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Why were Tegon and Temar classified as champions in flashpoint?


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The thing that has been bugging me was that Balthazar's two dogs were only champions in flashpoint. However the two forged versions of them in the foundary are legendary. I know that they are ranks of difficulty, but I feel that Balthaza's original two hounds were just tossed aside in flashpoint.

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@ErikTheTyrant.4527 said:The thing that has been bugging me was that Balthazar's two dogs were only champions in flashpoint. However the two forged versions of them in the foundary are legendary. I know that they are ranks of difficulty, but I feel that Balthaza's original two hounds were just tossed aside in flashpoint.

They weren't even of Champion difficulty because you fought them alone. If they were true Champions most players wouldn't be able to kill them.On the other hand those in the Forged with Fire meta require lots of players and as a result have way more complex skills and abilities

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@ErikTheTyrant.4527 said:The thing that has been bugging me was that Balthazar's two dogs were only champions in flashpoint. However the two forged versions of them in the foundary are legendary. I know that they are ranks of difficulty, but I feel that Balthaza's original two hounds were just tossed aside in flashpoint.

They weren't even of Champion difficulty because you fought them alone. If they were true Champions most players wouldn't be able to kill them.On the other hand those in the Forged with Fire meta require lots of players and as a result have way more complex skills and abilities

When we fought Balthazar he was classified as legendary but we fought him solo.

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I just think that the two hounds that were with Balthazar since the beginning should've gotten a little more recognition. (I also am troubled by the fact Balthazar summons them then we just kill them quite easily. After all I would say they are the most legendary worthy pets/minions in the game's lore.)

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We've had both legendary and champion mobs that we fought in storyinstances since launch, so for it being a proper "scale of difficulty" has to be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to solo content. I am all for giving the dogs a legendary frame in the Flashpoint content tho. Should be easy enough to switch up, no?

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Temar and Tegon's first summon was indeed Champions, you were also alone during that fight. That's nothing new.

The 2nd time we meet Temar and Tegon is an upgraded forged version of them, which means they are alot stronger and alot harder to beat. Pretty much why their 2nd round was based on a group event. I am not sure why you dont get it?

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