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[NA][PvX][WvW][PST] New(ish) player looking for a friendly home!


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Hello friends, I've been playing for maybe about a month or two now (my, how time flies) and would like to find a friendly and active guild to throw in with and make some friends to play with.


I've joined a couple of guilds already in my short time playing, but I've found that almost all of them are based around Eastern Time, which is frustrating and difficult as a PST player, since I'm usually at work or are otherwise unavailable when these guilds want to do group activities.


Right now I'm leveling up classes that seem fun, working my way through all the dungeon paths, completing story, and dipping my feet into the fractals, but I'm interested in trying out most/all types of content (except for structured PvP) and seeing what sticks. I'm no stranger to mmos in general, and I've completed some of the hardest content that those other mmos offer. I enjoy playing supportive playstyles in groups too, if needed. I also really enjoy WvW, and if you're on Sorrow's Furnace, I'd love to find a guild that does WvW that can show me the ropes.


Truly, the content itself doesn't matter to me as much as finding some great people to do the content with.

If you're pacific-time-friendly, and think I'd be a good fit, I've love to hear about your guild!

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