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[NA][PvX] Active? Social? Looking for a friendly and helpful guild to play and grow with? From Ashes They Emerge (FATE) might just be what you're looking for!

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From Ashes They Emerge (FATE) is a small guild built upon a years-long friendship among some of our members since the days of Guild Wars 1. The longevity of our close-knit community is a testament to our welcoming, social and respectful atmosphere centered around the GW franchise. If you want to beat up raid or strike bosses, learn what Fractals are all about, or even do some achievement hunting with fellow guildies then FATE could be a good fit for you. We're looking for active and social gamers who:
  • Desire to play/learn content with the guild such as raids, fractals, strike missions, achievement hunting, story progression, guild missions, open world meta events, and more.
  • Are in the US Eastern time.
  • Will maintain a supportive and respectful atmosphere both in game and in Discord, leaving drama, toxicity and the like checked at the door.
  • Are over the age of 21. Most of our members are in their 30s and 40s.
  • Use Discord. We use Discord to chat and set up group events. Speaking in voice chat is NOT required but we do ask you to jump on when doing certain guild events (e.g. raids, fractals, strikes, etc.) so that we can be a bit more coordinated.
  • Can maintain their guild status by actively engaging with fellow guildies in game and/or Discord (after all, our community thrives on camaraderie and communication!).
We prioritize quality over quantity so that everyone can have a good time and get the most out of their (sometimes limited) game time. As such, we do occasionally go through our list of members to ensure we have enough active members engaged and will remove inactive/unresponsive individuals to make room for more while maintaining the small size of the guild.
What FATE Has to Offer
  • Level 68+ Isle of Reflection guild hall with all resource nodes/WP discounts/guild boosts fully upgraded.
  • Scheduled endgame content such as fractals, raids, strikes, and guild missions every week.
  • Friendly and social nerds who love the game but are also very respectful of your time and space.
  • Expansive and organized Discord server, which serves as the guild’s main hub of communications and coordination.
  • No guild rep requirement except for doing guild missions but feel free to rep when playing with fellow guildies anytime!
Contact Us
If this sounds like the kind of community you want to engage in whether in or out of the game and you meet all of our above bulleted requirements, send us a friend request in Discord to inquire (replying to this post is fine but responses may be delayed as we don't check here as often as Discord).
The FATE Recruitment Team
Astr#1622 || Mon Pinky#3199 || Peaches#8535
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