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Charr Necromancer in Iron Legion - Lore friendly or good for story?


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I want to start a playthrough with a Charr Necro. My first idea was Ash but checking the Iron Legion questline seems to make more sense given that the main quest is about making a weapon to fight ghosts, in addition the Harbringer Specialization could tie perfectly with this.


Now, is this a good idea story wise? I feel like the character could fit well but I’d like some opinions.


If it helps, the overall story I had was that he/she was drawn to Ascalonian ruins and history. They aren’t hating of the ghosts like other Charr but they do see them as a threat and a scientific venture. They also had a love for  Asura mago tech and dreamed to mix magic and tech. Both their parents were Iron Elementalist but his father defected to the Flame Legion (Sorcerous Shaman) which makes him also need to overcome stigma of his treacherous father.  Warband companion would be Euryale.

Edited by Alexander.5796
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  • Alexander.5796 changed the title to Charr Necromancer in Iron Legion - Lore friendly or good for story?

Praise Joko!

Your concerns are a clear sign of what we call pre-mortem immaturity.
For it matters not where you start, but where you'll end up - obviously in service to his greatness  Joko the Benevolent.
Should you be unfortunate enough to find yourself outside of his merciful embrace, it is recommended to train your lazy, unworthy, mangy hide to lvl 80 and transfer to crystal desert IMMEDIATELY, you worm.

And remember - Joko cares!

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
  • Haha 1
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Like @SpiderZ.9146 observed, necromancers among the charr are actually most common among the Ash Legion, to the point where one of the generic Ash Legion NPC types is a necromancer. This probably goes back to GW1, where charr necromancers generally had Ash as part of their name.

This doesn't mean that Ash has a monopoly, however. I could definitely see an Iron Necromancer being a thing, especially with a 'learn about death magic in order to understand the ghosts better and find ways to neutralise them' motivation.

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On 8/31/2022 at 8:07 PM, Vyriis.6258 said:

Given they were drawn to Asuran Magi Tech they could follow in the footsteps of Oola who succeeded in combining golemancy and necromancy. Your character could be trying to do something similar. In which case being part of the Iron Legion would be a fine fit.

That's what I was going for, essentially. I like to think they were the type who were into both magical and mechanical tinkering and got assigned to ghosts as a result, working mainly in ghost trapping devices, combining magic and tech in his line of work. And I think Harbinger ties well into the overall story.

So does it work well? Ghostbore Musket being magical in nature? The Asura in the ghost trapping event mentions Iron's magical properties, so I think a Necromancer could take advantage of those two aspects. And there are the steam weapons of which are magical ones (Game mechanic, yeah, but still, given Iron does have magic properties...)

Edited by Alexander.5796
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It's been a while since I've talked to those NPCs, but from what I recall the magical properties of iron were essentially magical dampening and containment properties. Good for holding and disrupting ghosts, since ghosts can't pass through iron easily, but for magic weapons, the more advanced metals are probably better.

With that caveat, though, the concept does work. Necromancers are certainly rarer in Iron than in Ash, but it makes sense that those they do have will gravitate to becoming specialists in ghost countermeasures.

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