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Bladesworn - the disappointment and the ugly


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I'm not going to state the obviously clunky and unfinished gameplay.

here I'm going to state the ugly design decision they made and wasted design effort only to introduce FAKE DIVERSITY.



First Ugly: Flow


Flow, same function different name(as adrenaline), but why? why would you make something that literally works the same just to give it a new name and present it as something new?


to nerf all adrenaline related trait/skills, basically when you are playing with bladesworn, you only have HALF of core warrior to build with. so you have to take Bladesworn's "adrenaline" skills instead of core war's million of adrenaline skill, so they can make the "same skills" again and not be completely unused.


Signet of fury: gives only one positive flow, when it gives full adrenaline in it's original state, while flow stabilizer gives 2-3 positive flow per cast. this one is so obvious it's unreal.

Merciless hammer: gives one positive flow, when it gives 1/3 of adrenaline in default.

Furious/Axe mastery: gives same number of flow as adrenaline, but flow base number is 100 while adrenaline is 30.

( I wouldn't be surprised flow is only introduced so they can hard nerf signet of fury, so people would pick flow stabilizer, in order to present FAKE DIVERSITY, essentially these two skills are the same, if you just give signet of fury 3 positive flow as it should have, given how much adrenaline it gives originally, there would be no business for flow stabilizer. )


Second Ugly: Pistol and Explosions


We all know by now that offhand pistol is just another offhand axe in disguise in order to introduce FAKE DIVERSITY. (same as offhand dagger)


explosionis just a smoke bomb to blur our vision to the obviously ugly elite spec.

which is why you would feel that there's explosion mechanic, yet it is hardly utilized and barely implemented(saying "barely" is being extremely generous).

it is just there and exist.

( I wouldn't be surprised if they thought "wow this elite spec is only full of ugly, lets slap in an explosion so it looks prettier). 


What worries me about explosion is that it gives Anet an excuse to make skills like Overcharged Cartridges

it is very obviously another FAKE DIVERSITY for signet of might/for great justice/on my mark


4th elite spec, will be another offhand weapon that work the same as offhand axe and a new burst skill but with a new damage type "xxx" and an new utility that buff skills with "xxx" type damage.

instead of having actual unique skills and/or buff that work with all skills like the original core war utilities.

perfect formula for limitless elite specs. without any thinking required.


Edited by felix.2386
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I agree with all points. It is very obvious (sadly so) that anet did not have the same manpower for EoD as they did with PoF and HoT. The maps look barren and bland (echovald is the worst expac map in the game, everything looks the same and so ugly with that green fog everywhere) and half of the new elite specs aswell. No runes and barely new attribute combinations, nothing for pvp and wvw.

I really hope the steam sale will be a great financial success so we can maybe see some updates and improvements to existing content in the future.


Maybe we are lucky and get a rework for bladesworn in one or two years, but atm idc about bladesworn at all.

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11 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

I'm not going to state the obviously clunky and unfinished gameplay.

here I'm going to state the ugly design decision they made and wasted design effort only to introduce FAKE DIVERSITY.



First Ugly: Flow


Flow, same function different name(as adrenaline), but why? why would you make something that literally works the same just to give it a new name and present it as something new?


to nerf all adrenaline related trait/skills, basically when you are playing with bladesworn, you only have HALF of core warrior to build with. so you have to take Bladesworn's "adrenaline" skills instead of core war's million of adrenaline skill, so they can make the "same skills" again and not be completely unused.


Signet of fury: gives only one positive flow, when it gives full adrenaline in it's original state, while flow stabilizer gives 2-3 positive flow per cast. this one is so obvious it's unreal.

Merciless hammer: gives one positive flow, when it gives 1/3 of adrenaline in default.

Furious/Axe mastery: gives same number of flow as adrenaline, but flow base number is 100 while adrenaline is 30.

( I wouldn't be surprised flow is only introduced so they can hard nerf signet of fury, so people would pick flow stabilizer, in order to present FAKE DIVERSITY, essentially these two skills are the same, if you just give signet of fury 3 positive flow as it should have, given how much adrenaline it gives originally, there would be no business for flow stabilizer. )


Second Ugly: Pistol and Explosions


We all know by now that offhand pistol is just another offhand axe in disguise in order to introduce FAKE DIVERSITY. (same as offhand dagger)


explosionis just a smoke bomb to blur our vision to the obviously ugly elite spec.

which is why you would feel that there's explosion mechanic, yet it is hardly utilized and barely implemented(saying "barely" is being extremely generous).

it is just there and exist.

( I wouldn't be surprised if they thought "wow this elite spec is only full of ugly, lets slap in an explosion so it looks prettier). 


What worries me about explosion is that it gives Anet an excuse to make skills like Overcharged Cartridges

it is very obviously another FAKE DIVERSITY for signet of might/for great justice/on my mark


4th elite spec, will be another offhand weapon that work the same as offhand axe and a new burst skill but with a new damage type "xxx" and an new utility that buff skills with "xxx" type damage.

instead of having actual unique skills and/or buff that work with all skills like the original core war utilities.

perfect formula for limitless elite specs. without any thinking required.


Agree with the flow critique but your explosion points are pretty weak. 

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19 minutes ago, Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

Agree with the flow critique but your explosion points are pretty weak. 

It rly isnt. 

Explosions only exist for a single, dumb, unispired minor GM ferocity buff... 

All that explosions do is give a perma ferocity buff....

Instead of having all master tier traits proc on explosions. 

Fierce as fire, consecutive explosions grant stacks. 

Lush forest, using explosion skills reduces the CD of equipped skills by 1 sec with a 1 sec interval. 

Unshakable mountain, using explosions grants you barrier. 

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7 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

explain? so i can reformate it better

Your whole argument about "fake diversity" is nonsense that could be applied to literally any utility and weapons from any elite spec


You simplify everything as just being a copy of something else by leaving out all the differences between them and over fixating on things that are kind of similar about them.


You complain about there not being enough interactons with explosions but then go on to complain about anet using them as an "excuse" to make skills that interact with them 🤔


Also flow is NOT the same as adrenaline, adrenaline can be gained in large quantities on demand with multiple skills while flow can only be slowly built up with the ability to increase the speed of the gradual build up, and because of this difference you cant just open a fight with your strongest attacks right out the gate like other warrior specs can. Which is a deliberate design choice to limit the upfront spam potential of dragon trigger.



Edited by Kayberz.5346
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4 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

It rly isnt. 

Explosions only exist for a single, dumb, unispired minor GM ferocity buff... 

All that explosions do is give a perma ferocity buff....

Instead of having all master tier traits proc on explosions. 

Fierce as fire, consecutive explosions grant stacks. 

Lush forest, using explosion skills reduces the CD of equipped skills by 1 sec with a 1 sec interval. 

Unshakable mountain, using explosions grants you barrier. 

well all master traits granting bonus on explosion instead of ammo wouldn't be great either.

while both being badly implemented at least ammo is well scattered.

making explosion instead of ammo would just be more pigeonhole 

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1 minute ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Your whole argument about "fake diversity" is nonsense that could be applied to literally any utility and weapons from any elite spec


You simplify everything as just being a copy of something else by leaving out all the differences between them and over fixating on things that are kind of similar about them.


You complain about there not being enough interactons with explosions but then go on to complain about anet using them as an "excuse" to make skills that interact with them 🤔


Also flow is NOT the same as adrenaline, adrenaline can be gained in large quantities on demand with multiple skills while flow can only be slowly built up with the ability to increase the speed of the gradual build up, and because of this difference you cant just open a fight with your strongest attacks right out the gate like other warrior specs can. Which is a deliberate design choice to limit the spam potential of dragon trigger.



Pretty sure it is not non sense, as warrior is heavy victim of minimum diversity

80% of the utilities are basically number buff that serve nothing other then number buff.

while you look at other classes utilities, have very distinct functions and mechanics.


and Anet is very determined to give warrior nothing but number buffs and main reason why warrior became so boring, and has the lowest overall playtime in modern guild wars 2 despite it being easy to play and having OK number output.


"fake diversity" is forced because they are determined to give warrior nothing but number buffs, so eventually these skills will just cannibalize each other. and fake diversity is basically making two of the same thing and each one have their own "number buff" skills, even when one number buff applying to both things is enough.

so they can just keep making copies of adrenaline and making copies of signet of fury for each new elite spec.


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4 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

Pretty sure it is not non sense, as warrior is heavy victim of minimum diversity

80% of the utilities are basically number buff that serve nothing other then number buff.

while you look at other classes utilities, have very distinct functions and mechanics.


and Anet is very determined to give warrior nothing but number buffs and main reason why warrior became so boring, and has the lowest overall playtime in modern guild wars 2 despite it being easy to play and having OK number output.


"fake diversity" is forced because they are determined to give warrior nothing but number buffs, so eventually these skills will just cannibalize each other. and fake diversity is basically making two of the same thing and each one have their own "number buff" skills, even when one number buff applying to both things is enough.

so they can just keep making copies of adrenaline and making copies of signet of fury for each new elite spec.


You just keep saying things without backing them up with actual examples 


You completely leave out how overcharged cartridges also doubles as a cc/knockback which can be used for breakbars as well as pushing things like seekers on vale guardian for example in ADDITION to its number increases


What about dragonspike mine is a copy of another warrior utility?  Its a completely unique skill with a unique function and multiple useful applications as both a dps increasing ability and a survival tool in the form of an emergency stunbreak/evade frame/repositioning combo 


You completely leave out the actual utility in bladesworns new skills and ONLY focus on the modifiers,  the modifiers that enable these abilities to be viable as increases in dps at the same time as providing their unique utility which makes it so we aren't forced to use signets like every other warrior build 

It literally creates diversity by making bladesworn actually use different utilities from the other copy paste dps templates every other warrior build is pigeonholed into using

You're complaining about CORE warrior utlities being bad and redundant but then call bladesworns unique utilities "fake diversity" because you are actually incentivized to use them over core utlities because of their unique functionality?

Like what do you actually want from new utilities that bladesworn doesn't provide?  A whacky skill that does something "new" but doesn't boost dps numbers so its doomed to be sidelined by signets in actual practice? Your argument contradicts itself in reality. 

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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1 hour ago, felix.2386 said:

well all master traits granting bonus on explosion instead of ammo wouldn't be great either.

while both being badly implemented at least ammo is well scattered.

making explosion instead of ammo would just be more pigeonhole 

Maybe, but shifts the benefit away from certain ammo skills while keeping on other ammo skills. Making the Master tier key off of explosions and changing TR to only recharge explosion skills preserves the theme of the spec while curbing the excessive shout spam without having to nerf core.

Whether or not this is pigeonholing it, well it already is pigeonholed. This alternative is at least better design wise. You can then do things like Make Unshakeable Mountain a AoE effect around the BSW to give it some inherent team support.

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While offhand axe and pistol are both power DPS focused, I wouldn't say that they're the same. Pistol is oriented towards compressing damage into spikes, and probably spending most of your time using the gunsaber. Offhand axe provides more sustained damage over time, but it doesn't provide spikes unless you catch an enemy with no ability to dodge, block, move, or otherwise prevent themselves from eating a full Whirling Axe channel.

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As I've said, time and again, bladesworn is a shackle on the warrior. It is fool's gold. OP, you explained it beautifully.

Flow is just adrenaline with a different name that benefits bladesworn, not warrior. Instead of it being a meaningful and unique tradeoff, flow just kneecaps warrior and makes it a worse version of it.

And yes, pistol sucks. The first obvious reason is that there is no main-hand. Is Anet seriously going to tell me with a straight face that warrior can't swap a pistol? Pffft...so much for the "weapon master" profession lmao! (shakes head...) Two, the range is way too short on the skills. Pistol skills at 240-300 range are GARBAGE. I'm sorry, but that is NOT a pistol. That is a pea-shooter with the cork attached.

And fake diversity? That is the fool's gold. But guess what? People get fooled because it has a so-called "tradeoff", and thus makes it "diverse". Never mind the fact that this "tradeoff" is but a stripped-down version of warrior. (eg. flow in place of adrenaline)

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3 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

Everyone knows Bladesworn was badly designed. As someone else on this forum put it: Bladesworn was only for promotion sake to sell EoD.

I mean, come on. Steampunk samurai? So hacky and unimaginative.

"Steampunk samurai" is right...it just looks goofy. You're just mixing up two different time periods. It's just marketing to the shonen anime crowd..."Katana and guns, soooo cool!" Never mind that the samurai(feudal class) are part of the Middle Ages while steampunk is an aesthetic associated with the Industrial Revolution , which came about 300 years later!

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5 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

"Steampunk samurai" is right...it just looks goofy. You're just mixing up two different time periods. It's just marketing to the shonen anime crowd..."Katana and guns, soooo cool!" Never mind that the samurai(feudal class) are part of the Middle Ages while steampunk is an aesthetic associated with the Industrial Revolution , which came about 300 years later!

As a fan of shonen even I call BS on the BS. This isn't what warrior needed.

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6 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

"Steampunk samurai" is right...it just looks goofy. You're just mixing up two different time periods. It's just marketing to the shonen anime crowd..."Katana and guns, soooo cool!" Never mind that the samurai(feudal class) are part of the Middle Ages while steampunk is an aesthetic associated with the Industrial Revolution , which came about 300 years later!

That's not really accurate. Japan went from samurai rule to industrial really quickly.

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On 8/19/2022 at 6:26 AM, Ferus.3165 said:

I agree with all points. It is very obvious (sadly so) that anet did not have the same manpower for EoD as they did with PoF and HoT. The maps look barren and bland (echovald is the worst expac map in the game, everything looks the same and so ugly with that green fog everywhere) and half of the new elite specs aswell. No runes and barely new attribute combinations, nothing for pvp and wvw.

I really hope the steam sale will be a great financial success so we can maybe see some updates and improvements to existing content in the future.


Maybe we are lucky and get a rework for bladesworn in one or two years, but atm idc about bladesworn at all.

Less manpower because working on Steam release…


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they need to give weapon swap back to bladesworn.

keep gunblade as extra kit

so they can actually start making some nice utility for gunblade instead of just damage spam skills


right now gunblade skills are a great joke.

not enough damage to be included in dps rotation, not enough for utility.


just turn gunblade in to an utility kit


stop dumbing down warrior.

engi is playable because engi got kits, warrior is not engi.


for example, like giving gunblade some CC skills, maybe a group AoE leap etc, to actually make it fun to play instead of pointless skills that work the same and just spams and boring.

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5 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

they need to give weapon swap back to bladesworn.

keep gunblade as extra kit

so they can actually start making some nice utility for gunblade instead of just damage spam skills


right now gunblade skills are a great joke.

not enough damage to be included in dps rotation, not enough for utility.


just turn gunblade in to an utility kit


stop dumbing down warrior.

engi is playable because engi got kits, warrior is not engi.


for example, like giving gunblade some CC skills, maybe a group AoE leap etc, to actually make it fun to play instead of pointless skills that work the same and just spams and boring.

Yeah, bladesworn could be a lot better (and funnier) if they give it the core weapon swap and balance their damage around that.

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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On 8/20/2022 at 4:24 PM, felix.2386 said:

they need to give weapon swap back to bladesworn.

keep gunblade as extra kit

so they can actually start making some nice utility for gunblade instead of just damage spam skills


right now gunblade skills are a great joke.

not enough damage to be included in dps rotation, not enough for utility.


just turn gunblade in to an utility kit


stop dumbing down warrior.

engi is playable because engi got kits, warrior is not engi.


for example, like giving gunblade some CC skills, maybe a group AoE leap etc, to actually make it fun to play instead of pointless skills that work the same and just spams and boring.

I would be fine if they made Gunsaber better multitool like Ranger GS, so you don't feel bad about losing weapon swap. They could give it some more weapon reach since it is kinda ranged and they could give it some minor defenses like evades and more mobility. 
Pistol is also salvageable even in off hand if they give it more range on both skills and make shorter the dragon roar recharge to mimic auto attack but in the offhand and get extra stuff on max charge like burst skill tada a whole warrior weapon with burst skill condensed into 2 skills. The only issue that stays is that you don't have main hand weapon to go with it, but they did something special this time with Virtuoso and change core weapon skill if it is wielded on the elite so there is an idea to add new explosion skills on sword if wielded on BS.  
There is still the issue with the utility slot skills being bad, which isn't really new for warrior, they could have made it work in combo with the Gunsabre, like special ammunitions charges or what not but yet again they defaulted to boring number increases if you mash and spam the buttons hard, the worst part is that they did that when they supposedly were trying to reduce the complexity of rotations.

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