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Vindicator in raids?


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3 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

Well only you alone think that. 

Could be or maybe not; I see no relevance of that here other than your desire to perpetuate an off-topic argument.

It doesn't make what I'm saying any less relevant about how DPS is a dead-end solution to Vindicator raid popularity. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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4 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Could be or maybe not; I see no relevance of that here other than your desire to perpetuate an off-topic argument.

It doesn't make what I'm saying any less relevant about how DPS is a dead-end solution to Vindicator raid popularity. 

That's not completely true power mechanists got a huge surge of popularity due to rifle autos change. 

Edited by infant.8175
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4 minutes ago, infant.8175 said:

That's not completely true power mechanists got a huge surge of popularity due to rifle autos change. 

Hold on here ... that surge wasn't JUST because of DPS though. It's because it was EASY to play while getting it. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Could be or maybe not; I see no relevance of that here other than your desire to perpetuate an off-topic argument.

It doesn't make what I'm saying any less relevant about how DPS is a dead-end solution to Vindicator raid popularity. 

Anet doesnt balance the game only for you, they take action based on the majority of the community responses even if they contradict what ever your opinion is. And this isnt off topic because majority doesnt like the current state of vindicator at raids rn. 

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5 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

Anet doesnt balance the game only for you, they take action based on the majority of the community responses even if they contradict what ever your opinion is. And this isnt off topic because majority doesnt like the current state of vindicator at raids rn. 

OK .. I didn't say they should balance the game only for me so that accusation is nonsensical and completely irrelevant here.

In fact, I'm saying they should balance the game considering ALL the scenarios Vindicator, including the ones you think they should ignore because those scenarios don't support how you want Vindicator to not work so you can justify DPS. 

Again, let's not pretend you are all knowing about who does and doesn't like the current state of Vindicator and why or that some implied majority you derive from forum posts indicates how Anet should change the game. That's just not honest. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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3 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

Anet doesnt balance the game only for you, they take action based on the majority of the community responses even if they contradict what ever your opinion is. And this isnt off topic because majority doesnt like the current state of vindicator at raids rn. 

well balance is hard to maintain when the game expands this much you have to keep this in mind ' and like i said before vindicator is a part of what revenant has to offer and overall its what revenant lacked in previous expansions .

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10 minutes ago, infant.8175 said:

well balance is hard to maintain when the game expands this much you have to keep this in mind ' and like i said before vindicator is a part of what revenant has to offer and overall its what revenant lacked in previous expansions .

It still lacks because even herald rn does a better job as pdps than power vindicator having in mind a dps build, but yeah.. its not that easy for devs to balance everything when game expanded so much with all the specs and probably will expand even more

Edited by soul.9651
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1 minute ago, soul.9651 said:

It still lacks because even herald rn does a better job as pdps than power vindicator, but yeah.. its not that easy for devs to balance everything when game expanded so much with all the specs and probably will expand even more

the legacy build before the banners / spirits rework benched 37.5k after the rework i would assume its 32.5k how is herald out performing vindicator dps wise ?

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6 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

It still lacks because even herald rn does a better job as pdps than power vindicator, but yeah.. its not that easy for devs to balance everything when game expanded so much with all the specs and probably will expand even more

It's funny you mention that Rev's already have better pdps options than Vindicator, but still complain Vindicator needs more DPS to be more popular in raids. Nothing like eating your own for no benefit.  👍

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3 minutes ago, infant.8175 said:

the legacy build before the banners / spirits rework benched 37.5k after the rework i would assume its 32.5k how is herald out performing vindicator dps wise ?

Nah the current pure dps herald without any banners is at 35k rn and the vindicator is kinda at 34k range

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

It's funny you mention that Rev's already have better pdps options than Vindicator, but still complain Vindicator needs more DPS to be more popular in raids. Nothing like eating your own for no gains.

Because its not about rev in general, its about vindicator specificly this whole topic

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4 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

Because its not about rev in general, its about vindicator specificly this whole topic

I guess the irony that you think we need Vindicator to be more popular in raids through more DPS, competing with Revenant's other more raid-specific, already better established power DPS specs is completely lost on you. That's the tunnel vision I'm talking about. Don't care about how anything else is impacted, just as long s Vindicator gets more DPS. The rest of the world can burn, as long as long a Vindicator works how you want.  👍

Edited by Obtena.7952
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interesting i guess we have to wait and see how this unfolds i kinda agree with you soul but not with dps soloution because the glaring issues i see is the f2 being interrupting the dps rotation for dps builds and the high costs for potential support builds that involves blue vindicator 

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If there isn't anything about it on snowcrows then it's not viable. Sorry to disappoint you but I had to learn something else after power DH got removed and isn't viable anymore. Thankfully still heal druid is there. However I was more comfortable and experienced with power dh in terms of dps than the thing I have to resort to now to risk not getting insta kicked. 
I suggest you search for a guild that doesn't mind meta all too much when you want to play something taht isn't on snowcrows because lfg is pure hell otherwise. 

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2 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

If there isn't anything about it on snowcrows then it's not viable. Sorry to disappoint you but I had to learn something else after power DH got removed and isn't viable anymore. Thankfully still heal druid is there. However I was more comfortable and experienced with power dh in terms of dps than the thing I have to resort to now to risk not getting insta kicked. 
I suggest you search for a guild that doesn't mind meta all too much when you want to play something taht isn't on snowcrows because lfg is pure hell otherwise. 

Well, let's be clear, SC isn't the authority on what is viable. Their builds are about top level play. There are lots of viable builds (whatever that means) that aren't listed there. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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    Vindi isn't going to be popular at instanced content at all, anyway. A month ago crafted my third and last legendary armor set (this time for mid armor) and have been testing Mechanist in solo OW PvE...   It equals/surpases in speed my condi WB TTK for most of HoT HPs   while being ranged, and with 1/3 of the key strokes x minute (not as tanky, tho), while also providing good boon support.

   Vindi is a vintage build; would fit well in a meta of 2012's core professions at which having perma fury, 25 stacks of self migth and perma protection would be enough.

   But in 2022 GW2 is moving towards OW content which requires team coordination and even complex mechanics that demands you to move away from the main target to survive, which makes the dps testing vs static golem a joke:. The Mechanist is perfect because can do good dps at any range, break defiant bars  and provide support without clunky gameplay and the use is so streamlined that you can run not knowning the class so you can focus in the encounter mechanics (pun intended) without trying to calculate if you should jump to renew the damage buff or save the evade for the next cc or instagib from the boss...

   In that sense Vindi seems in the same ball park as the Catalyst or Untamed: even with top dps they aren't popular because they are convoluted to play and the damage doesn't translate so well from golems to real fight scenarios,. A 40K dps Vindi would equally struggle in popularity because is a mele build with poor cc and counter-intuitive mechanics, with expensive skills and weapons full of bugs...

Edited by Buran.3796
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Ok the vindicator is not obliged to be on the snowcrows site, but considering his representation it is that he is not played for this specialization which is bad. Not a good DPS, we didn't need a 2nd heal specialization when we have vintari and has a mediocre CC.
It is buggy since almost a year on GS3, the jump bug and WvW with certain staircase or we are slowed down as with the razzia, it was not built like the other specialization which were better executed at the base. It has been nerfed to outrage because of the PvP mainly for its heal side, GS 5 has been nerfed because of the classes that use stealth.
When you knew the game before, it's not a good specialization, on paper it might be good, but not in the game.
And yes there are people who can use anything and everything even when it's bad.
It needs more DPS and other things because it provides almost no really useful advantage. Look at other specializations to see that they are better built.
"Obtena.7952" post after post will tell you the same thing don't pay attention to it.

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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3 minutes ago, infant.8175 said:

some would argue its not the vindi that's at fault its the other builds being over tuned etc etc etc ' we need to consider if every single build is as powerful as power rifle mechs we won't have content anymore and it would take the "challenge" aspect of playing gw2

So in fact according to your opinion we must continue to break everything in the revenant when it has already lost much to try to privilege a specialization that is not finished? Billante analysis please do not work at Anet.

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Yes it's a fact but you can play all specializations, good or not. Vindicator was not originally designed that way, there was a skill reversal when the red one was used, it switched to the blue one. At the request of the players to be able to keep one of the 2 colors an F3 was added. Now it's 2 separate legends that have to do the work of one, the cost of each legend has been increased on the skills when you switch from blue to red or the opposite you don't regain energy. It's not because it's playable that it's necessarily finished or else, there's a lot of fan service behind this legend. As Anet said, we put the GS on you.....

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