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Add a no-legend mode


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Two things Rev really needs are: a.) more skills and b.) a better ability to customize their build (especially since most of the legends lack any synergy with each other). Rather than change the existing structure of the legends by adding utility skill options, I believe the better approach would be to add about 10-16 generic Mist-themed skills (including the currently missing racial skills) and give Revenants the ability to drop out of invocation mode. When not channeling a legend, they would have access to and be able to customize these skills on their skill bar. When they invoke a legend, their customized skillbar will be replaced by that legend's skill bar (containing the current fixed 5 skills).

This would give them access to 25 different utility skills at a time, which brings them closer in variety/functionality to Engineers and Elementalists. If they felt that was too many, they could either replace the second legend option (allowing only one legend to be equipped at a time), or leave it and remove the weapon swap as per their original intention for the class. Although, since Rev skills are managed through energy in addition to cooldown, it would probably be fine to leave it as-is with weapon swap and two equipped legends, especially if dropping invocation doesn't replenish your energy that way invoking a legend does.

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@Cwnannwn.7681 said:Honestly I'd rather have had the option to pick alternate skills than weapon swapping.

I think I would, too. Having a generic customizable line in addition to two legend lines that you could swap between would almost certainly justify removing weapon swap. Although, I'm not convinced it would be necessary even then.

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@Edds.7681 said:i do wish revenants would get an extra skill for their legends. other professions get 4 skills to choose from on each elite spec. im not sure which 3 skills i would replace to choose a new one, as they all seem useful for their playstyle

You should read my post, this wasn't my suggestion =P

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:They could just add 6 glyphs. All working differently per legend and are interswapabble with normal legend skills.The build diversity would spike and you could basically make a legendless bar.

Yeah, this might be a good compromise. I think I'd prefer it to just adding a new skill or two per legend.

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