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Whelp, the Tenth Anniversary/Birthday Gift is here.

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I'm not even deflecting the discussion...it's you ASSUMING again and again and again.

Speaking about assuming:
So before i was a child throwing gifts back to my parents cos i didnt like the colors
Now im a politician.
What im going to be next?!

You are asking me "why is it stupid?" but im afaraid that you missed what I was referring to.


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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I'm not surprised some people aren't happy with the 10th gift, because I can't remember a single one that didn't get complaints. Add in the people expecting absurd things like free legendaries and it was always going to be a disappointment. Personally I liked the cake gun for the 2nd(?) birthday, but it seemed like I was the only one. I remember the dye packs getting a lot of complaints from people who already had all the available dyes, calling it 'a slap in the face' or literally junk and saying it was an insult to assume they didn't already have them, so I'm not surprised those are gone.

I suspect it might also be that they don't want too much stuff locked behind waiting for years. If you've been playing for 10 years it's unlikely you're only here for the gifts, and it would be pretty disheartening for a new player to see something they really like and be told they have to wait a decade to get it.

I'm not that hyped up about it, but since I'm working from home today I think I will log in at lunch time to pick it up. (I'm always a few hours behind the first people getting gifts, because I didn't want to get up early on my day off to be online when the servers opened 😄)


Yeah how dare we expect it to be as good as it has been before 😛 Still, we have no idea what the Proof does, which is part of the present that you can get for each character hitting 10, so still something interesting to find out about. 

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2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

except we don't know what we get for the proofs of legends yet, since the vendors probably won't be in the game till after the patch.


Yeah there is that but proofs of legends isnt anything unique to 10 year birthday gift as anyone can earn them from anniversary events later and it is said that you get Decade armor set using proofs of legends. New weapon skins isnt nothing special to 10 year anniversary either because you get them next year, and next after that also. So only unique thing about this years gift is title, which is less then many past presents gave...


It shouldn't be anything  major like legendery gear or something like, thats just silly. Just some flavorful thing to make this gift feel more special than "just another birthday gift" like many other gifts have given (mini, blaster, finisher, mail carrier, novelty, enrichment, birthday cake)

Edited by Tarusto.2941
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2 hours ago, Darkobra.6439 said:

Well I asked you the question twice and you don't have an answer. 

We can move on now. 

Yea exactely move on,cos the answer is right there in the quote itself....it's not like i dont have the answer...it's there:

IF you say something like  " Birthday gifts shouldnt be too epic because you do not want newer players to feel disadvantaged simply for not playing as long." is pure nonsense.

Do i really need to explain why?!  come on...

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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20 minutes ago, Tarusto.2941 said:


Yeah there is that but proofs of legends isnt anything unique to 10 year birthday gift as anyone can earn them from anniversary events later and it is said that you get Decade armor set using proofs of legends. New weapon skins isnt nothing special to 10 year anniversary either because you get them next year, and next after that also. So only unique thing about this years gift is title, which is less then many past presents gave...


It shouldn't be anything  major like legendery gear or something like, thats just silly. Just some flavorful thing to make this gift feel more special than "just another birthday gift" like many other gifts have given (mini, blaster, finisher, mail carrier, novelty, enrichment, birthday cake)

So just realised this, yeah so the proof is not special and I wonder if the merchants are only available during the event, which would mean later characters will get a token that can't be spent, which would be funny. 
Its something everyone will be able to earn when grinding for the decade armour set. So the proof is not special, essentially nothing is special for 10 year vets. I mean even last year we got a version of the birthday blast in cake placement form, nothing fun either, nothing really cosmetic besides a black lion weapon set that is worse then legendary skins that you should have after 10 years of playing. 

No fluff, which is rather disappointing indeed. 

7 minutes ago, captrowdy.9561 said:

Anet already gave you a gift. 10 years of being allowed to place a great game. Folks will complain about anything. No one cares how long you been playing 

What? Well that's one way to speed run the ignore list. "Complain about anything" you realise, that itself is a complaint, correct? heh. 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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12 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

How many days of a headstart do people who created their characters pre-release have again? Five, correct?

I thought it was 5 days, but according to the Wiki it was 3 days for people who pre-purchased (paid up front) and 1 day for people who pre-ordered (meaning they didn't pay until they got the game).

But the birthday gifts don't allow for leap years - we get a new one every 365 days, so the earliest birthdays have shifted backwards by 2 days because 2016 and 2020 were leap years.

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2 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

How many days of a headstart do people who created their characters pre-release have again? Because I remember the official birthday being the 28th, if I am not mistaken.

Oh true, it was the 28th. Already got mine, did not realise I was a part of the early game crowd, I miss being 10 years younger indeed. I miss the world from 10 years ago now... Had all the time in the world to play.


I totally forgot I was a part of the pre-release crowd. I still remember the first person I Ressed in open world, just saw them lying there, walked up and clicked, got a TY and then we cleared an area underground together against some ghosts. Good times. 

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13 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I thought it was 5 days, but according to the Wiki it was 3 days for people who pre-purchased (paid up front) and 1 day for people who pre-ordered (meaning they didn't pay until they got the game).

But the birthday gifts don't allow for leap years - we get a new one every 365 days, so the earliest birthdays have shifted backwards by 2 days because 2016 and 2020 were leap years.

Aren't the birthday gifts being distributed by date? The official release was August 28.

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24 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Aren't the birthday gifts being distributed by date? The official release was August 28.

Apparently not, it's some sort of behind the scenes counter, probably the same one used for the /age command.

The official release was the 28th, the headstart period started on the 25th so the oldest characters 'actual' birthday is the 25th, but they always get a gift exactly 365 days after their previous birthday. There's been 2 leap years since 2012, so two extra days added in to the calendar years which aren't counted by the game, meaning the birthday gifts are distributed 2 days ahead of the actual birthday.

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1 minute ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Apparently not, it's some sort of behind the scenes counter, probably the same one used for the /age command.

The official release was the 28th, the headstart period started on the 25th so the oldest characters 'actual' birthday is the 25th, but they always get a gift exactly 365 days after their previous birthday. There's been 2 leap years since 2012, so two extra days added in to the calendar years which aren't counted by the game, meaning the birthday gifts are distributed 2 days ahead of the actual birthday.

Okay, that makes sense then, as I do remember people getting stuff three days earlier than me, but never five days in advance before.

Thanks. 🙂

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Although I am disappointed about the decision last year not to give choices from the more recent dye kits and to make a once a year choice from candy colored dye, I will hold off being disappointed till I find out how the proofs of legend are used.  If they make it so I can avoid pvp to get the armor skins I will be pretty much satisfied with the 10th year gift.

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So it was the weapon set that matches the armor, kind of expected the cloak to be the gift and these ones to be a another set of exchangeables for new players to work towards. They look good but can't be dyed forcing you into the color scheme of the weapons if you want the armor and them to match.

Do ranged weapons like the pistol skin have any kind of unique projectile sfx?

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The entitlement does shine through a bit here. Curious question: what other games give characters birthday gifts? And what do they give? Usually if they do, isn’t it a consumable like a cake or something small? Why do players expect these amazing items which new players have to wait a decade to get? 

i understand you’re loyal players and expect to get something for it. You got my respect for that. But why do you feel the items you get are so bad? I really want bubblegum dye and have to wait years still to get them. But I don't complain since it’s a small thing and I know it’ll be mine eventually.

However if it was this amazing item like a legendary something, many players would feel left out.  And that’s not a good thing. Imagine you’re a new player and see this amazing item a player wears and ask how they got it. And the answer is wait 10 years and it’ll be yours. 

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16 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

The entitlement does shine through a bit here. Curious question: what other games give characters birthday gifts? And what do they give? Usually if they do, isn’t it a consumable like a cake or something small? Why do players expect these amazing items which new players have to wait a decade to get? 

i understand you’re loyal players and expect to get something for it. You got my respect for that. But why do you feel the items you get are so bad? I really want bubblegum dye and have to wait years still to get them. But I don't complain since it’s a small thing and I know it’ll be mine eventually.

However if it was this amazing item like a legendary something, many players would feel left out.  And that’s not a good thing. Imagine you’re a new player and see this amazing item a player wears and ask how they got it. And the answer is wait 10 years and it’ll be yours. 

Exactly. I just imagine the poor devs reading this with a facepalm. Followed by laughter 

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17 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

But why do you feel the items you get are so bad?


The infusion from two years ago and last year cake are useful for all players.

This year gifts have probably no interest for the majority of 10 year players, really 5k karma as a gift  ?  

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16 minutes ago, ASP.8093 said:

Am I the only person who looks forward to free dye picks in presents and doesn't really care that much about the special skins?

Nope. The dyes were always my favorite part. Which is why year 9 was a disappointment. I have ten characters ranging from 1 to now 10 years old, and it was fun to look at the available dyes, decide which I wanted most, then get that year’s a few months later, and pick the next one.

With year nine it felt like a birthday for my account, but the characters don’t really matter any more.

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If anyone's curious here's the full list:

Character gift (delivered by mail)
2 Birthday Boosters
Bag of 30 Spirit Shards
Birthday Card (5,000 karma)
2 Black Lion Statuettes
1 Proof of Legend

Account gift (from the achievement)
Decade's Devotion title
Delectable Birthday Dyes (choose 1)
Guarenteed Wardrobe Unlock
2 Anniversary Weapon Packs
2 Dragon Decade Weapon Packs

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12 minutes ago, arafel.9801 said:


The infusion from two years ago and last year cake are useful for all players.

This year gifts have probably no interest for the majority of 10 year players, really 5k karma as a gift  ?  


this does not look like 5k karma to me. Am I missing something? 

also above. Thank you for the full list as I don’t have this myself. 

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