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[EU][RAIDS] WeHaveAName static looking for a DPS player


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We are a static that’s been raiding together for a few years (with some roster changes over time) and we are looking to recruit a DPS player for raids and strikes.


Most of us are fairly old and experienced GW2 players. Atmosphere is fairly relaxed, we talk a lot about non-game stuff during raids like food, work, jokes, movies, etc.


Monday 20:00 – 23:00 CET (we usually do 5 raid wings during this time, goal is to get as close to FC)
Wednesday 20:00 – 23:00 CET (EoD strikes CMs w/o HT, finish some raid wings from Monday)


Achieve more clears in a shorter time and start working on training HT CM


One DPS player who can play effectively at least one condi and one power class and has experience on most raid bosses and EoD strikes. We also expect you to do the mechanics normally done by DPS classes. Special roles (Q1 kite, HK, Q2 Pylon) or ability to play alac/quick are not required but nice to have.
We do not require you to reach a certain bench standard, but your dps would be expected to be at least in line with other static members on most encounters.
Someone with a positive attitude, who is open to learning and improving as a player. We also expect you to be civil towards us and other players in general and not be rude unless other players are also rude towards you.
Discord is mandatory, we expect you to listen and talk occasionally (as much as you feel comfortable).


We do like to joke around a lot and sometimes it can get a bit out of hand, you have been warned !


Contact Quantum#9048 on Discord or send an in-game mail to Quantum.5620


Thank you for reading this post and we look forward to seeing you in Tyria !

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