform average builds( tho not by a lot)

as power ele should out dps a lot of dps builds only if played perfectly.


what concerns me is that

after 3 elite specs ( most likely made with the same old philosophy), anet still makes warrior simplistic and easy to pick up and perform.

as of now, warrior already lacks in terms of basically everything, in a proper build.

i'm afraid with the new philosophy, the gap will be even bigger, as they refuse to give warrior anything hard to play (even after 3 elite specs)


after 3 elite specs, all melee power dps using axe, and charge up energy and does burst skill...same for literally 3 god dam elite spec.


the nerve anet.

Edited by felix.2386
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Axe is a power weapon,  sword is a condi weapon, mace is a cc weapon.


Unfortunately, we don't have a similar system for 2 handers, because great axes don't exist. So greatsword is a power/mobility weapon, and hammer is a hard CC weapon, with no room for a melee condition option. Unless you count longbow, which is basically a melee weapon, even admitted by the devs, and rifle is simply a joke (though I hope the upcoming changes fix that, even if only a bit).


So, yes, by design, axe will always be the power melee DPS weapon of choice. The problem is, we lack so much build diversity that the rest of the weapons will almost never be touched unless it's in niche cases.

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It... might help. Bladesworn might not have a complex rotation, but knowing when you can get away with a Dragon Trigger channel on the boss creates additional complexity in real encounters that you don't get against a golem. Similarly, berserker might be simple in theory, but getting the most out of it requires fairly tight rotations involving a lot of weaponswapping during the berserk window, and there's also a risk of wasting some of your berserk if a mechanic gets in the way of DPSing.

I've played both berserker and mirage in raid scenarios, and if anything mirage (the spec that prompted the philosophy rethink) is more forgiving of imperfect play. Since for mirage, a slight delay in your rotation just means a slight delay. For berserker, a slight delay can mean one, or even two, less burst skills used before your berserk wears off.

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You are conflating the complexity of mechanics and complexity of gameplay/use cases. Warrior is a class with fairly simple mechanics, but that does not mean it cannot be complex to play, as the two don’t have any bearing on each other. For examples, see @draxynnic.3719 comment above mine. He outlines a good example of why something like berserker has simple mechanics but is not necessarily simple to play. 

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Doesn't the new Bladesworn rotation require you to press all the buttons before you shoot off DT in annoying sequence and if it misses for some reason you lose most of the dps. Overcharge Cartrige does the same thing as Peak Performance Bola thing we had a while back but it is more annoying since it has a timer and stacks.
When I started writing this I noticed that physical, shouts, armaments, signets and rage skills work exactly the same Press the button to increase your % damage, they have repackaged the same thing 4 times and have increased the complexity every time for no kittening reason. It is harder to do now but it does the same thing, same concept pump passives  and use burst skill, actually BS is worst of the bunch cause the skill you press doesn't do kitten by itself while Rage and Physical skills at least do something beyond do x % more damage even though they are kinda kitten too. Why the kitten do they have 50 do % more damage skills that do the same kitten ? 

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18 hours ago, artharon.9276 said:

whole update was like distributing classes what they lost with unique banner skills 😄


I'm curious about how all this shaped the spellbreaker, but won't be able to play games for a little while due to crazy work schedule. 

Overall I think my lazy spellbreaker is nerfed with how I play the game my overall might generation is going way down with the nerf to magebane tether. Even in group play I'd run PS giving everyone tons of might because I gave myself tons of might, now self might generation is down 2/3 on MBT which is a lot less healing. Group might generation will be down 1/3 for MBT (if I'm still taking PS). So solo play will be more difficult because I won't be generating as much might (and healing myself from that, might have to go back to golemancer runes to give someone might for more healing). Group content I'll have to see if the dagger AA giving aoe group might will make up for the nerfs to MBT.

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