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Ele keeps falling apart


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Is it just me or with every patchnote changes that we get I get the feeling that elementalist was simply not built verry well since the verry begining, and it is just crumbling apart. I played elementalist/mage in different mmos, but I find it here in gw2 verry hard to attach to it. I mostly tried tempest with all the weapons that I can posibly equip, and all the traits that are there, but to every each one of them I felt like I was giving up in the same time skills from other weapons that were performing really well, same goes with utilities, to provide a bit of support you actually trade a big chunk of your dps, or traits. 

I feel like the game should simply give players more liberty into choosing, like why water has to be more of a healing trait, or earth for defense, why can t we have the option to have amazing skills like water tornados similar to sunqua peak, or ice skills, earthy nature like skills. 

After some time of playing even this idea of equiping a weapon and all of your skills change it doesn t seem so cool anymore. Why? Because a net simply does not let you and you need to play in a certain way in order to perform well and be able to join partyes. 

Maybe it is just me being on a higher dosage of copium than usual, but hey with all those mmos out there on display with plenty of options to choose, I am feeling a bit down about my "home game" simply because it does not offer that at all. 

If you feel the same, or not :)) leave your opinion downbelow, maybe A net can do something about it, atleast give us a ranged next specialisation or some better balance atleast, cheers! 


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I know it's been said too much, but I still like longbows with a more magical side to it. 

That said I'm still very much in love with my ele, flaws and all. Other than gw1 I didn't often find much enjoyment in how many mage specs were presented. I like being able to hybridise and be flexible like I was with chanter in Aion or bounty hunter in tor.

I got that itch more with gw1 ranger but ele was definitely my second favourite then.

I like the melee options in general and I like the idea of a more martial mage. However that doesn't mean I wouldn't like some exploration into more ranged options. The staff changes, while not perfect, have been quite enjoyable in a sense. I can only imagine what they could do with a longbow.

Edited by Serephen.3420
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I know I seem a little harsh , but yeah ofc it will never be said "too much"

I don't like much lb outside of ranger, and I haven't tried PvE staff since it seems still so slow /outdated to feel actually fun... But yeah as for many of us I still dream of some , even half decent ranged mage 

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I wouldnt say that ele falls apart. But ele is a hard profession to balance. Since ele theoretically has access to many skills/mechanics/boons/condis etc, if the numbers align - it becomes a beast. But when they dont align - ele becomes trash tier. Ele needs a bit of a design shift or one might say a rework to some extent. 

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Anet thinks the ele class is the only jack of all trades class and balances with that mind set but they made all class in the game into jack of all trades. All at the same time forgetting gear builds are far more important for the ele class out put then its very traits. A support ele never going to do real dmg and an dps ele never going to do real healing support. Even an cele build ele is missing some major out put of dmg or healing that you would find on an more all in build.

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2 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

Anet thinks the ele class is the only jack of all trades class and balances with that mind set but they made all class in the game into jack of all trades. All at the same time forgetting gear builds are far more important for the ele class out put then its very traits. A support ele never going to do real dmg and an dps ele never going to do real healing support. Even an cele build ele is missing some major out put of dmg or healing that you would find on an more all in build.

Although i do agree about the jack-of-all-trades part, but i strongly dissagree about cele builds. Cele weaver and cele cata can do a nice combo of survivability/defence/damage. Ele is the best class to benefit from cele gear, but the problem is that in any end game content you are better off picking specialised builds (aka full dps/support etc).

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On 8/28/2022 at 3:12 PM, Eva.3629 said:

Is it just me or with every patchnote changes that we get I get the feeling that elementalist was simply not built verry well since the verry begining, and it is just crumbling apart. I played elementalist/mage in different mmos, but I find it here in gw2 verry hard to attach to it. I mostly tried tempest with all the weapons that I can posibly equip, and all the traits that are there, but to every each one of them I felt like I was giving up in the same time skills from other weapons that were performing really well, same goes with utilities, to provide a bit of support you actually trade a big chunk of your dps, or traits. 

I feel like the game should simply give players more liberty into choosing, like why water has to be more of a healing trait, or earth for defense, why can t we have the option to have amazing skills like water tornados similar to sunqua peak, or ice skills, earthy nature like skills. 

After some time of playing even this idea of equiping a weapon and all of your skills change it doesn t seem so cool anymore. Why? Because a net simply does not let you and you need to play in a certain way in order to perform well and be able to join partyes. 

Maybe it is just me being on a higher dosage of copium than usual, but hey with all those mmos out there on display with plenty of options to choose, I am feeling a bit down about my "home game" simply because it does not offer that at all. 

If you feel the same, or not :)) leave your opinion downbelow, maybe A net can do something about it, atleast give us a ranged next specialisation or some better balance atleast, cheers! 


well, ele has been nerfed for the last 3-4 years pretty solidly, so you're not very far off the mark there. this last buff came out of nowhere, but i dont expect that will be a trend.


i understand that anet needs to shake things up to keep things fresh and value that process, but there's no need to make one class be completely eclipsed by another to the point where you just stop using it in favor of others. ele has fallen so far behind for me, its now just kind of miserable to play compared to the ease with which basically every other class can do what ele does, better, in every aspect.


the one positive thing i can think of is that whoever was making the adjustment choices for ele these last few years has been very successful in removing almost everything i used to find fun about the class. that's worthy of praise.

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9 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Although i do agree about the jack-of-all-trades part, but i strongly dissagree about cele builds. Cele weaver and cele cata can do a nice combo of survivability/defence/damage. Ele is the best class to benefit from cele gear, but the problem is that in any end game content you are better off picking specialised builds (aka full dps/support etc).

Non of it has to do with support this is not a question of being able to take a hit but being able to both support and dps and cele just dose not cut it as you still have to build non cele in one way or another to push that roll your going for with cele just filling in missing bits for the ele class over all.

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I've always said the best fix for Elementalist is to forego the "stance dancing" concept entirely.


Still allow the Elementalist to switch attunements, and with a simple conceptual change ANet could eliminate attunement cooldowns entirely.


And that change is to purpose build each attunement. Fire would be AoE Damage, Air single target. Water is healing ONLY, while Earth is Support. Earth and Water would have ZERO offensive capability, except of course boon support. Even the auto-attacks in Water and Earth would be either ally-target only, or heal/boon generators that do zero offensive damage. Whether they be frontal cones, PBAoE or targeted AoE similar to Engy grenade kit would be dependent on weapon and role.


Each skill could then be rendered much more powerful and more in line with other professions while simultaneously being easier to fine tune and balance. You'd get no benefit from bouncing from attunement to attunement to throw out as many skills as possible, and would also no longer be penalized by switching away from a damage oriented attunement due to zero cooldowns.


So Fire would offer most of the large hitbox and trash clearing skills, Air small hitbox and boss oriented attacks. Water would be a combination of heals and breakbar skills, while Earth would be where you'd get all your boons, from Might and Stability to Alacrity and Quickness. Water would be where projectile absorb skills would be located, and Earth would have the blocks. Air could have some minor reflects to help when "dueling" bosses.


I think a more targeted approach like this would solve a LOT of the issues the Elementalist players and balance team face, and would make the class both less spammy and less reliant on overly complex rotations to achieve the same thing as basic auto-attacks on a lot of other professions.

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Ele isn't that hard to fix, but it simply needs a lillbit of love & attention. The ele community has already pointed out plenty of flaws that can be easily fixed, but they simply can't be bothered to do so. There's a reason people keep complaining about Anet's favourites. 

Last but not least the benchmark magicians are simply giving false advertisement of the ele dps. I've got no clue how to even get close to the numbers they're running but for some reason its Anet's favourite way to check their balancing. 

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3 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Ele isn't that hard to fix, but it simply needs a lillbit of love & attention. The ele community has already pointed out plenty of flaws that can be easily fixed, but they simply can't be bothered to do so. There's a reason people keep complaining about Anet's favourites. 

Last but not least the benchmark magicians are simply giving false advertisement of the ele dps. I've got no clue how to even get close to the numbers they're running but for some reason its Anet's favourite way to check their balancing. 

They seem to be rethinking that strategy.  They said something to that effect when they recently reversed course on nerfs to condi mirage.  Hopefully that will translate into action on builds that over- or under-perform in actual gameplay despite their benchmarks.  Obvious examples include mechanist overperforming and elementalist underperforming.

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Ele is good only in the hand of 0,001% of the players. Those are the ones that memorized 50+ skill rotation and can dodge/move at the same time all without looking at the skill bar. 

Its just strange Anet made the mage class which is one of the most popular, so hard to play for the majority of people. 

They buffed staff a bit for the steam release for that reason I think, instead of sit on a table and truly discuss how to make Ele a playable class at the level of others without giving us headache while playing. 

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